Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Tribes in Banua Mandailing

'Lubu' and 'Ulu' tribes: 
Farming Communities (Proto Malayan) 
in Mandailing


When we was attending Advanced School ('SMA') in Kotanopan about 40 years ago, I and peers occasionally go on vacation by visiting places of sightseeing (entertainment) in Mandailing like 'Paronasan' near the Pasar Maga about 20 kilometers from the Pasar Kotanopan, and 'Sipaga-paga' about 7 kilometers from the Pasar Panyabungan, or to 'Partusaman' that is located on the border between North Sumatra and West Sumatra. In the sightseeing places, not infrequently we meet with people who have long known (compatriot), or previously had agreed together to meet in a place that picnic on holidays, iron and among young people - the will and have a love affair - with each other so that they can confide feelings of affection (love), respectively (called 'pasuo' or 'margandak').

Besides doing sightseeing (recreation), among young people (called 'naposo nauli bulung') also likes to watch movies , especially films Hindustan (India) are always played in Tapanuli theaters, either in the Pasar Kotanopan or in the Pasar Panyabungan. Accordingly, there is a 'word' (the term) are quite popular among young Mandailing Godang people  (Gunungtua-Panyabungan) at that time, namely "cakek ning kiba". The 'cakek ning kibawords is a kind of 'joke' (to make the intonation on the word that sounds funny) in circles 'naposo nauli bulung' that can arise (pronounced one) for example to respond to the words of his friend who was asked: "aha pilim?' (what movie?), which will be played in Tapanuli theaters. The term 'cakek ning kiba' is derived from an Indian fim title - which is similar to the word 'cakek ning kiba' - which is quite popular and popular at the time.

Just as recreation 'Paronasan' and 'Partusaman' in Mandailing Julu (Upper Mandailing), recreation 'Sipaga-paga' in Mandailing Godang (Lowland Mandailing) also a sightseeing spot is always crowded by 'naposo-nauli bulung' for fun. If in the estuary area is a residential 'Ulu' tribe (also called 'Alak Morsip' ) in the Muarasipongi which has the language and customs are much different from Mandailing tribe, while in the valley of the hills 'Tor Sihite' ('Sipaga-paga' - Mandailing Godang) is a settlement 'Siladang' tribe whose language and customs they differ from Mandailing tribe. Some Mandailing people say that that gives 'tribal name' ('Siladang') for the people who settled in the valley of the hills 'Tor Sihite' it is because they are generally the farming (fiielders) in hilly areas, which in 'Saro Mandailing' is 'marhauma'. Geographically, 'Siladang' resided in the east, north, and south are bounded directly to the settlements of the Mandailing tribe in Mandailing Godang.

'Lubu' and 'Ulu' tribes in Mandailing

Sumatra or formerly called 'Andalas' ('Swarna Dwipa' = Island of Gold) is the first land visited and traversed by large - scale migration of Proto-Malayan ethnic and that is why the island of Sumatra, including many areas scattered Proto-Malayan ethnics. They are scattered throughout the interior of the island of Sumatra and also in the coastal area. Tribes in Proto Malayan island of Sumatra, among others, namely: (1) Nias; (2) Simalur (Simelue: Devayan, Lekon, Sigulai/Salang, dan Haloban in 'Kepulauan Banyak'); (3) Mentawai; (4) Enggano (Kauno, Kaitora, Kaohoa, Kaarubi, Kaaruba tribes); (5) Alas; (6) Gayo; (7) Singkil; (8) Kluet; (9) Pakpak tribes (Pakpak Keppas, Pakpak Boang,Pakpak Elasen, Pakpak Pegagan, Pakpak Simsim); (10) Karo; (11). Simalungun; (12) Toba tribes (Samosir,  Silindung, Humbang, Toba); (13) Angkola; (14) Siladang; (15) Mandahiling; (16) Ulu; (17) Rao; (18) Rokan; (19) Padang Lawas; (20) Pasisi; (21). Akit; (22) Sakai; (23) Talang Mamak; (24) Kubu (Anak Dalam); (25) Laut; (26) Ranau; (27) Abung; (28) Komering; (29) Lampung; (30) Daya; (31) Pasemah; (32) Rawas; dan (33) Rejang.

Particularly in the interior southwest coast of Sumatra island there are two tribes of Proto- Malayan tribes, namely 'Lubu' (Siladang) in Panyabungan (Mandaili Godang) and 'Ulu' tribes ('Urak Ulu') in Muara Sipongi (Mandailing Julu), 'Mandailing Natal' ('Madina') district right now. 'Lubu' and 'Ulu' tribes since the 2nd century BC is thought to have lived on the island of Sumatra, precisely in the interior southwest coast of Sumatra Island, namely in 'luat' (region) Mandailing, precisely in the legs Bukit Barisan mountain range. Here is described a little about the existence of 'Lubu' ('Siladang') and 'Ulu' ('Urak Ulu') tribes.

>>>'Ulu' tribes ('Alak Morsip')

'Ulu' tribes ('Urak Ulu') or often called 'Alak Morsip', are an indigenous people that where settlements located in the village of Tamiang Mudo and Sibinail in the district of Muara Sipongi, Mandailing Natal regency, North Sumatra Province. 'Ulu' tribe 's population is estimated around 135 ( one hundred and thirty- five) Head of the Family.

The 'Ulu' tribes have existed in ('banua') Mandailing since the beginning of the 2nd century AD, who lived in the deep forest in 'luat' (region) of Mandailing. When they lived as nomads, roaming in the forest interior, and do not settle in one place permanently. But then eventually they find a suitable place to be used as agricultural land (rice paddies and fields). But over time after they settle and build new settlements in the area, their settlement in the township is increasingly felt cramped, while they are still in need of land to expand the arable land. At that time, land in the more limited their settlement in line with accretion opulation. Residential areas they deemed insufficient natural resources anymore, either rice fields or fields, so they choose to go looking for a new place (moved) to serve new residential and agricultural land. Finally they came to a place and make a settlement known as 'Sibinail' in Muara Sipongi District.

At first 'Sibinail' village is already inhabited by three tribes that have already settled in this region, namely Mondoilig (Mandailing) Tribe, Pungkut Tribe and Kamak Kepuh Tribe. Descendants of the three tribes that inhabit 'Sibinail' also integrates seamlessly with 'Ulu' tribe. Settlements named 'Sibinail' in the course of its history, originally consisted of three village that is 'Sibinail', 'Ranto Lolo' and 'Tamiang Mudo'. After so long , the three village is growing, and then combined to form two (2) two villages, namely 'Sibinail' and 'Tamiang Mudo'.

When 'Padri War' restive at the end of the 19th century, most inhabitants of these old hamlets move to another settlement , known as the 'Sipaga-paga' in 'Luat' Panyabungan (Mandailing Godang) inhabited by the 'Lubu' tribe better known as 'Alak Siladang' (Siladang Tribe). The move reportedly because they shy away from Padri forces soldiers. In the new place that they blend and mixed marriages occur with 'Siladang' parts so that the formation of the language and customs of their own, which is different from the language and customs of the population in 'Sibinail'. While others who remain in the 'Tamiang' village and the 'Sibinail Mudo' village, while maintaining their native customs to date, and retain their identity as a tribe of 'Ulu' ('Urak Ulu').

Language which is owned by the tribe of Ulu different from Mandailing language. 'Ulu' tribe 's language Malay seem nuanced, but it could be older than the Malay language itself. In addition, 'Ulu' tribe 's language also absorb Mandailing vocabulary of the language, so that a change in the pronunciation of the sound, which adjusts the 'Ulu'tribe dialect and 'Ulu' language can be classified into clumps Malayic Language (Ancient Malay). 'Ulu' tribe communities currently rely mainly live on agriculture and farming in rice fields. In addition they are also a lot of work as farm laborers.

Examples of words in the 'Ulu' language, among others: 'aengko' = you; 'bulih' = may; ''denga' = listen; 'dilihek' = views; 'dioso' = know; 'dusto' = lie; 'elah' = already; 'idenga' = heard ; 'iko' = this; 'indo' = no; 'ingek' = remember; 'ke' = right; 'kirit' = post; 'kiro-kiro' = roughly; 'ko' = to; 'koro' = if; 'liaek' = see; 'lihek' = see; 'minto' = ask; 'mono' = where; 'siopo' = who; 'torus' = continued; and 'urak' = people.

>>>'Lubu' ('Siladang') tribe

In addition to 'Ulu' tribe, there are also parts of 'Lubu' tribe in Mandailing or better known as 'Alak Siladang' by the Mandailing people, which in the past they were viewed as 'tribes' with the language and customs are different from the language and customs of the  Mandailing tribe. 'Siladang' Tribal settlements are places in the 'SiladangVillage.  This village is not so great, but extends his village. The name of this village is now named 'Sipaga-paga', not far from the capital of Madina District is Panyabungan. Their settlements in nearby rubber plantation and palm trees vast sebagau main livelihood. They cook 'ngiro' ('water roomie') who is tapped from palm trees to be processed into 'brown sugar' (called 'gulo bargot'), which is cooked outdoors by creating a special hut in front of their house. Place this 'Siladang' tribe settlements, according to the story is a 'village' the origin of 'Si Sampuraga', ie a man who was ashamed to admit that the old and poor mother as his own mother. Folklore 'Si Sampuraga' until now is still unknown to many people and has become a legend in Mandailing containing moral teachings.

Historically, the Dutch literature Adatrechtbundels Serie A No. 25 (1916) on Interest 'Siladang' called 'Lubu' and 'Ulu' in Afdeeling Mandailing (Residentie Tapanoeli). According to the Dutch reports, there are 2 (two  in the 'Siladangtribal namely 'Lubu' and 'Ulu' peoples. In the report it is also stated that 'Lubu' and 'Ulu' peoples  still adheres to the remnants of the Hindu religion animism. They came from Minangkabau who fled to Mandailing because prior to the 'division clans'' among the Minangkabau people in ancient times there has been a lot of wars. The 'Lubu' and 'Ulu' people fled into the woods so that their lives become isolated and become 'semi-wild'. In general, they wear clothes made of bark and some decoration to cover the lower part of the body (half- naked). The 'Ulu' people job is farming and hunting and collecting forest products. Their weapons are blowgun with poisoned arrows. Ulu people have homes and clothes better than anyone 'Lubu' people. While reports Kreemer J. (1912) in "De Loeboes in Mandailing", is 'Lubu' tribe mentioned that dwells in the region of Padang Lawas and Mandailing, divided into 11 (eleven) settlement. In the 1891 census tabulating the number of people making as much as 2033 'Lubu' household.

'Siladang' people language is classified as a language spoken by 'tribes' (in the sense that there is less contact with the surrounding community) as the primary language in social interaction and language is still well preserved in everyday use as intra-tribal language. Although they controlled Saro Mandailing, but the language they use when in contact with the Mandailing tribe. Arguably take 'Siladang' language is already pretty much influenced by Saro Mandailing and many are experiencing interference, especially in the 'vocabulary'. This occurs as a result of settlements of 'Siladang' tribe is located in South Tapanuli that in general people wear Saro Mandailing and Angkola as lingua franca (Mother Tongue). Based on 1975 population statistics, the total 'Siladang' population in 'Sipaga-paga' and 'Ae Banir' as 1113 (one thousand one hundred thirteen ) soul ( a more detailed description see table below).

Examples of words in the language 'Siladang' tribe, among others: 'ivang' = them ; 'loki' = male ; 'ipah' = off ; 'pajusi' = girl ; 'lehe' = neck ; 'Ae' = water ; 'hele' = downstream ; 'ape' = fire ; 'jalme' = human ; 'amai' = mother ; 'balinda' = run ; 'holo' = Always ; 'mentuhe' = -law ; 'edi' = ndik ; 'tobo' = fly ; 'bopo' = father : 'baso' = flush ; 'pavéok' = pot ; " lopoi " = hungry ; " Podo " = lpadang ; " ponjo " = long ; " topo " = tread ; " botu " = stone ; 'tomi' = heel ; 'amai' = mother ; and 'hanau' = palm.


Mandailing Natal region is full of mystery. There are a couple of flora and fauna that were missing the last hundred years , but it was found in this region. And the most phenomenal existence is a story about a creature that in traditional societies called 'Leso'. Stature between 60-130 cm, height approx 3-4 year olds, shoulder length hair, legs inverted, residing in a wooden limb, and body relatively hairless. He is believed to inhabit forests throughout Sumatra, including injured in Mandailing region. Marcopolo (1292) no mention of the existence of 'Leso' in the account of the journey in Sumatra . Dozens of expeditions were sent from the Western hemisphere. One of the expedition of Mr. Van Heerwarden (1923) in Kerinci publish short encounter with the creature. There are also expeditions Debbie Martyr and Jeremy Holden (1990) funded organization Fauna and Flora International. And no less important is the National Geographic television expedition team since last year. Certainly not the usual investigative media class that they entered the forests of Sumatra.

Debbi Martyr and Marcopolo call spsies primates, great apes. However Heerwarden found that species of human beings, who are trapped in a culture of old metal or even stone. Based on the testimony of several people around the Rodang Tinapor area, Siabu district, 'Leso' is physically similar to humans. This mysterious creature ('Leso') also have known hunting tools and have a language symbol system. In addition to being called 'Leso', according to a story by word of mouth (oral tradition), there is another similar creature named 'Umang', 'Kurinci', 'Langkeso' and 'Cakek'. Thus, the various tribes (Mandailing, Angkola, Lubu, and Ulu) which have been mentioned earlier was not the only human species living on the 'Banua' of Mandailing'.

Gandoang. March 14, 2014.


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