Kamis, 24 Juli 2014

Mandailing & Batak

A piece of the story about 
Mandailing and Batak 

Hundreds of years ago which is around the sixth century, the people of South India and Central India have been driven out by the Aryan conquerors mighty nation. They migrate across the Himalayas to Burma and then down to the Malay Peninsula-Land and finally after crossing the Strait of Melaka where they established settlements around Batang Pane, Regional Labuhan. Kingdom they called Munda Holing ie the Keling Kingdom from Munda

Gradually the kingdom is growing with his prime so it can expand the entire colony to shore up the Strait of Melaka to Singgora/Patani. They have established a very beautiful temple and a large temple that is now called Portibi. The kingdom was also recognized as the Portibi Kingdom

In the ninth century, the kingdom which has received the attention of illustrious kingdom of South India. The expansion has been power put about Maharaja Rajenderacola of South India. Finally Maharaja Rajenderasola have attacked the Portibi kingdom in the early ninth century. 

Once there, follow the story when Maharaja Rajenderasola attacking the Portibi kingdom Majesty has been challenged by Mandala Holing a son named Raja Odap-Odap. Length or duration of wars it takes a period of more than seven years up until Maharaja Rajenderacola victorious. Raja Odap-Odap killed in Padang Lawas had wandered aimlessly without a purpose. 

Hatta, the story of the royal Portibi also applies during battle with Maharaja Rajenderacola, fiance of Raja Odap-Odap named Boru Deakparujar has received an order so as to leave the Portibi Kingdom because Gods Kingdom is no longer different with them. Then Princess Deakparujar it was collecting and holding his ground Portibi and went towards the sun rises. They were forced to climb a high mountain, called by them Dolok Malea sempena Himalayas name that has been crossed by their ancestors in the sixth century. 

Finally, after they have Dolok Malea down up in one area fertile but surrounded by hills 'bakau'. They have established a new settlement for the people of the Munda Holing. Where the settlement was then called Pidoli now divided two: Pidoli Dolok and Pidoli Lombang. Princess Deakparujar appointed to rule the Kingdom of Mandala Holing people Rivet region. 

Pidoli kingdom has been established with the prime and progressing forward. Many of the merchants who stopped and trade in the country to which to which renowned. 

The story will also Boru Deakparujar fiance who had wandered in Padang Lawas, Raja Odap-Odap finally came in Pidoli was ruled by Boru Deakparujar. In the circumstances it is not camping cumpang one country boy who would know they are kings. Anyway period of separation so long for seventeen years respectively surely have changed. Raja Odap-Odap was taken to Puteri Deakparujar to get a hold of jobs for life. Indigenous people facing yore when kings, it's let crawl into the presence Singgahsana bowed down at the feet of the king. With the situation that cumpang camping with animal skin clothing that still has not disposed of its tail it provide picture that Raja Odap-Odap the situation like a lizard crawling. 

King Odap-Odap accepted to work in the stables because of his ability to maintain Puteri Deakparujar horse. One day Miss Deakparujar has been awarded a very ferocious stallion to have no one to tame it, while the Princess wanted to ride him. After many pastors mencuba horses to tame it but it failed as well. So one day the King Odap-Odap was asked by the Princess in order to tame the horse. 

So also the Raja Odap-Odap bowed his head toward the horse after his head rubbed. Raja Odap-Odap was riding a horse with good. All present amazement and astonished. Seeing Raja Odap-Odap have managed to tame the wild horse Puteri Deakparujar was very excited and furnishing Raja Odap-Odap with fine clothes after shower. Once ready to wear good clothes then brought facing the Princess. Her Royal Highness was surprised when seeing the face of the Raja Odap-Odap like face his fiancee. Almost most discussions with the Princess fainting if not rapidly assisted by her ladies. 

Following the customary servant is not justified at the face of the king, the state is not known by the Raja Odap-Odap, the Princess (Puteri Deakparujar) asked looked up to stare at the face of the king. Both very shocked and surprised because they are presumed not to meet in such circumstances. In fact, both of them already know each other and their cry. Stirred up the whole palace in Pidoli stated bahawa shepherd king's horse is actually the son Munda Holing lost for so long. 

State sad into happy and the king's second son was married to the most festive event for forty days and forty nights. Both were ruled Kingdom of Mandala Holing up in the Pidoli. But once the goods have been determined by Boru Deakparujar not been prevented by the Raja Odap-Odap, so respect the king will host the daughter who was his host. 

Sixth descendant of Boru Deakparujar and Raja Odap-Odap, one of them named Datu Dandana Debata. He was a lot of the magic and become Datu/Pawang in the king's court at that time. Her son is the seventh generation of Boru Deakparujar named Siraja Batak. He also like his father is very reliable and high inner science. By Mandala Holing his deep community of Indian origin who practice the caste system then it is forbidden royal blood mingled with the blood of slaves. Abstinence was very hard in those days. 

Destined by the Gods Kingdom, the chairman for all hambasahaya namely Datu Ompung Dolom sitting in Sopo Godang but may not speak except to accept work, have a daughter who is very beautiful. Although it has been prevented but Siraja Batak still in his stance for Datu ompung Dolom intercourse with the child, until it contains. When the news was known by Raja-Raja Batak capture command was issued. But so no one can capture the magic Raja Batak, even many commander who became victims in their efforts to capture the Raja Batak

Having exhausted the effort to capture the Batak king ie Datu Dandana Debata was called the king to wash charcoal in advance. When the king earnestly requested that Raja Batak discarded then Datu Dandana Debata worship to the King: 

"...Forgive me my lord thousands mercy, please forgiven worship servant, Raja Batak it will not be there anybody who should kill him. Servant has been down all her knowledge and deception warfare. Anyway we must not drip blood of kings in 'tano handur, tano malambut, tano hulambu jati, paddock tano bakkil Mandailaing, tano si ogung-ogung. Siian ima dalan tu ginjang, partuatan ni omputa, Debata suhut na tolu, tolu sulu na, na Opat harajaon, tu banua tonga on... ".

King was silent, then promised not to kill the King of Batak or drip blood. After receiving the recognition that his son would be killed the Datu Dandana Debata was sent iaitu making nets three colors white, red and black colors become customary and sacred so today. If nets with three colors that are ready then Datu Dandana Debata climbed to the top of the tube and then he asked her to call the King of Batak people out playing in the yard arms. Once Raja Batak out to her father's home page was down the nets last three colors terperangkaplah Raja Batak and gugurlah all his power. 

Since then it all Bagas Godang/Palace of the King in Mandailaing inducted up at the end of the roof of his house, so that no one is allowed to cast their nets on the top. 

When later confronted Raja Batak in the custom session then he will be punished with the exhaust all the house of Datu ompung Dolom. In these last days it is called: 

"Hee .... you Siraja Batak fuck off/go ye of Mandailaing Land this as ignoble, people who do not know the customs, people who gnarly / bundle and the lower rough and dignity ..... You banished to an island located on top of a mountain surrounded by water in arid lands that no fertile plants were isolated from human and animal vision .... If there are descendants let him launch his name by calling Si ..... as ignoble of low dignity ..... should not you wear jewelry in the metal bead exception rather than the sign of the descendants of the person you lost .... should not you leave the island for seven offspring you, if there is a later founded the village in the ground grow up, let surrounded by bamboo groves so obvious that you are a descendant of the infamous... ".

That's about curse to Siraja Batak and his descendants for 7 (seven) generations. They have been separated from the view of man and beast, for seven offspring as opposed to custom errors and kings. 

By his deep Siraja Batak disposed of with the entire family of Datu Ompung Dolom who is the chairman of all maid at that time, then the terms fizikal very subtle differences between the Mandailing and Batak. Batak people are usually short, curly hair and bumps his head back. While the original Mandailaing rather tall and straight, curly hair straight  reddish white or yellow and white. 

Although the origin of the Batak people of the Mandailing Land but their position is actually a descendant of Datu Ompung Dolom which is a low caste who became his maid  in Mandala Holing ie Pidoli except that Siraja Batak only Mandailaing original elements. Therefore it is clear that Mandailing people are not Batak although Batak the origin of the Land Mandailaing. 

Siraja Batak the seventh from the Boru Deakparujar last discarded and sworn to seven offspring, because the Batak people always adhered to the number seven as a powerful and sacred figures, while the number nine Mandailaing considered as the king figures. 

It has been quite a lot said by various people about the Batak and Mandailaing. For example 'Batak Mandailing' term. Batak divided five sections namely Batak Toba, Batak Karo, Batak Simelungun, Batak Pakpak and Batak Mandailaing. Modality like this has caused a lot of people wrong. And some say that it originated from Toba Mandailaing then go wander into Mandailaing areas. 

The logic in the migration of human beings is never intangible of the mountain and then down into the valley. Usually migration mankind originated from the upstream river and up into the valley and up the mountain. Valley region is the source of all life both on land, in rivers or the sea. 

Transportation also is through the mouth of the river to the sea. Those who inhabit the highlands or mountain is composed rather than those who "lost the war" or people who were expelled from the indigenous peoples civilization. 

In the thirteenth century Java saga no record about Majapahit armies to attack Lamury and Mandailaing but at that time "Batak name" is not recorded at all. Clearly it is far that Mandailaing underlayer and known at that time. 

Tonggo-tonggo Siboru Deakparujar still recited in any small or large ceremony at the Batak people. Tongo-tonggo states that way to heaven, and the outings ancestors Batak people is in Mandailing. Thus means they acknowledge that their origins (Batak) come from the Mandailaing Land! So it is quite clear that Mandailaing earlier and earlier there before the Batak people. So lately the notion that people are Batak Mandailaing is not logical. 

The role of the Batak began to appear after their embracing Christianity in the Dutch colonial era in Indonesia. Because they are Christians while the Mandailaing Muslim majority, so the Batak people have been given a special place in the kingdom of the Netherlands in Indonesia civilizaion. Eventually they are by and large master civilization progress, and they later became famous. On this basis so that the position of the Batak people become strong and dominant, while tribal Mandailaing that when it is a nation of high civilization and dignity and like a "sink" for granted. 

Islamic influence is so strong among Mandailaing are by and large have also been eliminated and the cultural identity posts Mandailaing people. Finally it is no longer an important legacy to the Mandailaing, while in Toba everything maintained. 

Lineage or torombo Kings Mandailaing same no of highways Nasution or none Lubis show that they came from Toba, on the contrary they are derived from the Minangkabau and Bugis. 

The use of words Siraja Batak, if the base coupled with the word 'Si' then he shows the status and dignity of the low. In archaeological terms if someone was of noble descent It uses base calls 'Si' eg the Sapurba, Sang Adika, Sang Nila Utama and so on. In this connection, the animals were stout, also called the tiger, the crocodile, the Ancient/Elephant, but the small and weak animals are called Sikatak, Sicicak, Sikera and so on. So is the situation with a man who is weak and does not have a degree then summoned Siluncai, Siawang, Sikodok and so on. 

Differences were evident when the clans in Batak using base words with the term 'Si' yaitu Sinambela, Simanjuntak, Sinaga, Siotang, Siregar and so on. 

Clans in the Mandailaing Land none use the term base with the word 'Si' for example Nasution, Lubis, Rangkuty, Batubara, Parinduri and so on. 

Although various interpretations can be put forward, but one case that can not be denied is that the Toba region is arid land. There will be no primitive man there who deliberately want to open placement. Humans typically seek fertile ground for planting his deep farming community that is the source of life of yore. 

The nature and attitude of the Batak is rough, irregular and can not guard his feelings. The characteristics of this disposition they demonstrated that they are indeed made ​​up of people who are less polite. Then it's on Mandailaing if they are evil or stubborn child spontaneously they will spend the term "Bataknya kau ini" .

The term has been used quite a long time until Mandailaing community has forgotten history of the term refers to Siraja Batak engodly best scholars to the king and not follow traditional rules in the days of yore. 

From the name of Siraja Batak that all his offspring and descendants of Datu Ompung Dolom who is chairman of the servants or hatoban be called "Batak" ie Batak people. 

It should be emphasized that "Batak" word it is not the intention of the nation, but instead it is a term used by Mandailaing people to show the attitude of someone who does not know the customs and regulations, people are rude and not guarded stance. It also shows the status and position of the person who meant the low dignity. But at the present time, due to the influence of the Dutch in colonial times so strong then the term Batak/mostly Christian Batak people who have inhabited the North Sumatra ie raised in Tapanuli. 

In the thirteenth century Majapahit armies have invaded the Kingdom of Mandala Holing in Mandailaing ie based Pidoli. With the royal destroyed Mandala Holing and the influence of Hinduism in South Tapanuli. 

Saki tray Munda people have fled  into the forest stapper to save themselves, respectively. Those who had been taken captive as a slave servant. 

At the end of the thirteenth century armies Saki trays Mandala Holing has been able to gather and mingle with the community peribumi around Batang Gadis river then they have to realize Puloengan clan who later established the succeeding three Bagas Godang them over three mountain peaks. However the kingdom is the only kingdom village most discussions. 

Batak people is wasted on the Samoosir island been able to awaken their original beliefs that associate custom among Hindus and aninisme beliefs and worship the spirits of their ancestors. Their center is at Pusuk Buhit

The arrival of Christian mission to the Land of Batak society has changed life circumstances Batak people who do not have a firm belief to religion everywhere. Most of them have embraced Christianity. 

After they embraced Christianity the Dutch colonists brought them into the realm of learning, writing and reading. By his deep Dutch parties require the mediation of labor as invaders by the community peribumi the Batak people who have Christianized is a top choice for broke and run basic commands. 

Indirectly Batak people have a place in every field pentadbiran Netherlands. Economic position and social status they began to increase. 

Mandailaing people who have converted to Islam during the movement led by the vicar tenteri snag Imam and his followers into groups of religious fanatics. They oppose most discussions renewal brought by the Dutch. 

Perceived that the customs of their ancestors many are contrary to Islam, the people have to throw custom Mandailaing those who have practiced long ago. Over time in terms of indigenous culture, writing and substitutions Mandailaing people begin to lose their integrity. 
In contrast to the Batak people, although they have embraced Christianity they still adhere to customs and culture resam them. So now Batak people can still survive and continue to maintain their indigenous culture and writing. 

The strength and resilience of indigenous resam, vibrant culture, art, literature and language of the Batak have been highlighted by them from age to age up until they rise as one tribe strong and intact. 

The same case again Batak people have triumphed revive the glories of their historical heritage from all angles, as there is a history of anthropology, history arkiologi or patriotism. Sisingamangaraja has been highlighted as one of the national heroes of Batak descent. Unfortunately Mandailaing people have failed to do so until their impression upon Indonesian society has no significant direct. 

One more example is the tangible example Batak Toba traditional house they have a complete and orderly. So is the Batak Karo and Batak Simalingun all custom homes that have maintained its authenticity. Mandailaing people do not have a home custom home that may be highlighted as senibina which has its own characteristics. 

Batak script is again displayed to the public even be used as an antique and unique to travelers. In this way the Batak have perpetuate their cultural traits. Lake Toba also has laid the Batak people in the world map because travelers from all over the world continuously there. Unfortunately the original source so in the Mandailaing Land never be used for the cultural heritage community strengthen Mandailing. 

Ulos Batak today become souvenirs to travelers who visit to their places. Surprisingly Patani weave fabric that is garment itself Mandailaing person is not there. If there are any savings It is the old people who are now too old and reput circumstances. The delegation art or 'collection music' Batak people look the same all over the world to explore in Southeast Asia, Europe or America. Their voice and their guitar has captivated millions of viewers and listeners. They become ambassadors not Rasmi in the Batak tribe introduce to the world. 

Books on the history of the Batak people are not dotted printed in various languages ​​with exaggerated increase their origin. There are mencatitkan bahawa Batak tribe is already a form of three thousand years ago, and so on. The history of the origin of the Mandailaing has never been scientifically recorded and never translated to other languages​​. It is precisely who will know about the Mandailaing? 

The resurrection of the Batak after the Dutch colonization is very striking and regular. Christian missions have highlighted their position in Indonesian society and society between nations so Mandailaing name into fragments to sink and the Batak tribes. Today they introduce the Mandailaing as 'Batak Mandailaing' on it at some point before Mandailing [people is one of the nation comes from Munda

Is not it actually came from the Land of Batak Mandailaing the debris dumped into the remote mountainous wasteland. A bit strange that the precedence of their names and the name has drowned Mandailing. 

Had we visit to Samosir, we find the Batak people so earnestly Cuba initially turn their artistic and cultural values​​. Apparent decorated their houses with 3 colors: white, red and black as a symbol of the sacred custom colors. 

These colors represent the three continents is the belief of the Batak. Banua Ginjang, Banua Tonga and Banua Toru. All of the three continents is also guarded by three gods that are recognized as Mangala Bulan maintain Banua Ginjang symbolized by the color white. God Soripoda escort Banua Tonga symbolized by the color red. Teachers who oversee Banua Toru ie Betara  also denoted with black. 

In terms of third-science shamanism also represent the three colors of white blood, red blood and black blood contained in the body of our body. 

The colors white, red and black color has become customary and sacred to the Batak people. They also believe the world was created by Mulajadi Na Bolon as a powerful almighty Gods Kingdom. 

From the point of using a tool music Mandailaing people ie Gordang Nine in each of their traditional ceremonies. Batak people also use a drum or drum seven small bersaiz five most discussions. 

For the Batak number seven is considered as a magic or sacred number that has mystical powers. All sumpahan or perdatuan, they use the number seven. 

People also assume that Mandailaing it as a number nine kings, and the largest number of continuous life. The number three is also regarded as a custom figure based Dalian Na Tolu namely Mora, Kahanggi and Anak Boru

Batak people also adhere to the culture of the indigenous Mandailing people of Dalian Na Tolu only different interpretations of their most discussions regarding the Dalian Na Tolu erties. Dalian Na Tolu for the Batak (namely Dalihan Na Tolu) was that mean three stone stoves used for cooking rice that is where it is interdependent with each other. Basically the same concept of Dalian Na Tolu most discussions. 

Equally there Mandailaing or Batak culture Dalian Na Tolu principle it is held to the role of in-laws, brothers Son and Daughter. All three of these elements need each other to realize the deal and something n connection with family. They believe that principle of happiness and triumph is something the family is strong dependent on the cooperation of three third-parties. 

Family plays a major role in the public life of Tapanuli same pattern there Mandailaing or Batak. They are very proud family and kinship life. In the case of marriage anyway, usually performed between their cousins​​. 

In conclusion the origin of the Batak people is of slave descent Mandailaing Land of Munda Holing. Only Siraja Batak most discussions of noble descent. Other is a descendant of Datu Ompung Dolom, Chairman hatoban all. 

Although the Batak tribe of Mandailaing but they are from a low caste. Her body shape is rather small and in the back of his head looks different bump with higher Mandailaing and strapping, curly hair not smooth like the original Batak. The nature of the Batak people are rude, they are rather strong perasaannya curly guarded. In ordinary conversation perbualan or appear as if they were arguing. 

Their disposition and was always a little wild and rowdy curly quarrelsome fellow himself. Attitudes like this are very clearly visible everywhere they also are. Rarely reckless behavior and respect the rights of others. 

At the present time rather difficult to distinguish the authenticity of a person's ancestry due to mixing free life in this independent state. 

Gandoang. July 24, 2014 
(from various sources

~ o0o ~

2 komentar:

  1. This article would be excellent if written in good English. Get someone to rewrite or rewrite in Bahasa Malayoe.

  2. This article would be excellent if written in good English. Get someone to rewrite or rewrite in Bahasa Malayoe.


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