Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Jokes (2)

Grandma stingy & Grandpa flirty

GF : "Give me a little, please... my darling !"

GS : "What do you want apparently, so are you so seem very eager at all ?"

GF : "Oh ... you're stingy at all, the least you do not give the ‘hang’ of it !"
GS : "What exactly do you want, there's just hanging !" He said while showing a machete sheath.

GF : "Yes that... but the gloves are one again, so that I can remove it !"

GS : "Does it still have water? If yes, just pour into the shell !"

GF : "Oh, you're so stingy, if so I would go to Pagaran Sigatal !"

GS : "Yes, you go there, deceiving wrote great but does not have the power !!!" He said, and he hurried to the edge of the river to clean themselves.

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