Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Mandailing Culture (7)


7. Traditional Arts

Just like other ethnic groups in the world, that Mandailing ethnic groups also have a wide variety of traditional arts as a legacy of the ancestors who passed down through the generations from one generation to the next. Mandailing traditional art can be classified into the art form of music, singing, dance, and literature, with the following brief description:

(a)  Music

In all human societies universally music is indeed one very important aspect. In human life, music is not just a recreational activity or mere entertainment, but also used for a variety of reasons ranging from indigenous interests and rituals like the birth of a child, a child celebrating weddings, and respect for the death of a parent; ask for blessings and expressions of gratitude the ruler of the universe, to the preparation for war and seduce a girl at night. Uniquely, every ethnic group in the world at large have concepts, rules and procedures in making and using music.

And not a few people who say that music is a ‘universal language’ because ‘music’ can be understood and enjoyed by anyone who lives on the surface of the earth. But in the context of traditional music culture that is owned by an ethnic group, such a view would not apply. Therefore, the function and meaning of ‘traditional music’ that is owned by an ethnic group can only be fully understood by the citizens of the ethnic group in question. To be able to appreciate ethnic music (traditional), at least we (outsider) must understand the two main components of any ethnic group culture, language and traditions of the music.

The term 'gondang' in Mandailing contains several terms, namely: a musical instrument, a combination of a number of musical instruments (ensemble), the name of the song or repertoire, rhythm or rhythmic, certain types of music, and the music itself, which is very closely related to the Mandailing other cultural elements.

As with other tribes in the archipelago, the Mandailing also has a variety of traditional music that situation very concern in today's era of globalization because all are already on the verge of extinction. The traditional musical instruments Mandailing can be classified as follows:

~ Membranofon, namely: gordang sambilan, gondang dua (gondang boru/gondang topap), and gondang dikir.

Gordang sambilan custom music ensemble consists of 9 (nine) piece drum major with the relatively large size and length (drum chime) is made ​​of wood 'ingul' and played by four or five men to wear bat made ​​of wood (called ‘panokok’). The size and length of the drum ninth storey ranging from the smallest to the biggest. Resonator tube is made by means of wood to make a hole , and one end of the pit (the head) is closed with the 'membrane' which is made ​​of lambskin dried (called 'jangat') stretched with rattan as well as a means of fastening.

The Ninth drum has its own name which is not the same in all ‘huta’ (‘banua’) in Mandailing. The names of the ‘gordang sambilan’ instruments in Tamiang and Huta Pungkut (Mandailing Julu) from large to small are: (1) ‘jangat’ (siangkaan), (2) ‘jangat’ (silitonga) , (3 ) ‘jangat’ (sianggian); (4) ‘pangaloi’; (5) ‘pangaloi’; (6) ‘paniga’; (7) ‘paniga’; ( 8 ) ‘udong-kudong’; and (9) ‘eneng-eneng’.

Figure. Gordang Sambilan.

Gordang smbilan as custom music ensemble played in a variety of traditional ceremonies and rituals. As for 'repertoire of traditional music' ('gondang') by using gordang sambilan among others: (1) jolo-jolo turun; (2) alap-alap tondi; (3) sampuara batu magulang; (4) padang (roba) na mosok; (5) pamulihon; (6) udan potir; (7) aek magodang (touk); (8) mamele begu; (9) mangido udan; (10) and others.

While indigenous musical ensembles ‘gondang dua’ (gondang boru/gondang yopap) consists of 2 ( two) two - sided drum - shaped 'barrel' and each played by one person. Two ‘gondang’ is usually used to accompany traditional dance ‘tortor’, ‘moncak', and ‘sarama’.

Figure. Gondang Dua.

As a unitary ensemble, both on and gondang dua, gordang sambilan, also used musical instruments 'metalopon' ( like ‘ogung’, ‘doal‘, ‘mongmongan’, and ‘talisasayat’), and wind instruments such as ‘saleot’ and ‘sarune’. As for 'repertoire of traditional music' (‘gondang’) played in the ensemble ‘gondang dua’, among others: (1) moncak (kutindik); (2) tortor (raja-raja, indek-indek, suhut, kahanggi, anak boru, mora, naposo nauli bulung) ( 3 ) tua, (4) and others.

Dikir’ is one form of Islamic art that have long life and thrive in Mandailing. Performing arts dikir consists of three or four players ‘gondang dikir’ as ‘zikir’ praising, but sometimes one of the players ‘gondang dikir’ while simultaneously acting as the lead singer and the other acts as a ‘backup singer’. Performing arts dikir is usually held on the holy days of Islam as the Prophet's Birthday and Hari Raya Idil Fitri Islam. In addition, the dikir often performed in a traditional wedding ceremony as 'horja haroan boru' and 'mebat'. ‘Gondang dikir" is a kind of large-sized tambourine with a diameter of 600 to 900 mm round shape. The top was covered with a membrane of ox or goat skin, while the lower part is not closed (open). As for the songs sung in Arabic using certain modes of musical traditions Pan - Islam in Arabic. The theme song among other things, contains the history of the Prophet Muhammad, the teachings of Islam and so forth.

Figure. Gondang Dikir.

~ Idiofon, among others: etek (otuk), dongung-dongung, and pior.

From around the hillsides contained in Mandailing, bygone often we hear something enchanting rhythmic sounds, comes from a percussion instrument called etek or otuk. Percussion instruments are made of bamboo and a half segment (called ‘bulu soma’) diameter of approximately 18 cm and at the center of the 'tube' made ​​of bamboo rectangular holes, of a width of 4 cm and so did approximately 35 cm in length. Tube consists of a single bamboo segment and the second the ‘edged’ be left intact. Approximately half of the remainder to the side sections shaped like the letter 'U' by removing the middle. The remaining portion of bamboo on the top and the bottom has a width of approximately 4 cm. And more generally, where on the other side sections also formed a similar thing, but only to the top of the course , the length is about 20 cm and a width of approximately 4 cm as well. Generally, the outer layer (skin bamboo) are not discarded.

Figure. Etek or Otuk.

Etek or otuk can be classified to the slit drum, which is played when a person keep his field to ward off loneliness, and can also be used to repel pests in field crops, such as monkeys, apes, squirrels and others. Usually this can be found in etek each sopo (‘huts’) in the fields and is often played during the day. Usually etek or otuk is used to train the rhythm patterns played in gordang sambilan, and in this case there is a saying "etek do mulo ni gondang".

'Dongung-dongung' is a musical instrument made ​​from bamboo piece and assembled in such a manner, resulting in a buzzing sound. Simple tool that consists of a miniature ‘water wheel’ around 45 cm in diameter. Placed under a bamboo shower water flow from a fish pond ('repentance'). Rope twisted around its axis. One end tied to the wooden pegs on the ground, while the other end is connected with a ‘tube’ shaped cylinder made ​​of zinc and the top open.

Tube or 'cylindrical tube' that hung on the branches of a mango tree growing near repentance (fish ponds, pond) which is located about 6 meters from the ground. Water flow from the shower fills 'corners' windmill, so the spinning wheel and its axis. The result is a 'friction' between the winding rope to the 'axis' spinning. The presence of friction is what produces the sounds. Then the sound propagating in a cylindrical tube tightrope toward which serves as a 'resonator'. As a result of the resonance, we can hear a buzzing sound, which sounds dengungannya it can reach half a kilometer radius, but its scope is much wider and longer at night.

Pior is a sound instrument made ​​of bamboo, wood, nut midrib, and parts of rattan as a binder. Of a round piece of wood and lightweight (‘ayu atinar’ or ‘goti’) formed into sheets of wood whose length is approximately 80 cm and width 10 cm, and made ​​a hole in its center axis. Then was formed into a sheet of wood windmill 'double plate', and the two ends tied a pair of powerful sound tool called 'dongung-dongung'. ‘Dongung-dongung’ is made from a piece of bamboo called 'bulu  poring', whose length is about 15 cm from the 'segment' is intact up to the cut edges taper, and about 3-4 cm in diameter bamboo.

~ Metallophone, namely: ogung, momongaan or mongmongan, doal, and talisasayat or talisasayat.

Figure. metallophone instruments.

~ Chordofon, namely: gordang tano and gondang bulu.

In Mandailing turns 'tano' (land) is not only used as a place to grow crops in the fields, but also used as a major component of a particular instrument to menghasilkanya musical sound, namely gordang tano. To make gordang tano this hard soil excavated with a length of 3 meters, a width of 25 centimeters and a depth of 40 centimeters. Pit sealed with a thin plank 2 inches thick, thus the pit serves as a resonator to produce an resonant sound. Then on both ends of the hole immersed hardwood pegs, and fine old rattan, which is used as a string, the horses crossed over the hole was covered with boards.

Figure. Gordang Tano.

With the bat (stick) for thumb length is about 30 centimeters, as many as five players are beating the strings with the technique and a certain rhythmic patterns. In this gordang tano plays, one acts as a 'master' ('leader') who play at the highest sound , while the four other musicians in front of him who acts as a 'panduai' ('followers').

Other percussion instruments, namely gondang bulu, made ​​from bamboo. At the top, skin gouged out to make the strings (strings) as many as three pieces, stretched with wooden pegs. While the bottom of the bamboo is cut to throw away the skin. Gondang bulu played by one person with the right hand to the stick banging strings alternately, while the left hand lapping the bottom that serves as a 'drum'.

Figure. Gondang bulu.

Gondang bulu is usually played someone (male) in the loom the fields (called 'sopo' as well ‘etek’) to entertain themselves or expel loneliness. In addition, gondang bulu is also used as a tool for practicing plays rhythm patterns played in the ensemble of indigenous musical 'gondang dua' (gondang tortor).

~ Aerofon: suling, salung, sordam, tulila, saleot, and uyup-uyup. The 'song' is often played by brass instruments include: (a) uyup - uyup; (b) opat-opat; (c) ende panjang; (d) and others .

With one segment of bamboo, flute made from a length of about 25 cm and a diameter of 2 cm. Flute (end- lown flute ) has 4 (four) tone hole spacing and the same size. Flute used in conjunction with 'ende' (singing) ungut-ungut and sitogol. It is also used in the ensemble to accompany dance custom tortor with gondang dua.

Figure. Suling.

Salung also made ​​of bamboo with a length of about 35 cm and a diameter of 2 cm. Salung (block-flute) has 4 (four tone hole spacing and the same size.

Figure. Salung.

Salung usually used together with 'ende ungut-ungut' criss-cross, but it is also used as a musical accompaniment 'ende ungut- ungut' if 'ende ungut-ungut' is sung by someone else.

Sordam made ​​of bamboo that were smaller and shorter than the flute . Sordam has 4 (four) tone holes.

Figure. Sordam.

Sordam also includes 'block-flute', and is often used for 'markusip', but is often also used in conjunction with 'ende ungut-ungut'and 'ende sitogol'. Sordam voice is louder than the sulingthat looks a little bigger than tulila, and both have 4 (four) pieces of the tone hole.

Tulila commonly used by youth in activities markusip. Tulila played near the wall of the house where the girl child at night so that the girl that craves awakened from sleep.

Figure. Tulila or Tulilla.

Tulila played in this markusip activity usually also interspersed with chant 'ende-ende' ('poem') when the young man to woo the girls.

Saleot made ​​of small bamboo. Length is about 20 cm in diameter and 6 to 10 mm. Tone hole by 4 (four), and in the end was given a 'goat horns' to increase the volume of his voice when blown also has tone holes 4 (four) pieces.

Figure. Saleot.

Saleot played as an accompanist in ensemble music custom music gordang sambilan and gondang dua.

Uyup-uyup whistle made ​​from a piece of rice that has been cooked. At the base near the rice stem segments of the whistle was broken rice as a 'cavity' for the entry of air being blown in the mouth of his players.

Figure. Uyup-uyup durame.

To increase the volume of her voice wrapped around palm leaves at the edges to form a cone (called 'pokak'). Usually 'uyup-uyup' made of 'whistle rice' (called 'uyup-uyup durame') is played when harvesting rice in the fields.

In addition to 'uyup-uyup durame', there are 'uyup-uyup' made ​​from a piece of banana tree leaves ('bulung pisang'), 'bulung kopi', and 'tarutung bolanda'(‘zirzak’). [EN]

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