Selasa, 18 Maret 2014



In our hometown is 'Tano Sere' (Mandailing), our sons and daughters born Mandailing only the highest education to the 'Senior High School' ('SMA') alone. When the high school is only one high school namely SMA 108 Kotanopan in Mandailing Julu (Upper Mandailing), which is located right in the valley 'Tor Siojo' about 2 kilometers from the Pasar Kotanopan. In addition to SMA 108 Kotanopan, there is also a 'Senior High School' (a special school in economics) named SMEA Panyabungan in Mandailing Godang (Lowland Mandailing) is located not far from the Pasar Panyabungan.

Indeed, we are generally after completing the quietest we've heard School (SMA/SMEA) really want to be able to continue their education to college (university) in major cities such as Medan, Bogor, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and so on. But we are not helpless,  because we generally are children of farmers, so our parents did not have enough money to pay for our study in college. And also maybe because they feel bored and embarrassed settled at home with daily work just to help parents work in the rice fields and garden, so most of us go wander (called 'mangaranto') to the major cities such as Medan, Jakarta, Bandung, and so on. In the big city, we will try to find the 'induk somang', ie someone who is willing to guide and direct us to be able to live independently in the big city. Typically, 'induk somang' is someone who is expected to still have a kinship with us, or at least people who come from the same hometown with us (called 'sakampung' or 'sahuta').

It has become a habit, that the nomads (Mandailing people) who live in big cities in Indonesia are generally once a year returned home to their respective hometown for 'Eid' ( celebrating the feast of Eid al- Adha Muslim) with a wives and children (nuclear family). This tradition is called 'mulak kampung', and not least among those who earned a decent living as a 'shopkeeper' (called 'parwarung') that sell daily living needs (such as rice, sugar, flour, coconut oil, salt, bread, cigarettes, and so on). Especially in West Java, 'parwarung' is commonly found ranging from Bekasi, Ciulengsi, Citeureup, Cibinong, Ciomas, Cinangneng, Ciampea, Cisarua, and in places other Sundanese settlement). Funny thing is, the people who have shops selling daily necessities of life ('parwarung') is greeted by the buyer with an existing turtur in traditional Minangkabau, namely 'uda' which means 'brother'. Maybe it happens because generally Sunda people identify Mandailing person is similar (the same) as the Minangkabau are quite well known as the people who are 'good trade' ('master trader'). In fact, the Minangkabau better known as 'Masakan Padang' restaurant owners (called 'Warung Padang') in major cities of Indonesia, or maybe also because the Mandailing and Minangkabau peoples are predominantly Muslim.

Mandailing people ('parwarung') being Eid at home ('mulak kampung') it is usually always the center of attention in the village, mainly because they are living decent success as 'parwarung' in big cities. Not infrequently, when returning back to the city, they invite and bring one or two of his brothers ('others') to help assist them to sell at the store. Thus 'parwarung' is acting as 'induk somang'. Indeed, although it has been working for years, you brought from the homeland as a 'helper' was not given a 'fixed salary', but in return he will look for a place (home) to sell and given capital to be managed as one's own (called 'mangasing'). The habit was continued, where after he successfully manages the store and have enough money, he will return to hometowns together the 'parwarung' other, but he (the youth) has an additional mission: to find a girl that is suitable to serve as his life companion (as a future wife).  That is often the case in Mandailing community in Indonesia, from one generation to the next. As with the existence of people in the country Mandailing peninsular Malaysia, where they first moved there as a group (abuzz) as a result of turbulence Padri War and because they do not want to be colonized by the Dutch who have mastered the (occupied) Mandailing around the 18th century.

As an expression of gratitude to God (Allah Swt), because the boys they would go away ('migrate') to learn to look for life itself (independent living), usually the parents of the boy will hold a special traditional ceremony called 'mangido doah'. To the families of their relatives diundanglah closest to 'eat together' and at the same time together pyar departure of the boys 'wandered' with the hope that someday he won all the desires and ideals. On this occasion, the parents and families of relatives giving advice to keep in mind and implemented in the new place.

More or less the same as a very famous Tegal community (Java tribe), which many wrestle 'small restaurant' (called 'Warung Tegal' is abbreviated 'warteg'), may be said to be the backbone of small communities such as in the capital (Jakarta). Tegal community groups, took a very important social role by providing one of the professions that contribute to the building society capital and other cities in Indonesia with food in 'warteg' with a relatively cheap price, if compared for example with the 'Padang Restaurant' in managed by Padang people from West Sumatra province.

So it is with the Mandailing people. But their specialty is situated on grocery items or 'roceries' (goods of daily needs). As 'warteg', groceries stores owned Mandailing people in Indonesia is not without competitors. Call it, for example, the token Chinese-owned grocery stores, namely Alfa Mart, Indomart, Super Market and so forth. But how can they survive? 

That's a question often asked directly to the 'parwarung'. In terms of survival, where the groceries stores are managed by Mandailing people ('shop ') the supply of goods at relatively low prices. So many customers are coming. The risks are, indeed, is the owner of the shop had to be very patient with a very small profit on every item it sells goods. Thus, despite having to compete with grocery stores belonging to large investors, they still survive and can survive with their regular customers.

In addition, the stores belonging to the nomads groceries this Mandailing people the union has a very strong cooperative aka the source and the source of supply is capital and goods with very cheap price. Thus, those involved with this effort can have the ease and supplai capital goods that is a trend and more inexpensive. Through association and the cooperative, each member can share information on strategic locations to open a new grocery store. So that each member of which already exist to expand the store network or cooperative can advise and direct the new members to open a store alias invest in the area. The targets of their location is a residential area that has not had a grocery store groceries and complete, or that new housing is open, or village that still has no shops or housing that has a lot of the stores but there is still an opportunity to compete.

Each owner 'stall' ('parwarung') is always held periodically encounter so that they can help each other overcome their respective problems. For example, if an item does not sell the goods at a place they would immediately throw it into a place that still sell sales. The capital required by each 'warung' very varied. Because this is a small business, the concentration of capital in the range of 10-30 million depending on the place and conditions.

The existence and availability of human resources is a very booming. Mandailing people, the younger generation, is among the nomads that ensures the availability of human resources to support this effort. Those who are new to wander from land Mandailing will be very useful as an apprentice clerk in the stores, so shop owners can hire workers with wages that are economica.

Cooperative associations and parties are very helpful in the establishment of the necessary permits and a small grocery store thus saving costs to be incurred by the small investor. In addition, the members also ought to maintain the safety and security of members of each of the parties into social ills such as thieves, burglars, thugs and corrupt officials. Thus, the grocery store ('shop') belongs to the Mandailing is highly respected in the township-village where they sell.

One point of distinction from the group of people who mostly surnamed Mandailing (clans) like Nasution, Lubis, Daulae, Rangkuti, Parinduri, Batubara, and others, it is their ability to adapt to social in Indonesia. Many of the owners of the grocery store is also raised by the local community as religious leaders, priests, preachers and others in local mosques. Thus their position as a 'merchant' has the support of the community.

Professions such as 'Mandailing Mart' ('parwarung') is supposed to have the support of the relevant parties. Including the government, the owners of capital from Mandailing people, interest groups and social issues forth. Because, as a trend, this profession may not be able to survive because of exchange and turnaround times. It can not be denied that today people Mandailing many are emancipated. Mandailing group is not only involved in the sector today. Some of them have occupied top positions in Indonesia. As the leading businessmen, politicians, military leaders, officials and others. Business sectors undertaken by the Mandailing also includes a much larger scale. A case such as mining, building contractors, financial , and other services. However, even so, 'Mandailing Mart', as a professional land for lower-middle class must remain defended and developed in order to compete with groups like from the other community.

Lower-middle group is strong and solid resistance will help the social and cultural system of a group of people. So we do not have to wonder why Mandailing people may try to stand alone (independent) in the arena of Indonesian civilization with its own culture and identity system. To further popularize 'Mandailing Mart' is probably every 'shop' property of this Mandailing has its own brand on display in front of the 'shop', for example by using the brand 'WARMAN' (s short for 'Warung Mandailing'), a trademark name that may be easily remembered by customers in Indonesia.

Gandoang. March 19, 2014.


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