Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Si Sati

>o>o> SUTAN SIKONDAR <o<o<

In the course of the history of the Mandailing people throughout the 18th century, the figure of Willem Iskander (1840-1876) as a pioneer educational and literary needs to be the center of our attention. Because their not services are very large for Mandailing ethnic groups in an effort to educate the nation. But other than that, he also made a large contribution in pioneering the development of 'modern education' in northern Sumatra Island.
Willem Iskander is a 'native son' bloody Mandailing. His father was a descendant of nobility in 'Mandailing Godang' with the title 'Mangaraja Tinating' clan 'Nasution' and his mother was the 'Si Ronggur Boru Lubis'. He was born in 1840 in 'Pidoli Lombang', and in his childhood he was named the title of 'Si Sati' and then 'Sutan Sikondar'.
In 1857 (at the age of 17 years), Si Sati brought by Godon Reiden (Assistant to the Netherlands) to study at school teachers. After obtaining a diploma teachers in the Netherlands, Si Sati who was given the title 'Willem Iskander' while in the Netherlands back to Indonesia and arrived in Batavia in December 1840. Then he returned to Mandailing when aged 22 year old (1862), and Willem Iskander founded a school teacher (Kweekschool) in the village of 'Tano Bato' are not far away from the village where he was born.
For less than 12 years (1862-1874), Willem Iskander lead the school and also a teacher. In 1874 Willem Iskander went for the second time to the Netherlands for the continuing education of teachers. During headed by Willem Iskander, 'Tano Bato School' been used as an example for the Dutch government 'school teachers' in Indonesia. Students who have completed education at the 'School of Tano Bato' later appointed as a teacher in various schools built by the Dutch in Mandailing and Angkola. And their many students who become teachers in the future in various places in North Sumatra. That is why it can be said that Willem Alexander is the pioneer of education in northern Sumatra. There among the disciples of the disciples Willem Alexander who became a teacher up to Aceh.
While in the Netherlands for the second time on January 27, 1876, Willem Alexander married a Dutch girl named Maria Jacoba Christina Winter. But only a few months they were married in May 1876, Willem Alexander died in Amsterdam at the age of 36 years. If he had not died, Willem Alexander had planned to lead the school teacher (Kweekschool) built by the Dutch in Mulberry.
During his life besides known as a pioneer teacher education, as well as Willem Alexander popular Mandailing leading poet of the 18th century. He wrote the poems are very beautiful and very important contents in Mandailing poetic language and also wrote short stories and translated several books into the Dutch -- speaking Malay and Mandailing.
The poems and short stories seta short drama Willem Iskander work is collected in a book titled 'Si Bulus- Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk' issued by Batavia first time in 1872. The book was very popular during the first among the Mandailing and Angkola and reprinted several times. Willem Iskander poems that contains the spirit of nationalism as inspire the 'youth movement' in Mandailing in the past.
In his book 'Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk', Willem Iskander wrote ten pieces of prose, where one of them in the form of dialogue that can be categorized as 'drama' (small). Prose- written prose is expected sometime in the 1860s because of the book 'Si Bulus-Bulus Si Rumbuk-Rumbuk' was first printed in 1872 in Batavia. Thus prose-prose that created 75 years before 'the Indonesian Literature' shaped recognize 'Short Stories' ('Cerpen' ) whose existence in Indonesia is influenced by 'Western Literature'.
The first story titled 'Sada Alak Pulon Ta Na On Mabiar Di Ahaila', which literally means "someone from our island is the fear of embarrassment". From the title alone it is understood that a person basically always afraid to do something embarrassing. To avoid the embarrassment of one's actions is needed an act of courage, firm, and have a great responsibility.
The second story, entitled 'Amamate Alak na ni Lidang', which literally means "the death of an honest man" with a religious theme. The story tells of resignation someone who is known as a very honest person, in accepting death is sure to come in every creature of God.
The third story titled 'Na Dangol Na So Binoto', which literally means "sad if you do not know" to the theme of education. In a story is told of a king who went to visit the home of a Dutch Resident Assistant. When he met, at the house , too, was there a few white people who were talking with the Resident Assistant. As is the custom of the Dutch to greet his guests, served glass of hot tea, while the king had never get treats like that, so it was puzzling over how to drink the hot tea. In a state of confused and embarrassed to ask, then it's by her tea quickly. Seeing hot tea as soon as it be drunk, and the waiter was refilling his glass as the waiter thought the king was very thirsty. The king who saw how quickly the service refilled her glass, drank too soon the second treats, because he thought that was the rule to drink. The incident continued until seven cups of hot tea gulped depleted the king, the king finally ask forgiveness again lest he be punished by drinking hot tea. In fact, treat hot tea to guests is a tradition of the Netherlands.
The fourth story titled 'Pidong Garuda Bosar', which literally means 'big eagle' with the theme of a sense of responsibility for their fellow creatures. The story took place in the European region tells three brothers and sisters who want to take the eagle nest in a very steep valley. Businesses taking this eagle child has received resistance from its parent and other eagle, which almost resulted in the death of the third child .
The fifth and sixth stories are serialized story entitled 'Tiruan ni Olong Ni Roa Marangka Maranggi' literally artificial means "affection examples brothers" with the theme of affection among brothers. Rigidity affection is described as a stranded ship carrying hundreds of people who screen passengers. To save themselves after the ship broke, then the captain of the ship ordered that every available lifeboats loaded with nineteen people. However, the safety of the lifeboat was in the end cannot be guaranteed, as it began to lack of food, and usually only prepared for four passengers. So they held a palaver, and consequently some people have dropped into the sea. It turned out to be disposed of in between there was a man who had a sister who was also in the boat and did not come to be thrown into the sea. Knowing her brother will be the victim, the brother with feelings of affection requested that he be who replaces his brother on the grounds that his brother was already married, which must maintain the life of the child and his wife.
Seventh and eighth story titled 'Na Binuat Tingon Barita ni Tuan Colombus', which literally means "taken from the story Mr. Columbus", is also a two-story continuous journey that tells the story of Columbus, the discoverer of the Americas. The story of science -themed benefit for the welfare of mankind tells Colombus excellence utilizing calculations based on the science of astronomy.
The ninth story titled 'Si Baroar', is a legend Mandailing the theme "who is doing/has intended a crime against another person, usually one that will meet unfortunately". This story tells of a planned assassination attempt Raja Hutabargot Sutan Pulungan against Si Baroar, by encourage into a prepared hole. But unfortunately the child was Sutan Pulungan themselves (because of his countenance and stature was somewhat similar to the Si Baroar) who becomes the victim .
As the last paragraph of 'shorthand' is, for us who have read the book 'Si Bulus-Bulus Si-Rumbuk Rumbuk' the essay Willem Iskander, possibly endless amazed us about his devotion to the 'homeland' its Mandaillling 'tano-rura' or 'tano sere', express beautifully the verses of his poetry. Consider one of his poems entitled 'Mandailing' that he might write while resting in 'Adian Bania' on his way 'Natal' when it will leave the study to the Netherlands in 1857, as follows:

O, Mandailing Godang!

Tano ingananku sorang,
Na niatir ni dolok na lampas,
Na nijoling ni dolok na martimbus
Ipulna na laing bubus

Tor Sihite tingon julu
Patontang dohot tor Barerang
Gurung-gurungna manompi Lubu
Bohina mangadop tu dolok Sigantang

Muda utalihon tu utara
Lao manindo tu irisannya
Jongjong ma uida Lubuk Raya
Asa manjoling dolok Malea

In the next verses he also did not hide his frustrations would see 'retarded' child country, but then, he was not going to waste because that's where she first saw the sun rise. He said goodbye, who knows how long he did not know, with the hope of meeting again later when the child's country is not too long to be 'Si Bisuk Na Oto' !!!

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