Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Tano Sere



Dutch linguist ie Van Der Tuuk (1971: XLVII) has examined the Mandailing language. From this research, he argued: "With reference to the west coast of Sumatra, it can safely be said that the language Mandailing extends from 'Ophir' or mountain Pasaman next south up to the northern border of Sipirok and Batang Toru. Mandailing language divided into 'northern Mandailing language' (also called 'Angkola language') and 'south Mandailing language'. yet possible to formulate definite boundaries between them" (See:

However, to be described in this article is not about the Mandailing (south) language in Sumatra Island, but a short description of Ophir is in the 'long history' touted as 'Gold Mountain'. In this connection, Z. Pangaduan Lubis (2009 ) there wrote: "We know that the Hindus called Sumatra island nation with the words 'Swarna Dwipa' ('Golden Island') is the goal of Hindu people of India at the time they were trying to find gold. On the island of Sumatra Mandailing region (which at the time included areas previously Pasaman) is rich with gold. From ancient times to the present, 'Tano Rura' (Mandailing) named Tano Sere, or Tano Omas Sigumorsing which means 'Golden Land".


According to 'Tim Penulis Ekspedisi Cincin Api Kompas', valleys that extend along the Bukit Barisan, have long been known for its fertility. This valley seemed to make a connection - connect line splitting lengthwise Sumatra. Starting from the Valley Semangko in Lampung, connect to Suoh, Kepahiang, Ketahun, Kerinci, Muaralabuh, Batur, Maninjau, Rokan Kiri, Batang Gadis, Angkola, Alas, Tangse, Seulimeum​​, up to Banda Aceh. Surrounded older volcanoes, there are 11 (eleven) of them are still active, and these valleys are places mengendapnya volcanic ash-rich nutrients. Water is abundant and the most unstoppable in the basin formed by the movement of soil or due to ancient volcanic eruptions. Large lakes were created in 5 (five ) regions, namely in Lampung (Suoh and Ranau Lake), Jambi (Kerinci Lake), West Sumateta (Singkarak Lake, Diatas Lake and Dibawah Lake), North Sumatra (Toba Lake) and Aceh (Laut Tawar Lake). Rows of the valley is also rich with natural hot water and geothermal energy store. Based on the research results of the F Junghun ( 1854), the USGS said, at least there are 23 (twenty-three) hot springs along the valley of the 'Bukit Barisan' potentially generate geothermal energy. In 1986, a survey conducted by the Geothermal Energy New Zealand Ltd. even find the 37 (thirty- seven) hot springs. Not only that. Coincides with a row of valleys, snaking 'gold belt' which exalt Sumatra as Svarnadwipa (Swarna Dwipa). Svarnadwipa word derived from Sanskrit which means 'Island of Gold' as stated in the Nalanda inscription carved in 860 AD. William Marsden, in his book, History of Sumatra (1783), states that once thought to be the Ophir of Sumatra, where a fleet of Solomon (Sulaiman) take charge of gold and ivory. Although the allegations of Ophir by Marsden unfounded, but the fact the island is indeed matchless gold producer.

Also further informed that the precious metals (gold) was mainly found in the central region of the island along the Bukit Barisan like in Martabe, Bangko, Rawas, Lebong, Minangkabau, Mandailing, and Natal. Minangkabau is regarded as the richest area so many established Netherlands lodges in the Padang. According to William Marsden, in the Minangkabau region alone there are no less than 1,200 (one thousand two hundred) gold mine. A total of 283,000 gram -  399,600 gram saved every year in Padang, on the open market, or in the hands of individuals. Meanwhile, approximately 28,000 grams marketed in Nalabu, at Natal as much as approximately 23,000 grams, and in Mukomuko 17,000 grams. TM Van Leuwen provide a more complete picture about the precious metal production from Sumatra. Writing in the Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 50th edition, 1994, Van Leuwen estimated that the total gold dredged from Sumatra since Dutch exploration through 1994 to reach 91 (ninety-one ton) and silver as much as 937 (nine hundred and thirty-seven) tons.

Added to mention that long before the Dutch came and dredge gold from Sumatra, trade of gold has been going on long island. In the Barus Seribu Tahun yang Lalu (2003) book Marie-France Dupoizat and Daniel Perret said the rover Tome Pires in the early 16th century noted that gold traded around the port in Sumatra, especially in Barus. The old port on the west coast of North Sumatra has been mentioned in the works of Ptolemy, Geographia, written in the 2nd century AD. In addition to searching for 'kapur barus' (camphor), the merchants of various countries also hunt native gold traded at this port. The precious metal is thought to be taken from the rivers that disgorge around Bukit Barisan. With all the abundance of life force, not surprisingly, these valleys have long attracted people to settle there. Traces of large stones or megalithic culture which is widespread throughout the valley is evidence that 'early humans' have settled there. An archaeologist of the Archaeological Institute of Palembang, Tri Marhaeni S Budisantosa, said that the findings megalithic Sumatra mostly scattered in the valleys along the Bukit Barisan, ranging from Liwa in Lampung until around Kerinci in Jambi. For example, in the Kerinci and Merangin megalithic found parallel to the Barisan along 80 km. In the region have found 21 (twenty one) megalithic cylindrical, and the fruits are round megalithic. In addition there are also six jars cemetery. They chose this area as a place of settlement mainly because the soil is fertile, suitable for farming. Here, many of them are andesite, which is a type of volcanic rock, which is a megalithic raw materials, which contribute to the flourishing of 'old culture' around the Kerinci valley and Merangin. In addition, a plateau surrounded by hills it is also very suitable also for developing a 'belief system' them.

Furthermore Informed Consent that the megalithic culture proponents believe that the high mountains is where the ancestors dwell. Budi Wiyana, Budisantosa colleagues at the Institute for Archaeology Palembang, also cited the same reason by the discovery of the distribution of megalithic sites in Lahat and Pagar Alam, South Sumatra. Humans inhabit the area because the land is fertile, and other practical reasons as close to the abundant water resources and raw materials igneous andesite. According to Budi Wijaya, megalithic tradition found in this region is very comprehensive, ranging from the dolmen, menhir, statues, statues menhirs, terraces, mortar stone, dakon stone, and flat stones. This megalithic relics prove that the area had been inhabited since at least 2,500 years before Christ. Budi Wijaya then shows a row of large stones shaped table (dolmen) lying in the verdant rice fields in Tegurwangi, Pagar Alam. Nearby are four large stones carved each of which depicts a middle man riding an elephant. In addition to showing the progress of the current culture, in the form of the ability to tame elephants, carved stone is also proved that people are familiar with that era of metal casting. Because to make a carving in stone, almost certainly use metal. Giant boulders were also found in the lush coffee plantation belonging to Robinson (64 years) in the village of Tanjung Batu, Tanjung Sakti obscenity, Lahat regency. Dolmen stones measuring about 2 meters long and 1 meter wide were stacked on top of small stones in the four corners. Pajarbulan Village, Subdistrict of Tanjung Sakti, Lahat regency, megalithic relics discovered in the backyard of the house residents. These rocks are commonly referred to as the citizens 'six pillars of stone', while archaeologists call 'rock tetralit'. Tetralit usability experts still debate. " Some experts argue, is the cornerstone tetralit poles or pedestals house . Opinion arises because at the top end of the pole there is a kind of stone that overdraft is expected to lay the pole.


Various sources of the same opinion that the word 'Ophir' is not Indonesian or Malay nor Sanskrit. The word 'Ophir' comes from the old Hebrew language, which is associated with gold or silver. In the stories of Salomon, the Jewish mythology, Solomon in Islam, the word 'Ophir' refers to the Prophet of Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Then, why did the word 'Ophir' appeared in Sumatra ? According to Greek mythology, the Far East is the 'end of the world', in which Adam and Eve descended to earth. Believed Similarly, Southeast Asia (Archipelago ) is central Chryse (gold) and argse (silver). Mentioned in the Old Testament, Solomon never find 'Ophir' (gold) to the east. In the old religion mentioned that and where the land is Auerea Solomon Chersensus (Golden Peninsula Malaya), precisely in Ceylon and Sumatra. This is the origin of the base of the bow of the ship directed to sunrise.

In ancient books description that heaven was with traits: the forest green, a lot of fruit, lots of water, lots of animals, and much of its land. Human is not tall, not short. Her hair is not curly, nor straight. The skin is not black, nor white. The nose is not sharp, not too flat. Eyes are not great, not too narrow. If we are a little dreamy, without the provision of extensive knowledge, you can imagine, the area that is touted as 'heaven' it certainly is in the archipelago and the equator. However, descriptions of ancient books that make the travelers obsessed sailed sunrise to find it. The rover is then indeed managed to achieve an archipelago, which then color the history of the area (Sumatara) that previously did not have a name.

The word 'Ophir' has become 'big mesteri' in human history. However, one thing that makes us curious is the presence of a foreign word ('Ophir') is not known yet listed in the Sumatra region. In this connection, when viewed from the history of mining in Indonesia, the Dutch initially came across the archipelago as interested in the typical spices such as pepper and nutmeg in abundance in our country. And then the Dutch also exploit soil fertility archipelago with plantings of various commodities by implementing a system of forced cultivation (culture system) which at that time was very devastating to the natives. In addition, the Dutch also eyeing the mineral wealth, especially gold. Traces of mining activities undertaken during the Dutch rule in Indonesia can still be found from Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi. However, long before the Dutch came, the archipelago has been known for its gold wealth. Gold as a commodity mines are well known and cultivated in the archipelago since more than a thousand years ago. In addition to the mine site, many archaeologists discovered artifacts made ​​of gold , in the form of a crown , worship supplies, jewelry, until the equipment daily. Myths or legends associated with gold being part of the story, is still spoken today. Empirically it is proved that long ago, in a number  of 'settlements' in Sumatra Island was once the center of gold mining, gold craftsmen, to trade gold. In this connection, the highest mountain in West Sumatra , precisely in the area is Mount Talamau Pasaman or also known as Mount Ophir (Gold) which is adjacent to Mount Pasaman.

Noted that one of the oldest gold mining center of which is located in the archipelago of Sumatra, such as Salida mine in West Sumatra. According M.J. Crow and T.M. van Leeuwen , gold lines coincide with the Sumatra fault line due to geological events. The gold mineralization occurs simultaneously with the appearance of a 'basur magma' along the Bukit Barisan. The interaction of magma with bedrock at a certain pressure to form 'alteration zone' on 'host rock lava and tuff' which then acts as a source rock rich in minerals ('host rock'), including gold. The precious metals are found in the surrounding areas such as Bukit Barisan like Martabe, Rawas, Bangko, Lebong, and Mandailing. It makes Sumatra island known as Swarna Dwipa in Sanskrit which means 'Island of Gold', as shown in the Nalanda inscription, in 860 AD .

In Sumatra, the gold trade has lasted long enough. News on 'Gold Island' had reached Europe through the stories of the Arab sailors. Famous Portuguese poet Luiz de Camoens (1524-1580), wrote an epic poem 'Os Lusiadas' (1572), on Ophir Pasaman Mount rich in gold, which are traded by locals with foreigners. Through Pirse Tome records, an adventurer in the early 16th century has been known that gold has traded around the port city in Sumatra, especially Barus. Even long before that, through the writings of Ptolemy in Geographia in the early 2nd century, it is mentioned that the old port on the west coast of North Sumatra, gold has been one of the major commodities that are traded in addition to camphor. Gold traded is estimated to come from rivers that disgorge around Bukit Barisan.

A stone inscribed with letters from Hindi Hindu - Buddhist civilization of the Malay kingdom of Srivijaya and relates that 'the Sultan River Gold' gold export to downstream through Indragiri and Siak river that flows from higher ground to the west coast of Sumatra, West Sumatra. Called also that Minang people who first occupied the heart of the kingdom of Srivijaya around Palembang. Minangkabau kingdom rich with gold is a supporter of the kingdom of Srivijaya in the 7th century Buddhist heyday. Until the early 17th century, the mines in the Minangkabau region is the most rich in gold across the region. Gold mined from the rivers to the east and the mined - mining hills Minangkabau. Rumored that once there is a gold mine there in 1200 (Marsden 1783: 168 ; cf. Eredia 1600: 238-239) .

In 1662, through the treaties Painan, VOC gets concessions to trade on the west coast of Sumatra. VOC began to exploit the gold deposits Salida in 1669 during office commandeur third VOCs to post Champaign; Jacob Joriszoon Pit (23 May, 1667-1678). The first two mining experts were brought to Salida named Nicolaas Frederich Fisher and Johan de Graf coming from Hungary. During the 150 years of the operation of mines Salida not much is known about the mine until later Verbeek published his book. Nota over de verrichtingen der Oost - Indische Compagnie bij de ontginning der - en zilveraders goud op te Salida Sumatras Westkust [Note on the action began working VOC source gold and silver in Salida, West Sumatra ( 1886)].

Minang people also do mining in Mandailing. Certain places in Huta Na Godang-Ulu Pungkut (Mandailing Julu)  called  "garabak ni agom'. That is, where the mining Agam (Minang people). And if traced gate position Tano Sere (Mandailing) on the west coast of Sumatra island, ranging from Barus, Singkuang, Natal, Batahan, Air Bangis, Ulakan and Tiku has become an open area tens of centuries before our era. The hinterland of the region has vast forest and some mountains like Sorik Marapi and Kulabu. In addition to producing gold, commodity-producing region also Mandailing camphor traded in Barus and Natal, which in the past used by the Pharaohs to preserve mummies. This illustrates that the Tano Sere (Mandailing) sudak has long been an area that is fairly open to foreign nations, such as Arabic, Indian (Rivet), China, and so on. Until now, at certain times (especially when the prices of agricultural products dropped on the market called 'aleon') Mandailing people who wash (seek) grains of gold in Batang Gadis.

Gandoang. February, 18,  2014

Edi Nasution

Edi Nasution, Tulila” Muzik Bujukan Mandaili, Penang-Malaysia: Areca Books, 2007.
________, “Bahasa Ibu Kita Dulu, Kini,dan Esok”,
Z. Pangaduan Lubis, “Mandailing Dalam Lintasan Sejarah”,
Tim Penulis Ekspedisi Cincin Api Kompas,

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