Selasa, 29 April 2014

Tano Sere

Why should Mandailing? 
Not Batak!

Mandailing are separate parts and not the Batak tribe ...

I You ....

Many tribes or peoples who came to and settled in Mandailing. The origins of ancestors could have come from the east, west, north, and south. But they all generally use Mandailing customary in social and cultural life, as well as in everyday life in Mandailing. The arrival of tribes and nations to Mandailling first one is to look for gold because in Mandailing known as TANO OMAS SIGUMORSING or TANO SERE (Golden Land) since the time immemorial.Then, customs and culture Mandailing real is what makes them all into the Mandailing, not due to genetic factors.

Senin, 28 April 2014

Aleon & Sere


Somewhat different from "Mandailing Godang" area, natural area "Mandailing Julu" (Upper Mandailing) cool weather, flanked by mountains that reach a height of settled some 700 meters above sea level, so that the population can only cultivate paddy fields in the legs at the edge of the mountain and along the Batang Gadis, Aek Mais, and Aek Pungkut rivers. Limitation paddy fields causing pendduk only can make rice plots are small and the stepped - stairs. Although the farmers are working hard mengrjakan his farm, but because their area sempi therefore can not provide sufficient yields food for a year.

Nonetheless, the region Upper Mandailing which turned out cool air is ideal for coffee plants introduced Dutch colonial power in the 19th century through a system of forced cultivation (culture stelsel) , especially in the area of ​​Huta Godang (Ulu Pungkut) and Pakantan. Since then coffee from ground Mandailing exported to America and Europe, so the coffee is ground Mandailing gradually became quite well known in the international world as "Mandailing Coffee". Additionally Upper Mandailing population also utilize mountain slopes to plant rubber trees, clove, and cinnamon. While the palm trees that grow naturally in the area they serve tap water to "gulo bargot" (brown sugar) which sells sold in the city of Medan . From the results of perennials that Upper Mandailing residents to earn extra income then buy rice and other necessities of life.

In the region Upper Mandailing there are many traces of gold mining, such as around Huta Godang there is a place called "Garabak Agom ni Agom" (Agom - mined the Agam-Minangkabau people). And the Dutch colonial power ever open a gold mine in Muara Sipongi. Dutch entered the area Upper Mandailing estimated 19th century dam then they set up fortifications in Sengengu and Kota Nopan. A controller in the Netherlands placed in Kota Nopan City until the Japanese occupation.

In addition, the upper reaches of the Batang Gadis river located at the foot of Gunung Kulabu (mountain) near the crossing region Mandailing start from Pakantan the South to the North and empties into the Singkuang (coastal West Coast) contains many grains of gold as well. At certain times - particularly during a famine (called "aleon") that during the perennials are like rubber, coffee, and cinnamon on the market price drops. That is why "Tano Rura" (Mandailing land) since time immemorial, also known by the nickname "Tano Omas Sigumorsing (Tano Sere) " which means "Golden Land". In Kota Nopan are still found, characterized by buildings such as the Dutch colonial ie Post Office and Guest Houses ("Pasanggerahan").

Seeing resource Mandailing so abundant, especially gold, giving rise to a desire mining companies to operate in Mandailing, one of which is PT. Sorik Mas Mining. On the website of PT . Sorik Mas Mining informed that:

"PT is an Indonesian Mining Sorikmas Gold exploration company. We have been exploring for gold and other minerals in North Sumatra since 1998. We have a Contract of Work with the Indonesian government roomates Allows us to explore for minerals over a 55,000 ha area.

Sorikmas has -identified a substantial gold deposits of approximately 1.4 million ounces and is in the process of completing a feasibility study to construct a mine to extract and process the gold . Part of the feasibility study is an environmental impact study and detailed plan for minimizing any impact on the local environment and rehabilitating any land used for mining.
When the feasibility study is complete we will apply for all required permits and when received Government will commence construction.

Sorikmas is still exploring in other areas inside its concession. As a local company we employ approximately [ 150 ] local people in Panyabungan and surrounding areas and have a comprehensive set of programs to Contribute to the local communities through various agricultural, educational and humanitarian projects. "

But the fact is the existence of a gold mining company (SMM) has given rise to  "social unrest" in Mandailing. Correspondingly, a medium in North Sumatra (Medan Business) wrote that the existence of a gold mining company (SMM) is considered not in line with Law No. 40 Year 2000 on Mineral and Coal and Presidential Decree No. 3 of 2012 on the evaluation team for a contract adjustment works and coal mining works agreement (22 April 2013). According to the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Association of Student Mandailing Natal (DPP IMA Madina) Ahmad Irwandi Nasution that study it according to the Act and the Decree, the mining investment should be in line with national development objectives, namely to improve the welfare of society . However, the presence of PT Sorikmas Mining has not kept pace with the spirit of the Act and the Decree. For example, relates the total area allowed, the ownership share (royalty), environmental conservation in protected areas, land conflicts concern, as well as the licensing authority and the period of treatment and purification (smelter) mineral grains. DPP IMA Madina already cast a work contract renegotiation request to the Minister for the Economy Hatta Radjasa with various copy both central and local levels. A number of issues related to the presence of PT Sorikmas Mining, among others, an area of ​​"Kontrak Karya" gold mine of 66,000 hectares, which is still under exploration. If until the production phase, in accordance with Article 53 of Law No. 4 of 2009 only allowed a maximum of 25,000 hectares. 

In addition, ownership of PT Sorikmas Mining 75 % and 25 % of PT Aneka Tambang is not in line with the Law on Regional Autonomy. Moreover, PT Aneka Tambang status as a government representative is no longer purely because it has gone public. Should the majority stake in PT Sorikmas released to local government in the form of Good Will Madina (in good faith), not divested shares (release through buying and selling). Because PT Sorikmas Mining is a mixture of "PMA" (Foreign Investment) and Domestic (Domestic Investment), the issuance of the IUP (Mining Permit) must involve the Regional Head (Bupati Madina). To that end, the DPP IMA Madina offers renogosiasi proposed model PT Sorikmas Mining contract work. They claim the renegotiation of the model has been based on public aspiration on Madina. For instance, should be necking area of exploration permits/operating licenses PT Sorikmas Mining production, and Regent Madina should be given the authority to issue further permits the extension of the IUP Exploration and Production Operation. Regent Madina also has the authority guidance and supervision of the implementation of the mining business management Sorikmas Mining. In addition, PT Sorikmas Mining obliged to preserve forests and prevent damage or contamination of air, soil and water from the mining industry excesses. Another important point is related to the cultivated area residents for generations. that overlap with the area of ​​the exploration license/PT Sorikmas Mining operations must be fair and equitable compensation.

In addition, some areas of the contract PT SMM is in Batang Gadis National Park (TNBG) which is a water catchment area for river Batang Gadis whose role is very important to maintain the availability of water for 360 thousand people and 34,500 hectares of rice fields (see Rmol

Previous local media Metro Siantar reported about hundreds of residents of the District Nagajuang, District Mandailing Natal (Madina), blocking "jalinsum Siramram" corner, the village of Jambur Padang Matinggi. During the action, called on the government and parliament mass Madina immediately resolve problems between residents with PT Sorikmas Mining companies, not just promises alone.

Nature has taught us wisdom, but why do we forget! The emergence of gold grains along the Batang Gadis river during "aleon" ie when the population of plantation commodities (such as rubber, coffee, cinnamon, and so on) that it drops in the market, which at the time 'aleon " it the gang population crowded "manggore" (panning for gold) in Batang Gadis river. Gold granules they get from the river Batang Gadis then little by little it is collected and sold to the market to meet the needs of their everyday lives, not to live luxuriously. Because (gold) it is the grace and help of God while the population suffered "aleon" that has occurred repeatedly since hundreds of years ago.

Gandoang. April 29, 2014.


Sumatra Mandailing coffee

Sumatra coffee Mandailing So Inspiration
“Specialty Coffee”

Seattle - Exhibition largest specialty coffee in the United States, the Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) 26th, officially started last Thursday (24/04/2014) at the Washington Convention Center, Seattle,USA.
Originator of the term 's first specialty coffe Erna Knutsen told thousands of attendees and buyers SCAA exhibition that Mandailing Sumatra coffee is her favorite coffee. Erna Knutsen was the recipient of "Life Achievement Award" from the SCAA on the opening night.
According to the Commercial Attaché Washington D.C. Ni Made AyuMarthini, Mandailing Sumatra coffee is a source of inspiration for Erna Knutsen when the trigger specialty coffee. For the coffee world, Erna Knutsen is a legendary figure and founder of Knutsen Coffee Ltd.  
The 92-year-old woman introduces terminology first specialty coffee in 1974 at the Tea and Coffee Trade Journal ( . "It is appropriate specialty coffee Indonesia received more attention in the international coffee world, " Made said in a press release. 
Representatives of the Specialty Coffee Association of Indonesia (SCAI) Syafrudin said Indonesian specialty coffee has its own uniqueness. For example, the traditional processing method known as 'wet hulling' ( wet milling ) which makes the bluish color of Indonesian coffee beans. Then Indonesian specialty coffee is also rich in flavor. 
"Each region has a characteristic taste, like the taste of fruits, chocolate, tobacco, and a sense of acidity also varied as the taste of wine and butter, " he said. 
He added that Indonesia has a variety of specialty coffee that most of the world with high quality . "At least Indonesia has six variations of specialty coffee seeds, " he said. 
Remarkable Indonesia pavilion this time presenting at least 34 types of specialty coffee from 6 islands, namely Sumatra, Java, Bali, Sulawesi, Flores, and Papua. Local coffee graced the exhibition among which is the Arabica Sumatra Gayo Atu Lintang, Takengon-Aceh, Papua and Java Arabica, Arabica Wamena Blawan PTPN XII. 
Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA ) is the largest association of specialty coffee in the U.S. and even in the world which has nearly 3,000 member companies . SCAA was first stablished in 1982 by a group of coffee experts.


Rabu, 23 April 2014

Tano Doli



Mandailing people call "Tanah Deli" as "Tano Doli". Mandailing people pretty much who migrated to the "Tano Doli" to get a better life than back home ("Tano Sere") and it has continued since hundreds of years ago to the present, therefore, we need not wonder why people Mandailing occupy certain areas in the city of Medan and surrounding areas (encapsulation) as Glugur, Bandar Selamat (Kobun Pisang), Tembung, Sungai Mati, and so on.

According to Basyral Hamidi Harahap (2013), that "Tanah Deli" or "Tano Doli" is now more popular with "Medan", is the main shoreline areas Mandailing and Angkola community. The early immigrants Mandailing and Angkola performing in Medan as teachers, religious teachers, clerks, 'kadhi' or merchants. Intermingling them with no trouble Malay community, especially because of similarities of religion (Moslem). Their descendants coupled with migrants continued to arrive since the late nineteenth century has formed a separate community in Medan. Their relationship is close to the Malay feudal put them in a respectable position in the society. Many of those who became religious officials empire. One proof of their presence in the field is the existence of several township people Mandailing and Land Endowments Mandailing "Sungai Mati", not far from the Grand Mosque of Medan and environmental Maimoon palace.
Tuanku Tambusai (Hamonangan Harahap?) trip who fought against the Netherlands through the mountains of the "Bukit Barisan" (Mandailing, Angkola, Padang Lawas and Kota Pinang), according to Usman Pelly (1994), later seen most important people in the history of the migration of Mandailing. Path of the nomads were then used as the first track to the East Sumatra. The second wave of migration occurred Mandailing in large numbers in the 1840s. When it unopened plantations in East Sumatra. Since the migration of people Mandailing continues.

Immigrants are more and more with different educational backgrounds and professional association formed in 1982 called South Tapanuli Family Association (HIMKATAPSEL). The Society plays an important role in raising the dignity of the Mandailing and Angkola, such as the committee proposing Hamonangan Harahap or Tuanku Tambusai become a "National Hero" in 1995. Done the same thing this association in February 1998 as a proposer in order to Haji Adam Malik Batubara set to become a "National Hero". The articles of association of this association is made ​​by Ny. Sartutiyasmi Agoeng Iskandar, SH, Notary in Medan on Saturday June 12, 1982. Mandailing and Angkola how people manage an association. In this case, if listened earnestly, appear awareness to avert conflict. In the early part of the initial budget contained a declaration that contains a description of the philosophy of the formation of the society. HIMKATAPSEL also showed no activity on an ongoing basis to carry out the task of achieving the objectives that were outlined in the constitution and bylaws . Its staff almost unchanged for 16 years since it was founded in 1982. Program works abandoned , moreover many of the managers of the elderly or die (Basyral Hamidi Harahap, 2004).

Mission wander culture Mandailing community (called "mangaranto") have formed an association/organization founded by the nomads of Mandailing. They established a fraternal association Faithful Mandailing in 1917, then the association "Persatoean Mandailing" born in the early 1930s aimed at strengthening the unity of the people Mandailing (Daniel Perret, 2010). Society is especially assigned to study the formation of Tapanuli Groepsgemeenschap as planned by the Government. The establishment of this organization is to raise public awareness Mandailing to begin construction of the base or of themselves. It also aims to welcome newcomers in meetings. In the meetings, conducted debate on Mandailing and culture. How can people who are in overseas Mandailing participate and become a motivator of development in the region.

Regarding the problems facing society organizations and Mandailing, not a light job. Required steel-minded leaders , persistent , patient and thoughtful. Besides, it must be able to accommodate the aspirations of its members. These things are very important provision means if we want to lead the Mandailing community. This can be said for society generally shaped Mandailing "STM" (union helping each) were only engaged in the study and misfortune. Mandailing society requires an institution to be able to unite all the people Mandailing. Then formed an organization called the HIKMA (Association of Large Families Mandailing). Hikma formed on June 21, 1986, at the Education Foundation Mandala Nusantara, Pertina Street No. 1 Denai, District Medan Denai, North Summatra. As a pioneer founder of HIKMA can mention some traditional leaders, religious, community and scholars, such as: Mangaraja Lelo Lubis, Z. Pangaduan Lubis, Marwan Fawzi Lubis, David Drs. David Asnan Daimunthe, Drs. Samuel H. Lubis, H.M.Y. Effendy Nasution, and Luqman Lubis (my grandfather). At that time H.M.Y. Effendy Nasution as Chairman in North Sumatra.


Formerly called the "Tanah Deli" ranging from "Sungai Ular" (Deli Serdang) to the "Sungai Wampu" in Langkat, while the "Sultan Deli" in power at that time was not his domain covers the area between the two rivers. Overall the type of soil in the Deli area consists of clay, sand, soil mix, black soil, brown soil and red soil. This is a study of Van Hissink in 1900, followed by Vriens study in 1910 that in addition to the type of soil like that found there was more specific types of clay. This clay during the Dutch colonial place called "Bakaran Batu" (now the "Medan Tenggara" or "Menteng") is where people burn high quality brick and one brick factory at that time was "Klei Deli".

According to Volker in 1860 that the field is still a jungle, and here and there, especially in estuaries interspersed settlements of people from the Karo and the Malay peninsula. In 1863 the Dutch began to open a tobacco plantation in Deli which was the star "Tano Doli". Since then the economy continues to grow so that field into the center of town government and the economy in North Sumatra.

At the beginning of its development is a small village named "Medan Putri". The development of "Medan Putri" village is inseparable from its strategic position because it is located at the confluence of Deli and Babura rivers, not far from the "Putri Hijau" now. Both of these rivers is the ancient trade traffic quite crowded, thus "Medan Putri" village which is the forerunner of Medan, quickly developed into a very important transit port.

More and more people come to this village and the wife of "Guru Patimpus" (Karo ethnic) who founded the village gave birth to her first field man and named "Si Kolok". Livelihood of people in the "Kampung Medan" which they called the "Si Dua Puluh Kuta" is a pepper plant farming. Not long after the second child was born the son of Master Patimpus and even this man named "Si Kecik".

In his day Guru Patimpus are someone who were thinking ahead. This is proven by having her sit (to study) read the Qur'an to "Datuk Kota Bangun" and then deepen about Islam to Aceh. Statement affirming that the existence of "Kampung Medan" is a description H. Mohammad Said, quoting through "Deli: In Woord en Blleed" books written by N. ten Cate . The statement said that long ago "Kampung Medan". This is a castle and the rest are still there consists of two layers of wall-shaped roundabout in the meeting contained between two rivers namely Deli and Babura rivers. Administrates the house is located across the river from the village of Medan. If we see that the location of Kampung Medan is in the House and the Citadel now administrates the office PTP IX is present Deli Tobacco.

Around the year 1612 after two decades standing "Kampung Medan", Sultan Iskandar Muda in Aceh Sultanate ruling sends Its commander named "Gocah Pahlawan" is the title of Admiral Horse Bintan to become a leader in representing the kingdom of Aceh in "Tanah Deli". "Gocah Pahlawan" commander opening new land in "Sungai Lalang", Percut Sei Tuan. As Mayor and Deputy Sultan of Aceh and Aceh empire by utilizing oversized, "Gocah Pahlawan" managed to expand his territory, thus covering District "Percut Sei Tuan" and the District of "Medan Deli" now. He also founded the villages of Klarus Mountain, Sampali, Kota Bangun, Pulo Brayan, Kota Jawa, Kota Rengas Percut and Sigara-gara.

With the emergence of "Gocah Pahlawan" start growing kingdom "Gocah Deli" and in 1632 married the daughter of "Datuk Pahlawan Sunggal" titled "Sri Indra BaiduzzamanSurbakti" (Karo ethnic). After the marriage of the kings of the "Kampung Medan", Gocah gave up on Heroes. "Gocah Pahlawan" died in 1653 and was succeeded by his son "Tuangku Panglima Perunggit", who then proclaimed the independence of the Sultanate of Deli in 1669, with its capital in Labuan, about 20 km from Medan.

During the Dutch who colonized the archipelago colonialism approximately three and a half centuries yet to master the "Tanah Deli" them very much under challenge is not small. They experienced the war in Java with "Pangeran Diponegoro" around the years 1825-1830. The Netherlands is very much a loss while to master Sumatra, Dutch also fought against Aceh, Minangkabau, and Sisingamangaraja XII in North Tapanuli. So to master the Dutch Deli Land only about 78 years from 1864 to 1942 . Javanese After the war ended then Governor-General Johannes van denBosch Dutch deploy troops to Sumatra and he expected to dominate the overall Sumatra takes 25 years. Dutch conquest over Sumatra stopped halfway because the Dutch Colonies Minister Jean Chrétien Baud then send back the Dutch in Sumatra, although they have beaten Minangkabau known as Padri War (1821-1837).

SultanIsmail ruling in Riau suddenly attacked by a mob boss named juicer with Adam Wilson. Because at that time the Sultan Ismail limited powers seek refuge in the Netherlands. Since that time there is an opportunity for the Dutch to dominate the Sultanate of Siak Sri Indrapura the king was Sultan Ismail. On February 1, 1858 Sultan Ismail urged the Netherlands to sign the agreement so that the regions conquered the kingdom of Siak Sri Indrapura including Deli, Langkat and Serdang in East Sumatra incoming Dutch rule. Because the region has entered the Dutch power Deli outomaticly "Kampung Medan" became the Dutch colony, but the physical presence of the Dutch yet mastered "Tanah Deli".

In 1858 Elisa Netscher was also appointed as the Resident of Riau region and since then he has made ​​himself into a defender of the ruling Sultan Ismail in Siak kingdom. Netscher's purpose is to seat him as the defender of the Sultan Ismail politically easier for Netscher will certainly mastered the Siak Sultanate conquered territories that included "Medan Putri-Kampung Deli".

Tobacco plantation in Medan did not experience rapid growth until the 1860s, when the Dutch authorities began to free the land for tobacco plantations. JacobNienhuys, Van der Falk, and Elliot, a Dutch tobacco traders pioneered the opening of the tobacco plantation in "Tanah Deli". Previously Nienhuys tobacco business in Java, Deli moved to Surabaya invited to an Arab named Abdullah Said Bilsagih, brother brother in law of Sultan Deli, Sultan Mahmud Perkasa Alam. Nienhuys first tobacco farm on land owned by the Sultan of Deli of 4000 in the Cape Shoulder Spassi, near Labuan. March 1864, the tobacco example Nienhuys send their crops to Rotterdam, Netherlands to test its quality. Apparently, the tobacco leaves are considered of high quality material for cigars. Melambunglah name Deli in Europe as a producer of the best cigar wrappers.

As written by Tengku Luckman Sinar in his book, explained that "the plantation coolies Chinese people generally imported from Java, China, Singapore, or Malaysia. "Dutch treat those Karo and Malays are lazy and can not resist making used as a coolie".

The rapid development of "Kampung Medan Putri", can not be separated from the tobacco plantations that are very famous for Deli tobacco, which is the best tobacco for cigar wrappers. In 1863, the Sultan of Deli gave to Jacob Nienhuys, Van der Falk and Elliot from the firm Van Keeuwen en Mainz & Co., the land area of ​​4,000 shoulder (shoulder 1 = 0.74 ha ) is erfpacht 20 years in Cape Sepassi, near Labuan. Example Deli tobacco. March 1864, the harvest sample was sent to Rotterdam in the Netherlands, to test its quality. It turned out that the tobacco leaf is very good and high quality for wrapping cigars.

Dutch tobacco treaty signed by the Sultan of Deli in 1865. Interval of two years, Nienhuys with Jannsen, PW Clemen, and founded the company De Cremer Deli Maatschappij abbreviated Deli Mij in Labuan. In 1869, the headquarters moved Nienhuys Deli Mij from "Labuan" to "Kampung Medan". The new office was built on the riverbank Deli, precisely in office PTPN II (ex PTPN IX ) now. With the transfer of the office, Medan quickly became a center of government and commerce activities, as well as being the most dominate developments in western Indonesia. The rapid development of the economy change Deli into a trading center by the nickname mahsyur het land aka land of dollars of money. They then opened a new plantation in the area "Martubung", Sunggal in 1869, as well as Rice and Klumpang rivers in 1875.

Later in 1866, Jannsen, P.W. Clemen, Cremer and Deli Maatschappij Nienhuys set up in Labuan. Then the expansion of new plantations in areas "Martubung", Sunggal (1869), Rice and Klumpang River (1875), the total amount to 22 plantation companies in 1874. Given the tobacco trade is already very broad and evolving, Nienhuys move its offices from Labuan to "Kampung Medan Putri". Thus the "Kampung Medan Putri" is becoming increasingly crowded and further develop the name better known as "Medan".

Field Developments daughter into the trade center had pushed into the center of government. In 1879, the capital was moved from Resident Assistant Deli Labuan to Medan, March 1, 1887, Resident of East Sumatra capital of Bengkalis also moved to Medan, Deli Sultanate Palace which was originally located in Kampung Bahari (Labuan) also moved with the completion of construction on the 18th Maimoon May 1891, and thus the Capital Deli has officially moved to Medan.

In 1915 East Sumatra Residency improved his position became Gubernemen . In 1918 Medan officially became the Gemeente (Township) with Mayor Daniel Baron Mackay. Based on the "Acte van Schenking" (Deed of Grant) No. 97 Notary JM de - Hondt Junior, dated November 30, 1918, the Sultan of Deli handed over to the city of Medan Medan Gemeente, thus officially became the territory under direct rule of the Dutch East Indies. In the early days of this township, Medan is still composed of four villages, namely "Kampung Kesawan", "Kampung Sungai Rengas", "Kampung Petisah Hulu" and "Kampung Petisah Hilir".

In 1918 the population was recorded as 43,826 souls field consisting of 409 European men, Indonesia 35 009 people , 8,269 people of China and other Orientals 139 people. Since then the city of Medan growing more rapidly. Various facilities are built. Some of these include the Office of Experiment Stations AVROS in Kampung Baru (1919), now RISPA, Railroad ties "Pangkalan Brandan-Besitang" (1919), the American Consulate (1919), School Teacher Indonesia on H.M. Yamin street is now (1923), Weekly Soematra (1924), Association of Pool Field (1924), Central Market, Elizabeth Hospital Eye Clinic and Sports Field Flower (1929). Historically the development of Medan, since its inception has been positioned at the center of trade (export-import) since past. Market field as Deli also has made it the capital of Medan developed into the central government. To date on the side is one of the areas of the city, also serves as the capital of North Sumatra Province.

Continues to Jepang colonization period, ending in 1942 the Dutch colonization in Sumatra when the Japanese landed in several areas such as Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Sumatra in Japan landed in East Sumatra. Japanese troops landed in Sumatra XXV is soldiers based in Shōnantō better known by the name of Singapore, precisely their 11th night landing March 12, 1942. Forces consists of Raj Guard Division 2nd Division plus - 18 led by Letjend. Nishimura. There are four landing sites is that they Sabang, Ulele, Kuala Bugak (near "Peureulak", East Aceh now) and "Tanjung Tiram" (Coal region now).

Japanese troops landed in the area of ​​"Tanjung Tiram" here that goes to the city of Medan, they ride bikes they buy from the people around him in barter. Their slogan that they help Asians because they are old brother Asians so they dieluelukan welcomed his arrival.

When the transfer of power to the Japanese city of Medan Dutch chaotic, indigenous people use this opportunity to take revenge against the Netherlands. This situation immediately disciplined by the Japanese army to deploy troops named Kempeitai (Japanese Military Police). With the entry of Japan in the city of Medan circumstances soon changed its civilian government, especially the Dutch period referred to by the Japanese gemeentebestuur transformed into Sico Field (Municipal Government). Civil administration who served in Medan when Township level until the end of Japanese rule named Hoyasakhi. For the level of residency in East Sumatra as heterogeneous society called Syucokan that when it is held by T.Nakashima, Resident maid called Gunseibu.

Japanese occupation more rampant in Medan they make people more destitute, due to the conditions so they are more easily mastered by the entire archipelago, just a motto motto old brother alone. East of the city of Medan Kengrohositai Marindal now built a kind of collective farms. In the area of "Titi Kuning" (Medan Johor) now not far from the airfield Polonia now they are building a Japanese fighter airstrip.

By the year 1945, everywhere resonates throughout Indonesia as well as in the preparation Proclamation Medan modern youth leaders perform a variety of preparations. They heard that the atomic bomb had fallen struck Hiroshima City, Japan means the power has been paralysis. While the desire to return to the allied forces occupied Indonesia.

Especially in the city of Medan and surrounding areas, when authorities realized his defeat Japan immediately cease all their activities, especially those related to youth development and deployment. What they had been doing to recruit youths as Heiho mass, Romusha, Gyu Gun and Talapeta they disband or return to the community. The activity formally dissolved on August 20, 1945 as the day it was also the ruler of Japan in East Sumatra called Tetsuzo Nakashima announced the defeat of Japan. He also said that the task they dibekas occupation forces to maintain the status quo before handed over to the allied forces. Most of the members of the former army Heiho, Romusha, Talapeta and exercise Gyu Gun feel confused because they squeezed the life in which they are given only a limited pocket money, so they look uniform passing by with chocolate in the middle of the city.

Some youth leaders see it as taking the initiative to mitigate them. Especially the former officers whom Gyu Gun Lt. Achmad Tahir set up a committee to deal with the former Heiho , Romusha the family/relatives do not exist in the city of Medan. The committee named the "Helper Unemployment Committee Ex- Gyu Gun" based on 17 street palaces (now "Gedung Pemuda").

Dated August 17, 1945 the echo of independence has got to Medan city even though with somewhat stilted because of the circumstances at the time the communication is very simple. Japanese News "Domei" already exists in the field, but their representatives do not want to broadcast the news of independence, as a result people confused. A small group of allied soldiers rather dated 1 September 1945 led by Lieutenant Seaman Brondgeest I arrived in the city of Medan and is based at the "Hotel De Boer" (now "Hotel Dharma Deli"). His job is to prepare the takeover of the Japanese. At that time also the Dutch army led by Westerling, accompanied by allied liaison officers named Major and Lieutenant Brondgeest Yacobs successfully established the Dutch police to the area of East Sumatra members drawn from ex-KNIL and Japanese police pro-Dutch.

Finally the tortuous journey of the youth held a variety of actions that must be enforced anyway independence in Indonesia as well as in the city of Medan which is a part. They are Ahmad Tahir, Amir Bachrum Nasution, Edisaputra, Rustam Efendy, Ghazali Ibrahim, Roos Lila, A. Malik Munir, Bahrum Djamil, Marzuki Lubis and Muhammad Kasim Jusni.

In 1998 , from May 4 to 7, Medan major riots hit that became the starting point of the great riots ensued throughout Indonesia, including the May 1998 events in Jakarta a week later. In the unrest associated with the movement of "Reform", the arson attacks, vandalism, and looting which can not be stopped by security forces.


Today, the city of Medan has beamed back. Construction of public facilities and infrastructure intensively conducted. Although the number of roads were damaged, holes are still there, but when compared to previously, has been greatly decreased. Classic problem faced by modern cities such as Medan is the bottleneck due to the rapidly increasing number of vehicles in a matter of months, not able to be offset by an increase of adequate roads (see: Harvina, 2012). 

Historically anyway, Medan is an icon, a symbol, and index Malay culture, which was opened by Guru Patimpus. The position of the Deli Sultanate palace is also located in the city of Medan. Then there are the various characteristics of Malay culture in Medan, such as the Grand Mosque AlManshoon, arches, hotel, restaurant, and home type of Malay architecture, and so on. Malay identity Medan is also one of the elements that must be considered in the context of a heterogeneous society's culture field. Similarly, as an icon of Betawi culture of Jakarta and the Betawi ethnic as ethnic host. Pattern formation of such a culture, which is between maintaining ethnic identity and inter-cultural integration in a heterogeneous community, can also be seen from the arts produced by people of Medan. For example, in the Malay performing arts ronggeng North Sumatra, the "peronggeng" there are ethnic 'native Malay', some are Java, Banjar, Minangkabau, even Chinese and Tamil ("Keling") ethnics. The songs were used as well aside from Malay songs are also songs from other ethnic musical culture like of Karo, Toba Batak, Acehnese, Minangkabau, Javanese, Sundanese, Banjar, and others. Therefore, according to the author, "Ronggeng" Malay art is an example of art that contains the values ​​of integration between different ethnic groups, which also contains elements of multicultural. Not only in the Malay art, multicultural values ​​were expressed. In the Batak Toba culture, for example, in the genre of brass (brass band) in addition to using lagulagu Toba Batak traditions, the penyajianya also use Malay songs like Glance, "Serampang Dua Belas", which then created a new editorial and characteristic of Toba Batak.

All of the art creation process go naturally, dialogue, creative, and as an expression of mutual respect. This is consistent with the concept that the state of our unity in diversity (different though but still one too). Also supported by the teachings of the religion professed people of Medan. Islam teaches about the differences that are created by God. In the Christian gospel was contained inculturation process that reflects the differences in the context of the universality of religion. Unitary Republic of Indonesia was to establish a culture that encourages heteogen in order of national unity. In this context, as a major city of Medan in Indonesia reflects the miniature archipelago in the western region (see: M. Takari, 2008).

The term is used by the native Malay Malay people in North Sumatra whose meaning refers to the Malays whose parents are bloody or Malay descent . The second category are those who regard themselves and be regarded as a Malay , because of the marriage with the native Malay groups. Genealogically they are ethnics descent throughout the archipelago. The second is the group of Malay commonly called by marriage . Furthermore, the third group is the "Malays seresam". They are genealogically derived from ethnics Malay archipelago and are not bound by the marriage with the native Malay descent, but they claim to be Malay , recognized by others as Melay, and apply the Malay culture in their lives ( see further Tengku Thyrhaya Zein Sinar, 2010) .

All of the art creation process go naturally, dialogue, creative, and as an expression of mutual respect. This is consistent with the concept that the state of our unity in diversity ( different though but still one too ). Also supported by the teachings of the religion professed people of Medan. Islam teaches about the differences that are created by God. In the Christian gospel was contained inculturation process that reflects the differences in the context of the universality of religion . Unitary State of the RepublicIndonesia also advocated to form heteogen culture in order national unity. In this context, the field as a big city Indonesia reflects the miniature archipelago in the western region (see: M. Takari, 2008).


After leaving school in Java (Jakarta), I went home to Sumatra. Not to "Tano Sere"  (Mandailing), but to the "Tano Doli", precisely to the city of Medan. As in "Tano Doli", I 'live aboard' in some of the houses the family, sometimes I'm in the house of my mother's sister (called 'tuok') in the "Kota Lemang" ie Tebing Tingggi, roomates is located not far from the city of Medan, sometimes in brother of my father's house (called 'bou') in "Simpang Limun", or at my sister's house Astuti Nasution who have a family and settle in Bandar Selamat (Kobun Pisang). That's more or less my live leads during the half year. When there is acceptance of the 'new student' in the University of North Sumatra (USU), I'm applying and testing involved.

Thank God (Allah Swt), I received widened though for USU students 'third option' ie Ethnomusicology Department at the Faculty of Letters. This is where I became acquainted with writers and anthropologists Z. Pangaduan Lubis, also with friends compatriot from Mandailing Julu include Zulkif B. Lubis, Bakhsan Parinduri, and Ahmad Sahnan Matondang who had previously studied at USU. Then, I was invited by "Pak Pangaduan" (Z. Pangaduan Lubis) to join friends from Mandailing in a 'regional organization' called YAPEBUMA (foundation for cultural assessment Mandailing). There we discuss the problem of Mandailing culture endangered and trying to preserve it with a variety of real action. 

In addition we often 'return homeland' to examine various cultures Mandailing the which is almost extinct, we also blunt the funds to be able to revive art and culture in the midst Mandailing community itself. For that we successfully organized "Pergalanggangan Ni Uning-Uningan Mandailing' ('Mandailing Arts Festival') to hold a variety of traditional arts such as performing arts 'Gordang Sambilan' (drum chime), 'Naposo Nauli Bulung Tortor' (dance), 'Uyup-uyup' (aerophone), 'Ende' (folk song), 'Turi-turian' (saga), 'Ende-ende' (poem), 'etek' (idiophone) and so on in the capital District of Siabu, Panyabungan, Kotanopan, and Muara Sipongi.

After completing education 'undergraduate' (S-1) in the Department of Ethnomusicology USU in 1994 with the title essay "Tulila: Music in the Tradition 'Markusip' in Mandailing", about a year since I served in the alma mater as an assistant of Muhammad Takari lecture for the course "Research & Methods in Ethnomusicology" and "Musicology of North Sumatra", especially music traditionally Mandailing. In 2007, a publication called Areca Books, Penang-Malaysia, my essay was published in book form, and reviewed by Lawrence Ross (2013).

Of course, I spent much of my youth in the city of Medan, especially as an undergraduate at Ethnomusicology course of USU nearly ten years. In the middle of the night after a long study at home ('boarding house'), usually I go to the roadside stalls to relax for a moment while drinking a glass of "Bandrek Susu" and a plate of "Mie Aceh" my favorite in PattimuraStreet - Padang Bulan. Occasionally, I visited the home of her sister ('tuok') in "Kampung Durian" - Tebing Tinggi, and in the "Kota Lemang" it I do not forget to enjoy the "Mie Sop" plus snacks trademark is "Sate Kerang" in "Tanah Lapang" as "downtown" of Tebing Tinggi...delecious and savory, bro! Journey from Medan City to Tebing Tinggi about 1 hour old by car or public bus.

Gandoang. April 24, 2014.


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