Senin, 20 Januari 2014

Kotanopan: The Land of Fredom Fighters


According to the stories I've heard from a number of people who have aged old enough in ‘Kotanopan’ (around 1980), that the naming of the ‘negeri’ Kotanopan was initially originated from the word 'Huta Panopaan', then evolved into 'Huta Nopan', and eventually became the 'Kota Nopan', but the name of the ‘negeri' Kotanopan in the northern part of the island of Sumatra is often also written by attaching the word 'Kota' and 'Nopan' ie 'Kotanopan', that's where I was born to grow up.

My father (H. Armeyn Nasution) is a 'civil servant' (called 'karsip') who worked in a 'military army office' ('called 'Koramil') in ‘Pasar Kotanopan’, is trade center in Kotanopan (whitin Mandailing Julu region). Because my father worked in the military office, he was given a 'home office' is located not far from his office, which is a Dutch heritage house called 'Gudang Garam' that was once used as a storage 'salt' in 'Banjar Kuliling' in ‘Pasar Kotanopan’, which is not far from 'Pasanggerahan Kotanopan', is a historic place in our country. Since the first in 1948, the first President of the Republic of Indonesia, Sukarno, was never addressed at the event 'Rapat Akbar' for the socialization of Independence and the invites all residents Sumatra to maintain independence. When Sukarno speech standing on the steps of the house by the Dutch (‘Pasanggerahan Kotanopan’), which was built in 1930. The rooms where Bung Karno (Soekarno) stay when it is now made ​​into rooms 'number one' (No. 1). Photo of Bung Karno while addressing the ‘Pasanggerahan Kotanopan’ ladder mounted above the entrance to the living room Pasanggerahan. Under the picture it says: "Presiden Soekarno berdiri di tangga Pesanggrahan Kotanopan ketikaberpidato pada rapat raksasa di Kotanopan 16 Juni 1948". Presence of Sukarno in Kotanopan (1948) is to calm the turmoil and unite people in Sumatra who want their own independence when it.
In addition to being a place 'mammoth rally', in front of the building that was once used as a 'mess Dutch soldiers' (Pasanggerahan Kotanopan) is, now there is also a Pioneer Independence monument large enough. On the fourth side there is an inscription containing the ‘Proclamation text’, ‘preamble’, information about the monument, and some names heroes who died defending freedom. But actually there before becoming a hero is a small monument in the courtyard Office Assistant district officer (now called ‘Head Office’), on the edge of the turnpike Medan-Padang. And when we entered the living room Houses were also displayed image Gen. Abdul Haris Nasution (Pak Nas). Famous people born Kotanopan indeed, precisely in HutaPungkutAlthough using the word 'City', but 'Kotanopan' actually just a district that became part of the district Mandailing-Natal ('Madina'), North Sumatra Province, Indonesia.
Not far from my house ('Gudang Garam') flowing river 'Batang Gadis' which is quite large and heavy, and in certain parts of the water is deep enough (so-called 'lubuk') like 'Lubuk Gala-gala' (in 'Banjar Lombang'), 'Lubuk Kandang Kudo' (in ‘Jambur Tarutung’ or ‘Banjar Narako’), and 'Lubuk Jorbing' ( in ‘Pasendeng’). It may be said almost every day we were bathing in the river 'Batang Gadis' and together with each other peers 'pitted dexterity' in 'lubuk-lubuk' as to who the fastest swim across, most durable dive, throw a stone farthest on the surface of the water, climb trees and run 'putty' to pluck unripe fruit (called ‘mutik’) to eat. Not infrequently (usually on a Saturday or Sunday), before showering together and having a good time jokes in 'lubuk-lubuk’, we go a little further into the river upstream. There, we then cut down banana trees to be used as a boat (called 'rakik') and anchored in one of the 'lubuk'. After being bathe in the 'heart' that, then we stop and return to their homes. Arriving at the house, it is not uncommon respectively scolded by our parents for being too old bath (called 'margambur') in the 'lubuk-lubuk' at ‘Batang Gadis’ river.
Kotanopan has a hilly geography, and therefore the cool weather. While the 'Batang Gadis' river flowing through the Kotanopan used by nearby residents for irrigation, search stone, sand, gold panning, and that is quite unique, which makes "lubuk larangan" as 'social capital', the proceeds of which, among others, to finance the ‘Madrasah’ (religious) school teachers .
'Lubuk larangan' is a Watershed (‘DAS’) which is used for the management of catchment population of fish in the Watershed (‘DAS’) is regularly discussed according to the law surrounding community, be it the boundaries of 'lubuk larangan', violations of rules and past or future opening of their fishing to the public. ‘Lubuk larangan’ of this prohibition is opened periodically, usually during periods of ‘Idul Fitri or ‘Ari Rayo’ (Eid). ‘Lubuk Larangan’ are usually named after the place through which the river settlements 'Batang Gadis' is. For example: 'Lubuk Larangan Singengu', is 'lubuk larangan' located in Singengu. The 'lubuk larangan' another is 'lubuk larangan Lumban Pasir', 'lubuk larangan Huta Baringin', 'lubuk larangan Tamiang', 'lubuk larangan Huta Pungkut', 'lubuk larangan Muara Soro', 'lubuk larangan Tadangka', and the other.
I was born in the house my grandfather (named Lobe Karim Nasution) at his request. My grandfather's house is located in a place of settlement called Gunung Tua - Muara Soro in Mandailing Julu district. Adjacent to the birthplace 'Banjar Pining' where there is the ‘Demang Kurinci’ (‘Demang Kerinci’) is the father of a senior journalist Mochtar Lubis. At Gunung Tua - Muara Soro, social standing by my grandfather existing social stratification, is ‘bayo-bayo na  godang’ ie as ‘anak boru’ of the ‘raja’ (king). A few days later, I brought my parents back home in ‘Pasar Kotanopan’. My home is right at home behind a bloody Chinese watchmaker named ‘Si Gomuk’ (a nickname given by the people Pasar Kotanopan because the Chinese is that it works as it was ‘clock repair man’). In addition, at the residence of Si Gomuk it is also a 'photo studio', which was also visited by people crowded to take pictures (called 'markodak'). Her children were the male is named ‘Si Ombun’, ‘Si Loun’, ‘Si Kibun’, while women include, ‘Si Emma’ and ‘Si Uk lan’. All the children had been mated with native Mandailing Julu. Among the children of China's family (if not one of them clan or ‘she Bun'), is a childhood playmate ‘Si Kibun’ because our peers. On the day of week (Saturday), my friend's house is always crowded by people who come from different of settlements' (ie 'Pagaran', 'Banjar', 'Lumban', and 'Huta') in the area ‘Mandailing Julu’ to repair the clock damaged or need to be serviced. Together playmates, including ‘Si Kibun’, when it rained hard enough (so-called 'udan na por'), we often play with or near in Pasanggarahan Kotanopan. On the front, in a state of 'naked' (called 'salang salang') we frolic as he launched himself at the terrace is quite slippery because it was cemented. Not infrequently, we also played 'war' in the day by wearing 'arms' made of small bamboo and the bullet is 'mutik ni jambu' ('pistil of guava fruit'). Besides, we also frequent bathing rollicking river ‘Batang Gadis’ ('margambur'), ie 'lubuk gala- gala' in ‘Banjar Lombang’ or 'lubuk kandang kudo' in Jambur Tarutung.
Before going to school at the “SR” (‘Sikola Rakyat’, Elementary School), I got together with some peers, we studied Islam in a ‘Madrazah’ (religious) School, which is in ‘Singengu’ in the afternoon, not far from the ‘Pasar Kotanopan’. Upon their return, we usually bathe again in the river 'Batang Gadis' and stops ahead of time ‘Maghrib prayer’. To add to the knowledge of the religion (Islam) is, after 'Isha prayer' and then proceed to ‘mangaji’ (study the Koran) in a mosque or a tutor. Although there when it's electric, around the 1970s, but only a few people who already have a TV set in the house, so often many people (clustered) when watching television in front of people who have the television set. Different from the situation 15 years later, where almost every home in the 'Pasar Kotanopan' have had television sets.

After the age of about 7 (seven) years, I started formal education at the Elementary School (SR-1) in the Pasar Kotanopan. SR-1 attending is quite fun, because in addition to its location near my house, my school was located across from the 'center of market’ in Kotanopan which is always crowded, especially during the 'day of the week' (called 'ari poken') on Saturday, from morning until late afternoon. In 'ari poken' a lot of people coming from places pemikiman population (both the 'Banjar', 'Pagaran', 'Lumban', or 'Huta') in the District Kotanopan (Mandailing Julu), among others such as Maga, Tambangan, Muara Mais, Simpang Tolang, Sayurmaincat, Saba Dolok, Jambur Kacang, Singengu, Hutarimbaru, Simandolam, Tombang Bustak, Gading Baing, Gunungtua - Muara Soro, Padang Bulan, Muara Siambak, Manambin, Muara Pungkut, Huta Pungkut, Si Palupuk, Tolang, Tamiang, Si Luak, Tolang, Alahankae, Muara Saladi, Botung, Huta Na Godang, Simpang Banyak, Muara Tagor, Tamiang, Muara Botung, Botung, Muara Sipongi, Ranjo Batu, and Pinyongek. From a variety of settlements, many people came carrying his wares for sale in the ‘Pasar Kotanopan’, but more and more people coming into the week to buy the various purposes of life. There are some commodities 'agricultural community' typical traded on the ‘Pasar Kotanopan’ when it was like rubber latex ('kantalan'), cinnamon ('ulit manis') , ‘nazelnut’ ('tanaon'), and coffee (‘kopi’), etc. Previously, the commodities transported by the ' traditional transport' (called 'padati boban') , but from then on it has been transported to the 'motor vehicle ' ('small freight cars' so-called 'motor bon' as purchased loans or credit).
My mother (Hj. Nurhaniyah Daulae) is a merchant 'apparel', which carry it to every week ‘goods sold’ is in Mandailing Julu district, as to Maga on Monday, to Pakantan on Tuesday, to Laru on Wednesday , to Muara Sipongi on Thursday, to Huta Pungkut on Friday. While on the sell at the ‘Pasar Kotanopan’ on Saturday, and Sunday be used by my mother to rest and gather with all the family in our home ('Gudang Garam') . Because my mother almost every day selling week to pecan - exist in Mandaili Julu, on his return from the week in the afternoon, usually my mother always brought 'gift' ('souvenirs') in the form of food, either fresh fruits (such as ‘lancat and ‘manggis’ fruits) and side dishes that have been cooked (such as ‘gule ikan mas’ and ‘rondang bolut’) .
Having gone through school in the SR-1's for several years, precisely since grade 5 (five), apparently some of my friends (male) who had started to dare to 'flirt' with girls their own age, either with existing girls in our schools and with young children from “SR” (school) another. After playing each other's eyes and fall in love, usually followed by sending each other 'love letter'. Not infrequently, the men my friends often ask me to help create a piece of 'love letters' , which will be dirimkannya to the girl he likes. For some reason they asked me for it, but I want to meet their demands. With the help of ‘love letter’ I wrote that exists among those who successfully obtained her hero, but there is also a failed ... ouch...fate !
After completing primary education in the ‘SR-1’, then I'm proceedings in education to junior high school (First Middle School State 1, ‘SMP-1’), which is located about 2 miles from my house. Every morning, we all junior high school students walk to junior high school while chatting and joking so do not feel we 've arrived at school. While in junior high school, I do not like the subjects of Algebra, so it is not uncommon teacher scolding and hitting my head with a 'roller wooden ruler' because it can not do the tasks that subjects Algebra teacher told us. If I'm asked to do algebra problems on the board, my feet are always shaking and my heart was pounding because I was always worried about being scolded by our teacher because I could not finish it properly. While I love to subjects is very artistic. My feelings are always cheerful-happy, especially when the art teacher request students sing in front of the class one by one in turn.
In ‘SMP-1’, it's been a lot of my friends who has a sweetheart respectively. When dating only to the extent that they looked and smile at each other. Occasional walking together when they went away or come home from school. If there is a crowd in the ‘Pasar Kotanopan’ at night as ‘Pesta Taman’ ('Garden Party'), the proclamation of the Independence Day Celebration of the Republic of Indonesia (‘Independent Day’) each dated August 17, Celebration of National Education Day (‘HARPENAS’) on May 2, MTQ (‘Musabaqoh Tilawatil Qu'an’), the 'marburangir' in the traditionalwedding party, and so on. At moments like this they can communicate more freely because of the lack of supervision of the parents and families of ‘their family’ (kinship group).
Location of ‘SMP-1’ is adjacent to the school continuation, ie SMA 108 Kotanopan. So, we can see the behavior of our brothers and sisters who attend school there, even our tendency to imitate. After completing education in the ‘SMP-1’ (for three years), then some of my friends in high school continuing education ‘SMA 108 Kotanopan’ it. Students who enroll in school was also coming from other schools, such as ‘SMP-2’ , and some even had come from Medan and Jakarta to school there. While I myself enroll in high school (SMA-8' in Medan). But I only go to school for one year in there (up to grade one course) and then back to my hometown (Kotanopan), then moved to the high school ‘SMA 108 Kotanopan’.
Of course, having gone to ‘SMA 108 Kotanopan’ it. I met again with my friends during school in the ‘SMP-1’ first. After high school, they all seemed to have a more mature, pretty and handsome, good-looking too. As a man, of course I admire and love the two girls my age, but who they were I alone should know. But unfortunately, it seems no one likes me because I'm probably in their view, including a young man who ‘brandal’ ('naughty').
Luckily, the front of our house ('Gudang Garam') made ​​my father became a "two-wheeled bike shop' with the mechanic as much as two (2 ) persons from Tamiang. One mechanic that has a motorcycle ‘Yamaha Tuing’, which often borrow to travel to various places in Mandailing, even to the Minangkabau region. Thus my friends grew in number from day to day, both men and women, and among my girl friends there who became my lover, good girl bleed Mandailing and Minang. The days that I went through with them all being 'fond memories ' in my life. For all that, I thank a lot to all my friends, and please be excused if there are mistakes.
Mixed feelings, whether it be sad, angry, and embarrassed when the distribution of report cards on a "Saturday gray" to me, because I was found not up to the second grade. My mother was sad to hear I live class, repeat again from one class, but its something, my mother did not say anything. So did my father there was no response (“they may be also see me as abad boy”). Likewise, I was determined to keep the school, although it should be repeated from one class. During his high school 's (SMA 108 Kotanopan), there are some subjects that lower my score because ‘lazy learning’, one of which is English subjects. Bad experience that pushed me to be more active learning. Finally, three years later I graduated. Indeed, not all from the education school friend who went to college, but there are some among them who got the 'golden opportunity' to gain knowledge in ‘public universities’ like USU (University of North Sumatra) and IPB (Bogor Agricultural University) without going through the exam (test).
Together with a friend, ‘Si Lian’ (Muhammad Yamin Nasution), we went to Jakarta by riding the bus PT.ALS (‘inter cross Sumaera’) with the aim to continue their education into college. In Jakarta time that we stayed at his brother's house in Kali Malang (Bekasi-West Java). Not long after we parted, and I live with my brother in ‘Perumnas II-Bekasi’. Although we are no longer a home, sometimes I squeeze in for visit him. Finally we agreed to continue their education at a private college in Cikini-Jakarta, namely STTN ('Sekolah Tinggi Tehnik Nasional'), who at that time headed by Prof. Roosseno, and is the foundation chairman Abdul Haris Nasution is one of an army general birth Huta Pungkut-Kotanopan. My friend ‘Si Lian’ received in the Civil Engineering department, while I was at the Department of Architectural. After a year-long lecture on STTN, but subsequent years no longer proceed no further because of limited funds.
After dropping out of college, I went back to Surabaya with a compatriot with the intent to migrate to Borneo. But to get there we must have sufficient supplies. Therefore we both worked as construction laborers in the Surabaya (‘Kota Buaya’) in hopes of raising money. After working for a few weeks, I sent a letter to parents in Kotanopan to inform our plans to go wander further into the island of ‘Borneo Island’ (Kalimantan). Apparently, my parents do not agree with the plan, and then pick me up to Surabaya to be invited back home together to their hometown. Although my mother very much hope that the once home to Kotanopan, because I'm the great and the only boy in my home who is still alive, but I still do not want to go back to the Mandailing. Finally, we agreed I would not be home to Kotanopan, but looking for work in Bandung (West Java). Can not remember exactly since when I started working as a 'handyman photocopy' some time in a store owned Bang Iskandar Nasution (born son Gang Buntu-Jambur Tarutung-Kotanopan) in Pasir Kaliki-Bandung, but less than half a year working on it, and I went home to Sumatra. Not to ‘tano sere’ (Mandailing), but to the ‘tano doli’, precisely to the city of Medan.
As in ‘tano doli’ (Medan), I 'live aboard' in some of the houses family, sometimes I'm in the house of my mother's sister (called 'tuok' ) in the 'kota lemang' ie Tebinag Tingggi, which is located not far from the Medan city, sometimes in brother of my father's house (called 'bou') in Simpang Limun, or at my sister's house Astuti Nasutian who have a family and settle in Kobun Pisang-Bandar Selamat. That's more or less my live lead during the half year. When there is acceptance of 'new student' in University of North Sumatra (USU), I'm applying and testing involved. Thank God, I received widened though for USU students 'third option' ie Etnomusikolgi Department at the Faculty of Letters. This is where I became acquainted with writer and anthropologists Z. PangaduanLubis, also with friends compatriot from Mandailing Julu include Zulkif B. Lubis, Bakhsan Parinduri, and Ahmad Sahnan Matondang who had previously studied at USU. Then, I was invited by Mr. Pangaduan (Z. Pangaduan Lubis) to join friends from Mandailing in a 'regional organization' called YAPEBUMA (foundation for cultural assessment Mandailing). There we discuss the problem of 'culture Mandailing' endangered and trying to preserve it with a variety of real action. In addition we often 'return home' to examine various cultures Mandailing which is almost extinct, we also blunt the funds to be able to revive art and culture in the midst Mandailing community itself. For that we successfully organized 'Pergalanggangan Ni Uning-Uningan Mandailing' ('Arts Festival Mandailing') to hold a variety of traditional arts such as performing arts 'Gordang Sambilan', 'Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung' , 'Uyup-uyup', 'Ende', 'Turi-turian', 'Ende-ende, 'etek' and so on in the capital Kecamatan Siabu, Panyabungan, Kotanopan, and Muara Sipongi.
After completing education 'undergraduate' (S-1) in the Department of Ethnomusicology USU in 1994 with the title essay "Tulila: Music in the Tradition 'Markusip' inMandailing”, about a year since I served in the alma mater as an assistant  of Muhammad Takari lecture for the course "Research Methods in Ethnomusicology" and "Musicology of North Sumatra", especially music traditionally Mandailing. After serving, I go wander back to Jakarta for 'looking for work'. Over half years I lived 'loitering' in Jakarta because there is no permanent job. Lucky, not long after I met with compatriot brother (alumni high school SMA 108 Kotanopan) that 'Bang Nas' (Nasrullah Amri Lubis) as one ‘economics lecture’ at the University of Tri Sakti and manager of a number of 'educational institution' (LM PATRA). I was invited to work in one of the educational institutions under its management, and I would be placed in Tangerang-West Java (‘PasundanLand ’). Here, I seriously to learn computer application programs such as ‘MS Word’ and ‘Corel Draw’. A year later, I left the city of Tangerang (LM PATRA) and work independently in the field by typing in the computer equipment at 'Pasar Matraman' - Salemba - Central Jakarta. Here, knowledge of the use of various computer applications programs such as Adobe, Photoshop, Corel Photo Paint, Exel , and so forth, all of which greatly helped in making the design and lay out of various types of books. Not long after that, I married a girl who from Madiun-East Java, who was still working on a national private banks (BCA). Alhamdulillah, we were blessed with a child that is Anisa Rachmawati Nasution and Ilham Ramadan Nasution.
Not surprisingly, I met with the brother of my friend ‘Si Lian’ that Bang Prof. Bismar Nasution (also alumni SMA 108 Kotanopan) who works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law USU in Medan, which is currently undergoing doctorate in law at the University of Indonesia (UI-Salemba) and then introduced myself to his closest friends like Prof. Erman Rajagukguk, Dr. Hendra Tanu Atmadja, Dr. H.D. Efendi Hasibuan, Dr. Zulkarnain SitompulDr. Yunus Husein, Dr. Maiyasak Johan, Dr. Muhammad Yusuf and others. Not long after, I was invited by Dr. Maiyasak Johan to work in a law office (Law Office Maiyasak Johan & Patners) under management him at Sudirman street, Jakarta. Lastly, I worked in a government agency that is independent, not far from the (opposite) the ‘Istana Negara’ (State Palace) in Central Jakarta, until now. (EN)

Gandoang. January 20, 2014.
Edi Nasution

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