Kamis, 10 Juli 2014

Mandailing people


Mandailing or 'Mandahiling' thought to originate from the word 'mandala' and 'holing', which means an area of ​​the kingdom of Kalinga. Kalinga kingdom is the kingdom of the archipelago which stand before the kingdom of Srivijaya, the last king of Sri Paduka Maharaja Indrawarman who founded the Sultanate Dharmasraya after in Islamkan by Caliph Uthman ibn Affan envoy to the 7th century AD.

Sri Paduka Maharaja Indrawarman is the son of Ratu Shima. Sri Paduka Maharaja Indrawarman later killed by dynasty, the founder of the kingdom of Srivijaya in the 7th century as well. In the 10th century, Chola kingdom of the Tamil region, South India, with its Raja Rajendra has invaded and the kingdom of Srivijaya occupied Mandailing region, which became known as Ang Chola (read: Angkola). Ang honors for Rajendra. Royal India is estimated to have formed their colonies, stretching from Portibi to Pidoli

  In Minangkabau language, interpreted mande as  'Mandailing lost' intentioned "missing mom". Therefore there is also a notion that says that the coming of the Mandailing Kingdom  community in Pagaruyung-Minangkabau

Mandailing tribal customs stipulated in the Surat Tumbaga holing (Fiber Copper Kalinga), which is always recited in traditional ceremonies. Mandailing people familiar with writing the script called Tulak-Tulak, which is a variant of the alphabet Proto-Sumatra, which is derived from the Pallava letters, forms no different from Minangkabau script, script Rencong of Aceh, Old Sundanese script, and the script other archipelago. 

Although the Mandailing tribe has a script that be named surat tulak-tulak and used to write the ancient scriptures called 'pustaha' ('library'). But very difficult to find a record of the history of the Mandailing before the 19th century. Generally these libraries contains records of traditional medicine, the occult sciences, predictions about the good and bad times, as well as forecast the dream. 

Kinship systems
Mandailing own tribe know understand kinship, either patrilineal or matrilineal. In a patrilineal system, Mandailing people familiar 'marga' (clan). In Mandailing only a dozen known genera, among others Lubis, Nasution, Harahap, Pulungan, Batubara, Parinduri, Lintang, Hasibuan, Rambe, Dalimunthe, Rangkuti, Tanjung, Mardia, Daulay, Matondang, and Hutasuhut. When the Batak know ban on married between the same clan ('samarga'), then Mandailing people are not familiar with the prohibition of marriage 'samarga'. This is what lead to the Batak clan increased, because every between the same clan married, then they made a 'new clan'. 

On the other hand, people from ethnic Mandailing semarga case of marriage, then they only have to perform sacrifices, such as chickens, goats or buffalo, depending on their social status in society, but it is now customary rules are not met, because the status values Mandailing social community has changed, especially overseas. 

Mandailing Not Batak 
In this case many foreign historians make Mandailing be sub-ethnic of Batak began during the reign of the Netherlands, while the Mandailing people themselves refuse to ethnic Batak united in the Dutch administration in the early 20th century, known as the National Endowment Lands tale Mandailing in 'Sungai Dead', Medan in 1925, which continues to court. To this end, based on the decision of the Court of the Netherlands Indies government in Batavia, Mandahiling recognized as a separate ethnic of Batak, Batak ethnicity alone because actually younger than Mandailing ethnic pedigree recognized by its own ethnic Batak Tree of the Raja Batak - Batak people ancestors, who his mother called Boru Deak Parujar is ethnic Mandailing. Ethnic Mandailing itself according to Minangkabau ethnic lineage. 

Mandailing people surnamed Rangkuti and fractions Parinduri, also does not support the notion, saying they came from Toba. "... Until now nobody Rangkuti clan who considers himself Batak, not marmora (have relatives-in-law relationship) and not maranak Boru (bermenantu kin ties) to the Land of Batak." Because, according to the narrative compiled from old people in Mandailing and also adapted to the Rangkuti clan 'tarombo' ('tree'), that Ompu Parsadaan Rangkuti (ancestors of the people surnamed Rangkuti) in Runding, named Mangaraja Sutan Pane, which roughly the XI century comes from Ulu Panai open Huta Runding and establish a kingdom there. The Kingdom of dealing with 'harajaon' (royal) Pulungan in Hutabargot at the foot of the tor (mountain) Dolok Sigantang across the Batang Gadis river approximately 16 miles from Panyabungan". 

Another version is also said that the ancestors of the Mandailing surname Rangkuti originally came "from South Aceh (from Rondeng Tread Master) along the sea shore up to Natal". From there they then fell into Mandailing Godang and establish their colony called Runding, according to the name of their place of origin. Other versions, Rangkuti a descendant of Ra Kuti ('people who feared'), which is the figure in the uprising Wedheng the Majapahit period, which ran into Mandailing in the past, namely the Sultan Aru that capital in Padang Lawas. 

Mandailing Highways 
The word 'marga' (clan) in Mandailing could mean clanyang derived from Sanskrit, Varga are citizens or color, plus affixes ma or mar, be mavarga or marvarga, meaning have residents  and shortened to clan. The clan itself meaningful groups or families of people who come from a common ancestor or a village. 

'Marga' (highways) can also be derived from the abbreviation 'family name'. However, not everyone Mandailing included clan in its name, as it is considered sufficient as an identity between the Mandailing own. In addition, among the Mandailing some are not wearing a patrilineal system or clan system, but wear or matrilineal system termed the tribal system in the Minang language, such as for example the ethnic Lubu which is native Mandahiling. In addition, the clan can also be interpreted as a hamlet, as well as the meaning of the clan in South Sumatra. 

Ethnic Mandahiling is 'tribes' that inhabits 3 provinces in Sumatra Island, namely the District Mandailing Natal, Padang Lawas, North Padang Lawas, South Tapanuli, Labuhanbatu District, North Labuhanbatu District, South Labuhanbatu District, District shavings and Coal County in North Sumatra Province, Indonesia and in Pasaman and West Pasaman, in the province of West Sumatra, and in Rokan Hulu, Riau Province. 

In the Dutch colonial period, all of which fall into Afdeeling Mandahiling under Sumatra's West Kust Gouvernement (governorate of the West Coast of Sumatra). In Minangkabau society, Mandailing be one called 'tribal' or the surname of the mother (matrilineal) that exist in Minangkabau society. 

As well as the Arabic and Chinese, or Mandailing people have knowledge of genealogy, which in the language of Mandailing referred to as (Tarombo or Tambo). Lineage Mandailing people can reach several offspring at once a history of their ancestors. 

At first pedigree anything clan, hereditary narrated orally (legend or terombo), then lowered in writing. According Abdoellah Loebis who wrote about the origins of the Mandailing in Mandailing magazine published in the field in the early period of the 20th: "The legend still holds down-derivatives, namely clan Lubis and Nasution, as has been authored by the late King Mulya former Kuriahoofd (area) Aek (River) Nangali ... ". It does not mean clans Mandailing others do not maintain their pedigree. 

Lubis clan genealogy research Singengu (Silangkitang descent) in Kotanopan and Lubis Singasoro (Sibaitang descent) in Pakantan, along Harahap (Sutan Bugis descent) and Hutasuhut (Sutan Borayun descent) in Angkola, which is a descendant of Namora Pande Bosi, suggests that the clan was first settled in Mandailing Julu and Mandailing Jae (Angkola) during the period of 16th century AD, the descendants of Raden Patah from Bugis Wind degree of Majapahit, which together dariPalembang Bugis forces, who lost on the buffalo with the Kingdom Pagaruyung Sibusuk wilderness. Lopez-Lopez while others, such as Parinduri, Coal, Daulae, Raorao, cape, and others, who are not descendants of Namora Pande Bosi, generally until now has not been widely publicized. 

While in general Sibaroar Nasution clan residing in Mandailing Godang the Baroar title is a descendant of Sultan (Sultan) Di Aru, and other clans Nasution, among others Nasution Panyabungan, Tambangan, Borotan, Lancat, Jior, Tonga, Dolok, Maga, Pidoli, and others, based on their respective village name, which was originally put on the matrilineal system. 

Ethnic Mandailing only know about a dozen genera, among others Lubis, Nasution, Pulungan, Batubara, Parinduri, Harahap, Hasibuan, Rambe, Dalimunthe, Rangkuti, Tanjung, Mardia, Daulay, Matondang, Hutasuhut, and so on. 

According Abdoellah Loebis, clans in Mandailing Julu and Pakantan are as follows: Lubis (which devided to Lubis Huta Nopan and Lubis Singa Soro), Nasution, Parinduri, Batubara, Matondang, Daulay, Nai Monte, Hasibuan, and Pulungan

Clans in Mandailing Godang is divided to Nasution Panyabungan, Tambangan, Borotan, Lantat, Jior, Tonga, Dolok, Maga, Pidoli, and others; Lubis, Hasibuan, Harahap, Batubara, Matondang (Hasibuan descent), Rangkuti, Mardia, Parinduri, Batu na Bolon, Pulungan, Rambe, Mangintir, Nai Monte, Panggabean, Tangga Ambeng and Margara (Rangkuti, Mardia and Parinduri origin of the clan). 

Generally clans in Mandailing, the story does not indicate its origin comes from Toba, such opinions are sown. Among other things, Batubara, Matondang, and Daulae derived from a common ancestor. Leaders of the clan ancestors third according to the story of two brothers, namely Datu Bitcu Rayo and Parmato Sopiak

Around the year 1560 AD, both the entourage departed from Batubara-Tanjung Balai towards Barumun region. There, they established a village called Binabo, and that's where Parmato Sopiak eventually died. (In 1981, several prominent Daulae, Matondang and Batubara (clans) of Mandailing Parmato Sopiak been restored tomb located near the village Binabo in Barumun region.) Later on, two sons named Parmato Sopiak, Si Lae and Si Tondang with their followers moved to Mandailing Godang, and established a village called Pintu Padang. That's where, their offspring grow and surnamed Daulae and Matondang. Then Datu Bitcu Rayo move, and set up a village namely Pagaran Tonga. In that place, the offspring develop into clan Batubaral. 

Mandailing language 
Mandailing language is the language contained in the North Sumatera the south, West Sumatra and Riau provinces northern part, which is a variant of the Sanskrit language is heavily influenced Arab. 

Language Mandailing Julu and Mandailing Godang with a softer pronunciation of the language Angkola again, even from the Batak-Toba language. The majority of its use in Mandailing-Natal regency, but not including Natal language (Minangkabau language?), even though language users related Natal (collateral) with the Mandailing-Natal district in general. 

Meanwhile, the language of Mandailing-Padang Lawas (Padang Bolak) used in the district of Padang Lawas and North Padang Lawas. In Pasaman, West Sumatra and Kampar, Riau, Mandailing language has its own variations. 

In the area of Asahan, Batubara, and Labuan Batu, Mandailing people generally wear Malay East Coast. Mandailing and Angkola language, especially in Angkola Dolok (Sipirok) is the language most similar to the Batak-Toba language, because geographically adjacent, but a little softer Angkola language intonation than Batak-Toba language. Angkola language covers an area Padangsidempuan, Batang Toru, Sipirok, all parts of the district of South Tapanuli. In general, people will use Malay-Mandailing when met, if there are words that do not understand the local dialect respectively. (*)

Gandoang. July 10, 2014.
(from various sources)


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