Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Mandailing Block Flute


"Someone from certain tribal can understand and appreciate music traditional owned by other tribal well, for example, Minangkabau people can understand the Mandailing music traditional and vice versa, if he is willing to learn the customs, language (culture), 
and listen to the traditional music as each individual ethnic group 
that listen and understand their own music".

Of course our traditional music can not compare with Western diatonic music because each one (of the two) have the concepts and systems of different music. Nevertheless the two styles of music that we enjoy and appreciation to the approach of the kind described above. This situation shows that the 'music' (as a means of communication) is not a 'universal language', because although both have 'logic' are the same but have different concepts and systems. Something like that 'way of thinking William P. Malm' in his book "Music Cultures of the Pacific, the Near East, and Asia", second edition, (1976) .

Residents who live as farmers in a number of community residential places in the 'region' (called 'banua') Mandailing Julu (Upper Mandailing) has various kinds of musical traditional instruments as a legacy of their ancestors (heritage). One of them is a wind instrument called 'uyup-uyup' are made ​​of various natural materials, which are in the vicinity of their settlements. There 'uyup-uyup' made from rice plant stems called 'uyup-uyup durame' ('rod' or 'whistle' rice in Mandailing language is 'durame'), and unisex 'uyup-uyup' made from a tree branch bamboo called 'tulila' or 'tulilla' which has a 'tongue' (reed) and four tone holes. Wind instruments 'tulila' is first used to make a young man get up a girl (a very coveted) woke up and then persuade him well with 'words' that whispered through the 'lubang pangkusipan' or the 'tulila' which played beside the house where the girl was sleeping together his fellow- girl (called 'bagas podoman'). While 'uyup-uyup durame' wrapped around a young coconut leaves, which gained momentum in the forward direction (called a cone-shaped 'pokak') to increase the volume of his voice when blown.

In addition to the two types of 'uyup-uyup' mentioned above, a wind instrument called 'uyup -uyup' can also be made from the leaves of various plants, such as coffee tree from a leaf, banana leaves, durian tree leaves dutch ('zirzak') and others. To make 'uyup-uyup' of plant leaf, first leaf was rolled to make circular conical, and then inserted into the oral cavity to be blown. Based on the use of the material or the material used to make wind instruments 'uyup-uyup' this, that one of the 'uyup-uyupterms is a wind instrument made ​​from certain herbs. The words 'uyup-uyup' can be found in the 'ende-ende' (quatrains) rhyming "ab-ab" is often sung as lyrics (poetry) of 'ende sitogol' or 'ende ungut-ungut', as follows:

Uyup-uyup parupuk... 
Na solot i sopo saba... 
Oli-oli mapukpuk... 
Na iopkop ahape suada... 

The first line of the poem begins with the phrase "uyup-uyup parupuk", in which the 'uyup-uyup' combined with 'parupuk' words, which is a kind of herbaceous plant that is similar to the rice that grow at the edge of the river. Some people in Mandailing say, that in the past there is also 'uyup-uyup' made from 'parupukplants (as a children 'toy'), where this is possible because there are various types of plants including 'parupuk'. Besides, there is also a saying that the 'parupuk' word in the poem is only a 'sampiran' ('figures of speech') that are deliberately chosen to fit with the end of the lyrics in the form of content that is 'mapukpuk'.

When I (the author) with traditional musicians from 'Huta Pungkut' (Jabondar, Dingin and his children who are visually impaired), where one of them asked a colleague who is playing the 'suling' (block flute) to play the 'uyup-uyup'song' (rhythm) by saying: "Baen jolo e  uyup uyup i kahanggi". At first I was confused by the request his brother, because at that time we gathered none of the types of musical instruments including wind instruments 'uyup-uyup'. But after hearing the sound of 'flute' which plays the song (rhythm) is often performed with a wind instrument 'uyup-uyup durame' for example, then realized that the 'uyup-uyup' word can also mean rhythm (music) or melodic patterns that has a certain character. In Mandailing Godang, 'uyup-uyup durame' is called 'olanglio', is a word that sounds a bit like 'uyup-uyup durame' when played by someone.

At a 'huta' (of settlements) in Mandaiing, a woman will not blow 'uyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' if he knows there are others who will hear it, all the more so for men, women and even against fellow was he be reluctant or embarrassed, except with his friends who are already quite familiar. Because what it does is something that is 'abstinence' (taboo) if the other party sounds, while 'uyup-uyup' often blown by young children as a 'toy', but is not considered taboo by Mandailing society.

The loss of tradition 'maruyup-uyup' ('uyup-uyupplays) is in Mandailing now caused by various factors, one of which is probably the influence of the times, so they assume that 'maruyup-uyup' art-music is outdated (archaic), so that they feel 'ashamed' to play. Scarcity tradition 'maruyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' by women is now difficult for us, especially to describe the musical aspects. Even so I never have documentation music 'uyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' played by traditional musicians named Supri Lubis (30 years), Arman Lubis (25 years), and Asman Lubis (23 years old) from 'Huta Pungkut - Mandailing Julu.

When I play music recordings 'uyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' it to some older people both women and men in the residential areas and also in other settlements in Mandailing Julu, they immediately say that the music is a sound recording that resulting from 'uyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' which is usually played by a woman in the past, when what actually plays a grown man, at noon in the 'huta'.


Wind instrument 'uyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' made ​​from durian leaf dutch (zirzak) which is not too old nor too young, Supri Lubis explains. The tip of the leaf is cut slightly by using your thumb nail, so that it can be rolled up leaves well. Rolled leaf from the tip of the leaf is cut to the inside, but it should be noted that the 'bone leaf' should be rolled around like a coil spring growing to form a conical tip. In order for the better leaf rolls, can also be twisted, after the first 3 times rolled, in between both hands, and the new rolled back. Then the tip of the cone rolls dikepit between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand or the left, depending on skills and habits players, that 'uyup-uyup' (leaf roll) do not open, while the end of the 'uyup-uyup' the other (smaller) pressed with the thumb and forefinger of one hand again .

Before 'uyup-uyup' inserted into the oral cavity, first - hand clamp 'uyup-uyup' by way of grasping and closing the hand or embrace one another holding hands 'uyup-uyup', while part 'uyup-uyup' that two-thirds stretched out put in the mouth and base is placed under the tongue, and the combined hands to his lips sealed over her mouth. The air is continuously blown to meet the oral cavity and the move towards 'slim hole', after pressed with a finger would be elliptical in shape and thin, and into the cavity 'uyup-uyup' the form of loops. In - crease or winding 'uyup-uyup' the broken air, where there is air coming in through the winding 'uyup-uyup' and others continue to move in the cavity 'uyup-uyup', then the 'sound of music' was produced.

In this tradition in the arts, a 'paruyup-uyup' ('uyup-uyup' players) must have long breathing, and subsequently he was able to create a melody in a way: opening and cover with the hand attached to the hand-holding 'uyup uyup', zoom in and out of the air column inside the oral cavity, and moving the tip of the tongue from side to side.

It should be also added that if the saliva enters the cavity 'uyup-uyup' until a certain number will be able to plug the holes - hole thin between windings, and it will inhibit air split, which in turn 'uyup-uyup' can not produce sound. Therefore, the opposite of the methods offered Hornbostel and Curt Sachs (1881-1969) to describe and classify all kinds of musical instruments world, then 'uyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' in Huta Pungkut can we put in the aerofon classification or subclassification block flute often referred to as recorder.


From what is heard through a tape-recorder as the recorder, where 'uyup-uyup' is played with andante tempo, and rhythm which summarizes the units of time seems to have the same length or distance (isometris), and has a tendency to repetition of the pattern the same rhythm (isoritem).

Surely we will have trouble when doing analysis 'tonal system' to the 'melody' and also 'rhythmic style', which is produced 'uyup-uyup' using the method invented by Westerners. Especially with regard to the tone generated by using the method of 'tempered twelve tones', where we often find 'tunes that are not in tune' with the chromatic system . The tones are not in harmony produced by 'uyup-uyup' this is not an error or mistake because the concept of 'standard pitch' will be different in their culture for each ethnic group in the world. Even Westerners who created 'systems or twelve-tone chromatic scale' will never be able to just sing chromatic tones according to its size.

In connection with efforts to determine the tones generated by the melody lau 'uyup-uyup', the author first of all listen to the voice of the lowest. And because 'cantour melodic' song  'uyup-uyup' these are 'ascending' (rose), making it easier to determine the 'basic tone' ('root tone') and other tones. With the tools a guitar (while regarded as monochord) and considers the first tone as the 'basic tone' which is exemplified as well as the tone of 'C', the tones produced are "C - Db - D - Eb", in which the region tones are in 'one octave', and notes that it has sequential as well as 'scales' (mode) the resulting string melody 'uyup-uyup' with one voice. While the melodic style has a small motif (leitmotivic), tends to be repeated (ostinato), and 'improvisation' is done by developing variations. The next interval is used sekunde minor and major, and the melody has a cadenza pattern ('C - Db') that tends to be repeated anyway.


Wind instrument 'uyup-uyup bulung tarutung bolanda' solo played by a woman and is a 'secret' because it is closely related to the cultural value system ('taboo') in the first period. As with the 'uyup-uyup durame' (also called 'olanglio') which had 'pokak' usually sounded when resting during the day after the rice harvest in the fields rollicking, sunggguh make the heart glad and happy to hear his voice.

In my native country first, 'manyabi' (harvest rice) is a 'great event' and encouraging. How not, our family and relatives of the father ('amanguda', 'amangtua', 'kahanggi-sosolkot', and so on) and also from my mother's side ('mora', 'mora ni mora', and so on), we are all abuzz harvest rice in our rice fields. At other times and occasions, our family has always helped harvest rice in the rice fields we are brothers (this habit is called 'marsialap ari' ).

Morning before going down rollicking paddy harvest, first we all eat together with typical snacks called 'bubur cacak'. And during the day, after harvesting rice tired, and then we had lunch together with the typical side dishes anyway. Usually available curry chicken with potatoes, 'gule bulung gadung' (mashed cassava leaves), 'bolgang torung', and do not miss 'lasiak tuktuk' (minced chili mixed with dried sea fish). Woowww ... very delicious ! Large family meals in 'sopo saba', which is usually located in the middle of rice fields.

Lively and festive atmosphere added when there is a grown man taking a piece of rice straw ('durame') to maketh a wind instrument, which is then wrapped with strands of palm tree leaves are young so as to form a cone (called 'pokak') to increase the volume of his voice. When blown with certain techniques and patterns of melody, the sound of music that sounded so excited and chirpy. Occasionally, other than rice acreage also heard the sound of the music produced by the same instrument. Somehow, those who play musical instruments ('uyup-uyup') it sounds like bersahut-replication and beautiful once floated to our ears, which are then entered into the recesses of the heart ... oh happy once !

Gandoang. March 13, 2014.

~ o0o  ~

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