Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Mandailing Culture (3)



In line with the development of provincial governments in Indonesia, the People's Representative Council (DPRD) Level I province of North Sumatra in 1992 adopted a policy to make the division of the territory of Provinces of North Sumatra . In accordance with the policy, and ‘Mandailing Natal’ raised the status of a ‘Level II’ (called ‘Kabupaten’) Regional District named ‘Mandailing-Natal’ based on Law No. 12 Year 1998, and was formally inaugurated by the ‘Menteri Dalam Negeri’ (‘Interior Minister’) dated March 9, 1999.

Mandailing Natal’ district is geographically located between 0°10' - 1°50' North latitude and 98°10' - 100°10' east longitude with an altitude of 0-2145 m above sea level. Mandailing Natal (Madina) administrative area is divided into 17 districts and 375 villages. On February 15, 2007 Date of Mandailing Natal regency government issued a Regulation No. 10 Year 2007 on the establishment of districts in Mandailing Natal, the District Ranto Baek, Huta Bargot, Puncak Gunung Sorik Marapi, Pakantan, and Sinunukan. A few months later, on December 7, 2007, the District was formed the Naga Juang with Regional Regulation No. 46 Year 2007. Thus Mandailing Natal Regency present - which is better known as MADINA - have 32 (thirty two) 'disytrics and 353 (three hundred and fifty three ) villages.

MandailingNatal district is geographically located at the south of the province of North Sumatra with the following boundaries:

• North side of Padang Lawas regency.
• South side with the province of West Sumatra.
• East of the province of West Sumatra.
• West side with the Indonesian Ocean.

Regency Mandailing Natal (Madina) has the area of 662 070 hectares or 9.24 percent of the region Province of North Sumatra. The area is the widest Muara Batang Gadis ie 143 502 ha ( 21.67 %) and the smallest is District Puncak Gunung Sorik Marapi area 3472.57 ha (3.46 %) in 2006. Population (people) Mandailing Natal consists of tribal/ethnic Mandailing, Minang, Javanese, Batak, Nias and Aceh, but ethnic majority ethnic Mandailing is 80.00 %, 7.00 % coastal Malays and Javanese ethnic 6.00 %. Ethnic Mandailing were largely inhabit the Mandailing, while Malay and Minang ethnic inhabit the West Coast.

Here is described the culture and civilization of ethnic groups (tribal) Mandailing in brief.

1 . Mandailing Language and Literacy 

Language and literacy is a 'cultural identity' that is the core of human civilization. Tribe or nation has its own alphabet have more wisdom into her identity is typical, for example, honesty, equality, and the firm establishment of tolerance. History proves that the civilization that grew up in the lush valley in large watersheds, such as the Sumerian civilization in the flow of the Euphrates and the Tigris in Mesopotania, Mohendojaro in the Indus river basin in India, the Yangtze Kiang in China, the Nile in Egypt, the Rhine and Danube in Europe, and so on.

 Mandailing ethnic groups in the archipelago has grown and evolved over the centuries and has its own culture, including language that ‘hata’ (‘saro’) Mandailing. In a paper entitled "Kesusasteraan Mandailing and Kita: Suatu Pengamatan Awal" presented at the Seminar on Literature Mandailing in University of North Sumatra (USU), Z. Pangaduan Lubis (1990) arguing that the language classification Mandailing including the Austronesian family , and have 5 ( five ) variety of language, namely:

(i)     ‘Hata Somal‘: a variety of language used in daily life.
(ii)  'Hata Andung': diversity of languages ​​spoken in a nuanced literary tradition ‘mangandung’ (wailing) in traditional ceremonies or marriage.
(iii)   ‘Hata Teas dohot Jampolak’: diversity of languages ​​is expressed in the form of insults to the contention that other person.
(iv)   ‘Hata Si Baso’: diversity of languages ​​typically used the Baso (figure shaman) or datu (shaman), and
(v)   ‘Hata Parhapur’: diversity of languages ​​spoken by the Mandailing when in the forest, initially first when looking for camphor.

As an example of the use of language diversity, for example the word 'eye', can be used to distribute his vocabulary. In 'hata Somal' sense of sight is called 'eye', the 'hata andung' is 'simanyolong', and the 'hata teas dohot jampolak' is 'loncot'. Another example, the 'burangir’ word in 'hata somal' is 'burangir' , the 'hata andung' called 'simanggurak' and the 'Hata Si Baso' named 'situngguk. Another example, the 'snake' word in 'hata somal' is 'ulok', while the 'hata parkapur' called the 'andor' (Indonesian denotation of the 'andor' is a 'rope').

In addition to the five wide variety of language that, in the past Mandailing community also has a variety of other languages ​​are called 'hatabulung-bulung' (meaning 'language leaves') . Ch . A. van Ophuysen (1901) named bladerentaa'l‘.

 ‘Hata bulung-Bulung’ different from ordinary language, because it is used as the word is 'leaf plants' (called 'bulung- bulung'). Leaves used is the leaves that had his name rhyme with the words contained in Mandailing language. For example, the leaves of plants called 'sitarak' is used to convey the word 'marsarak' (split). The leaves of plants are called 'pau' (ferns) are used to convey the word 'diau' (on me). Leaf plant named 'sitanggis ' (incense) is used to convey the words 'tangis ' (crying ). The leaves of plants are called 'podom-podom' is used to convey the words 'modom' (sleep). The leaves of plants are called 'hadungdung' is used to convey word  ‘dung' (after). And the leaves of the plants named 'sitata' is used to convey the words 'hita' (us). If for example the leaves 'hadungdung' together with the leaves 'sitata', 'sitarak', 'sitanggis', and 'podom-podom' laid by a young man in a hidden spot to see her lover, the lover will understand that the youth told him: "dung hita marsarak jolo au anso modom tears". That is, "after we parted ways, I cried first and could fall asleep".

In the past, ‘hata bulung-bulung’ is used by young people (called 'naposo na uli bulung') in Mandailing community, especially when they were dating. In this case, it can be argued that in the past dating activities (romance) between boys and girls in society Mandailing absolutely should not be done openly. Relationships and dating activities must be conducted in secret. Therefore, if two young people who are dating to convey something in between them, then they use the language leaves. And if a lover to convey leaves as a 'love letter' to her lover, then he must do it in secret. For example, by putting the leaves in one particular place that they have agreed upon ago and no one else knows. They are dating it will secretly visit the secret place turns to see if it is already in place there is 'love letter' which consists of leaves.

If two people are in a relationship it wanted dialogue directly, they will do it in a certain way called 'markusip' (whisper). Activities 'markusip' done in the middle of the night so as not to be known by others. In this case, the young man with a furtive way to the house where his girlfriend was. Then by using a password or a particular code, the boy will be tried to wake her boyfriend from behind the walls of the house. To wake her lover, usually the flick-flick youth house wall with his finger slowly. In this case, the lover (girl) usually are already awaiting the arrival of her tether it with 'markusip' at certain times (midnight). Therefore, quite a young man flicked home wall several times to say that he had arrived and was behind the wall. Sometimes in order to inform its presence in the wall behind the young man rang the wind instrument called 'tulila' (‘tulilla’), which is the volume of fine (small) once. When the girl already knows her lover's presence behind the wall, then they start whispering dialogue. Dialogue between two people who are 'markusip' is usually decorated with 'rhymes romance' romantic. And not infrequently decorated with 'tulila', which is made ​​of bamboo sections are relatively small, so the sound is very small (fine) once.

At the present time, the language of leaves ('hata bulung-bulung'), and its use has been missing from Mandailing cultural traditions. Similarly, the wide-variety of language Mandailing. As for which is still being used by the citizens of the country they are 'hata somal' (a variety of everyday language). While the diversity of languages ​​other woods, may be said to have almost totally disappeared. Because of all this Mandailing citizens not trying to preserve it. The extinction of a wide - variety of languages ​​are very rich Mandailing it is very detrimental Mandailing own ethnic group, even detrimental to the Indonesian people, for many of these languages ​​is the richness of cultural ethnicity, which, when already extinct almost impossible to turn back.

According Bahksan Parinduri (2009) that the language (‘hata’) Mandailing has its peculiarities, both in terms of form, the process of the formation of words, the meaning of the word as well as by a wide use. In terms of phonological, language Mandailing is applying syllabic language. Written in script 'surat-tulak tulak' (Mandailing traditional) consisting of 24 (twenty four) phonemes: a, ha , na , ma , nga , la , pa , ga , ja , ba , ta , ra ​​, sa , da , ka , ca , it , wa , i , o , u , e , o , ng. The phoneme - fenem denoted by 23 (twenty three) 'induk ni surat' and 5 (five) 'anak ni surat', as follows:

When examined more deeply, according Bakhsan Parinduri (2009), there are several characteristics ‘hata (‘saro’) Mandailing’ fairly prominent, among others:

First, the phoneme 'k' velar and glottal stop at the end of the word denoted by the mark, although different in nature, such as the word 'breast' means 'drop' and 'defecate’; 'sosak' means 'fast' (hurry up) and 'tightness' (breath); 'golak' means 'laughing' and 'ridicule'; 'etek' means 'tante’ (aunt) and 'percussion instruments' of bamboo ('idiophone').

Second, the use of sound (letter) vocals are very prolific and varied as well as the following examples:

~ Sa : sarsar, saksak; si : sirsir, siksik; su : sursur, suksuk ; se : serser, seksek; so : sorsor, soksok.
Ta : taktak, tartar; ti : tiktik, tirtir; tu : tuktuk, tultul; te : tektek, terter; to : toktok, tortor.
~ Pa : pakpak, paspas; pi : pirpir, pispis; pu : purpur, puspus; pe : perper, pespes; po : porpor, potpot.

Third, there is a word consisting of vocal groups like: 'aua', 'uai', 'ee', and 'aa'. For details, can be seen in the sentence: "uai iaua au i"; consisting of twelve vocal group that has never been discovered, such as the shape, in the Mother Tongue owned by other ethnic groups. In addition , the vocals alone can function as a single morpheme as: 'a' in the word number ‘adua’ (meaning ' two'); 'i' can mean 'it' (eg ‘ima’ word, which means 'it is' ) and the prefix 'in' (eg the word 'isadu', meaning 'there'), 'e' means 'hi', 'u' means 'me', and 'o' which means 'yes' or 'you'.

Fourth, greatly affects the intonation on the word meaning. On the basis of the word 'bagas', for example, was instrumental tempo pressure determines the meaning. Ba'gas word means 'house', while bag'as means 'in'. Other examples such as the word 'parmangan'. With different pronunciations can be significant: (1) likes to eat, (2) the money used to buy food, and (3) how to eat. So also with other forms such as da'bu means 'drop', and ‘dabu' means',  in a state of falling.

Fifth, 'root' was instrumental in the formation of basic words . To detail can be seen in the example the following words: (1) antuk, batuk, kurtuk, lantuk, maturutuk, potuk, retuk, sotuk, tuktuk, weeks; (2) apit, ubit, lompit, narrow, pitpit, dalkit, ancit, rongit, angit, sirit, gorit, ririt; (3 ) andarohot, dapot, dohot, lolot, morot, korot, paorot, potpot lampot, sangkot, sungkot, singkot, sohot, solkot, ngot, tungkot, ingot, rohot, salohot, moncot, topot. Of the three examples above each group has relevance meaning. For example the number one has a relationship with sound, in the second example relates to the relationship meaning something minimal, small, and almost, while the third example has the meaning relationship with the place, the process leading to or leaving the premises.

Sixth, the use of 'additive' very productive. In addition to the many particle number, functions and notions that appear more varied . One word can be imbued basis by more than twenty affixes. Prefix ‘ma + dabu’ can be: (1) mada'bu (fall), (2 ) ma'dabu (already) in a state of falling, and (3) mandabu (dropped). Allomorph or morpheme variations not only in the prefix 'me -'and 'pe - ', but the prefix ‘sa – ‘, eg in the form sambola, sandok, sanggotap. Combined affixes can occur at the end of words such as for word on ‘dokon + ‘(dokonon), ‘+ kon’ (dokononkon), ‘ + on (dokononkonon), dorapkononkon. Moreover, the additive can also form adjectives level, for example the word: godang, godangan, gumodang, mago'dang, ma'godang, magodangan, magodangtu, murgodang, murmagodang, murmur-magodang, targodang, tarumgodang, tartargodang, sagodang-godangna.

Seventh, the use of 'particle' is dominant. Particles that are used include: ba, bo, da, do, to, le, ma, pe, te, and others . In Speech Language (oral), the use of these particles often shortened to an acronym, such as: ‘ro ma ho tu son’ became ‘roson’, ‘kehe ho ma tu si’ become ‘kesi’, and so forth.

Indeed, ‘hata somal’ as ‘mother language’ in Mandailing still able to hold up to a globalized world. But along with the development and progress made during the last decades on various aspects of community life Mandailing, so even this was Somal Hata has undergone many changes. It is characterized by the number of words derived from the uptake of other languages​​, especially those related to science and technology, which is used by students and scholars Mandailing people in everyday communication. Not infrequently, that after the words of the absorption becomes ‘Hata Somal’ for them, but understanding is not the same anymore with the notion of origin. Examples such as the word 'angsa' is the original 'trademark ' of similar items (cauldron) with a logo image ducks geese, but then in another it means to be ‘hata somal’, ie 'large pot. Another thing, for example if the first Mandailing want a piece of string to measure the length spanned by both hands (called: sangkolak, duangkolak, and so on). But now they are already prevalent use of meters and centimeters. In fact, if we look further and deeper will show how many words uptake has become an integral part of ‘hata somal’ longer they use now. Instead, maybe not a few of treasury ‘hata somal’ who already have long gone because they no longer use in their daily lives.

On the other hand, a trend that is happening in the Mandailing now, especially those who go abroad and then settled in big cities in Indonesia, although there are some of them that does not seem so respect to the existence and benefits of the Mother Tongue by no longer taught using Mandailing descendants, but not a few among them who still use Mother in commun-cation, such as the activities of 'recitation routine' (so-called ‘parwiritan’) organized by the association of the owners of the grocery store (‘parwarung’) in Jakarta, as many as 3 or 4 times a year. ‘Parwarung community’ who still use Mother Tongue is also generally do not have high awareness and strong will so that his descendants were able to use Mandailing language in everyday life. This was probably due to the time and attention they are much taken for business activities, as ‘parwarung’, so that they can keep a decent living (survive) in the major cities. While in the old country (Mandailing ) was probably only a few people really care about what and how they were later Mother Tongue. The cause may be relatively similar to what is experienced by the majority of the immigrants who settled in urban Mandailing, ie the economic crush. Those who live in the hometown, most of the farmers are still planting rice in the fields and cultivate a garden in traditional forest with limited land area anyway, so to be able to meet the needs of everyday life and the children's school finance they had quite a headache thinking about it. In short, most people with conditions such Mandailing it, should students and scholars (intellectual) Mandailing people have a heightened awareness and consideration to the existence of the ‘Hata  Somal’ as Mother Tongue of Mandailing people in the future. [EN]

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