Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Mandailing Culture (12)


By Edi Nasution


The Republic of Indonesia (‘NKRI’)) is a large country that is rich 'heritage', both 'natural heritage' and 'cultural heritage'. Natural heritage is located on the natural wealth such as flora, fauna, mineral deposits (mining), and the environment . While the 'cultural heritage' is divided into two, namely the physical and non-physical. In this case, physical culture (material) is the result of human creation that is embodied in physical form such as : temples, ancient statues, inscriptions, custom homes, and so on. While the culture of non-physical (immaterial) is a cultural form of human actions and ideas such as: language, music, dance, and traditional song.
Now many endangered Indonesian heritage. The threat can come from natural disasters, development, and theft or culture by foreign claimants. Because it needs to be revitalized to preserve it. As it is known that the 'cultural heritage' is one that is recognized and protected by the UN Convention relating to issues of economic, social and cultural rights in accordance with Article 15, paragraph 2, which states parties to the Covenant must preserve, develop, and the spread of knowledge and culture. Because the Indonesian government has ratified the United Nations, the government itself has an obligation to implement it. Politically, the government is obliged to “protect the whole country of Indonesia” by not only making regulations, but should also be consistently implemented. In this case, it looks like the government (state) tend to only give attention and support to the 'cultural heritage' that are considered high value, but in the eyes memutup protect 'cultural heritage' in the local community level. This is one reason why the 'heritage' we are threatened with extinction.
Mandailing culture as an integral part of and inseparable from the National Culture (Indonesian) should be preserved as a whole given the values ​​contained in it are many noble culture as local wisdom. Preservation efforts are made ​​to revitalize the total based on the will and strong spirit. In realizing a new cultural system, with a note without wasting elements are still relevant in the present, not only limited should be physical development such as the completion of the infrastructure, support utilities, restoration or other development, but also the planning of new activities that are creative and innovative, which has prepared together with the management mechanism. Aspects of management, from the beginning of the revitalization efforts to the implementation, maintenance and management of development activities (events) which became one of the main key to the success of the revitalization program that is often overlooked .
As the last paragraph , those of us who 've read the Sibulus- Si Rumbuk Bulus - Rumbuk (book ) essay Willem Iskander (1840-1876), a prominent education Mandailing origin of the 19th century, endless amazed us about his love of the 'homeland' the Tano-Rura Mandailing, express beautifully the verses of his poetry. Consider one of his poems entitled Mandailing that he might write while resting in Adian Bania on the way to Christmas when it will travel to the study of the Netherlands in 1857, as follows:

Tano ingananku sorang,
Na niatir ni dolok na lampas,
Na nijoling ni dolok na martimbus,
Ipulna na laing bubus
Tor Sihite tingon julu
Patontang dohot tor Barerang
Gurung-gurungna manompi Lubu
Bohina mangadop tu dolok Sigantang.
Muda utalihon tu utara
Lao manindo tu irisannya
Jongjong ma uida Lubuk Raya
Asa manjoling dolok Malea.
In the next verses he also did not hide his frustrations would see 'retarded' ‘child country’, but then, he was not going to waste because that's where she first saw the sun rise. He said goodbye, who knows how long he did not know, but hope that when he returns later, "the children country are no longer stupid" !!!


Edi Nasution


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~ o0o ~

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