Rabu, 12 Maret 2014

Percussion instruments from bamboo


When I was a kid (that time I was about 10 years), from the top and hillside contained in 'Mandailing Julu' (Upper Mandailing), often I hear the sound ('music') rhythmic quite fascinating that captivate. Hill (called 'Tor) pretty much contained in Mandailing and each has a 'name' itself, like 'Tor Siojo' near Sawahan-Sindanglaya, about one kilometer away from the 'Pasar Kotanopan' towards the east. Musical sound is heard from the top or slope 'Tor' that was able to tickle the which crossed my mind.

Apparently, the sound (musical) that was derived from the creativity of someone who is playing a percussion instrument (idiophone) made ​​of bamboo and called 'etek' or 'otuk . Perhaps, this instrument is named as such ('etek' or 'otuk') based on the sound it produces when played. When the percussion was struck with a bat (stick) on the side shaped like the letter "U" (the part that diarit on the left) produces the sound "...tek...tek ... tek ...!", whereas if you hit the center produces the sound "...tuk...tuk ... tuk ...!".

Musical instruments ('etek' or 'otuk') is made from one half segment 'bamboo' (named 'bulu soma') that clump are found around the ('tor')hill. Bamboo is used as a percussion instrument ('etek') has a diameter of approximately 18 cm and at the center of the bamboo ('tube') made ​​a hole rectangular, with a width of 4 cm and a length of approximately 35 cm which serves as a resonator. Tube ('bamboo round-intact') consists of a single bamboo segment and a second hump (left and right) still left intact. Approximately half of the segment to the rest of the left side shaped like the letter 'U' by removing the middle. Courant bamboo is left on the top and the bottom has a width of approximately 4 cm and a length of half the bamboo segments. Generally, the outer layer (bamboo skin) of the percussion instruments that are not discarded, but there is also a musical instrument 'etek' that all the outside (skin) were discarded bamboo, and are colored with paint or not painted at all.

A percussion instrument that is played horizontally across the front of his players and a little bit skewed because dilekukan put right ankle or left (depending on custom players). 'Etek' played with the 'stick' is made ​​of bamboo which diraut round, where the 'stick' to play a constant rhythm (2 pieces on the left hand) has a diameter of approximately 1 cm and a length of about 30 cm, while the rhythm sticks to the pattern as 'paningkah' ('improvisation') is only one piece in the right hand, which is great and the length is approximately equal to 'stick' on the left hand players.

By way of putting 'etek' in a curve to the left or right foot, then as a consequence will change the position of the hand which plays a constant rhythm and 'paningkah'. If 'etek' placed in the hollow of right foot, then the right hand serves as a constant rhythm makers with two sticks, where the stick will hit the bottom in the form of a 'U' (move up and down) , while the other one sticks just knock the outside of the upper form of 'U' is, and along with it, stick held in the left hand plays a rhythmic peningkah busy anyway. Conversely, if 'etek' placed in the hollow of the left ankle, the constant rhythm dimiankan by the left hand and the right hand 'paningkah' rhythm. Especially with regard to this technique, according to some musicians 'etek', a technique commonly used is the constant in the right hand rhythmic and rhythmic peningkah played with the left hand. Likewise, some are saying that on the contrary the most good at playing 'etek'.

As with how to play 'etek' as described above, where 'etek' placed in the hollow of the ankle to the heel of the foot rests, while the foot on this one by itself forms an obtuse angle and one leg bent inward. Similarly, the right hand (left hand may also) is holding two sticks to play a constant rhythm, where the fruit sticks inserted between the middle finger and index finger, while the other one sticks placed between the index finger and thumb and then hand which holds both the stick clenched. While the other hand plays a 'paningkahrhythmic with a hand-held stick.

It can be added that on the other side of the segment is generally made of bamboo which is also part of a more anyway (shaped like the letter 'U'), and this part is usually played by someone else with the constant and rhythmic variations, using the same large stick and the same shape with the stick main players.

percussion instrument 'etek' or 'otuk' can be classified as 'slit drum' (idiophone), who played one to dispel the many birds eat the rice in the fields, or played to expel the monkeys were eating crops in the garden being from harm. Perhaps also he plays 'etek' to 'solve' a quiet atmosphere in the fields or the garden. Typically, 'etek' is always played during the day at a small house where he keeps the rice field or garden called 'sopo' .

Not infrequently, among fellow farmers on the slopes of the hill that plays 'etek' is replication, as a means of communication (language) among them. Might play a person who intends to find out if his friend was in his garden or not. If it turns out his suah was in his garden, of course he will avenge his friend 's passing game call 'etek' anyway, even occasionally accompanied by loud shouts whistling or use the word: "Jooouuuu ...!!!"

Departing from what can be observed through the 'etek' game this may be said that almost all 'gondang' (repertoire) contained in Mandailing include such 'gondang moncak, 'gondang porang', 'roba na mosok', 'udan potir' and so can be played using 'etek' this. In this connection, many older people in Mandailing revealed one term: "etek do mulo ni gondang". That is, the patterns of rhythm (music) sources (origins) of the rhythm patterns commonly played on 'etek'. While the kind of musical instrument that use the 'strings' (chordophone are beaten, where 'strings' outer skin is made of three pieces of bamboo) called 'gondang bulu' is often used to practice playing a rhythm patterns played in musical ensembles 'gondang dua' or 'gondang topap'.

What happens now terhaap percussion instrument 'etek' or 'otuk' ? Along with the many changes in various aspects of community life Mandailng, so the sound 'etek' 've never again heard from the summit and slopes of the hills. Apparently most Mandailing people today already considered it the 'old', and 'kolot' or 'outdated', so there is a feeling of 'shame' upon themselves to play in the garden or in the fields even just to repel the hordes of sparrows (called 'silopak' and 'silisit') who is eating rice that has begun to turn yellow. (EN)

Gandoang. March 13, 2014.


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