Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

My birthplace is 'students city' [II]

Maybe I was 'one child bloody Mandaililing' (next generation) are lucky enough to live at that time (circa 1960) at Pasar Kotanopan. Why not, because other than I had a grandfather that kind (loving), in which each 'Ari Poken' (Saturday) he always came to visit our house in Pasar Kotaopan and often took me around and buy delicious food in the Pasar Kotanopan, I also have a 'Ompung Adaboru' (is a woman who gave birth to my mother named Hj. Saerah boru Lubis), a woman trader of fabrics and garments.

He often took me to trade (sell fabrics and garments) to other settlements in Mandailing Julu like Laru, Maga, Muara Sipongi, and Pakantan. Even up to the West Sumatra (Minangkabau) as Rao, Tapus, Panti, Talu, Petok, Lubuk Sikaping, and Pasaman (Paroman Ampolu and Ujung Gading). I can't tell you in detail how delicious meal at the famous Minangkabau like 'Asam Padeh' and 'Rendang' ('curry') there. It could happen I've had for a few days in Minangkabau. When that I was about 5-6 years old and and I was not yet school in 'SR' (Primary School).

'Ompung Adaboru' is always I greeted as 'Ompung Oji' because he had 'hajjah('female pilgrim to Mecca'). It stems from the 'Hutarimbaru' (Hutaimbaru), a new place of settlement across the Batang Gadis river and located not far from the Pasar Kotanopan. There, he has a social status as 'Boru ni Namora-mora' (a woman from the nobility) and had the first husband of 'Huta Baringin', ie a place of settlement that is located not too far from the Pasar Kotanopan, while her sisters all educated teachers (SGB) is 'Ompung Marajo', 'Ompung Arif', 'Ompung Lukman', and 'Ompung Tiarus' (female). At this time, she and her husband lived in Huta Baringin and have two adult daughters, namely my mother and another sister (Halimatussakdiyah boru Daulae). If 'Ompung Adaboru' trade (sell fabrics and garments) to a number of settlements in Mandailing Julu, he always used vehicles 'chariot' (called 'sadu') hers for years. But whatever reason, she was separated from her husband. Then he married again to a man from 'Sayumaincat' (not so far from Pasar Kotanopan ) has Nasution surname, which is when it has a hotel (the only hotel) in Pasar Kotanopan, namely 'Hotel Nagara'. At the hotel (Nagara), according to a story from the people who were old enough at Pasar Kotanopan (among others, for example Duski Tanjung as the manager/tenant hotels when it)  formerly frequently visited by the freedom fighters (Republic of Indonesia) to drink coffee and at the same time also to exchange ideas (sharing important information) about their struggles.

The house that we live in the real Pasar Kotanopan is owned house 'Ompung Adaboru' to be occupied while - before we had the house itself - that is located close to the Sekolah Rakyat No. 1 (SR-1). After about seven years old, I was in school there, where one of his teachers was 'Ompung Arif'. So every day, just by swinging the leg a few dozen steps from the back of my house, I've got to the school. This my school was once a strategic location because it was right in front Pasar Kotanopan, which is always crowded with many people coming from different settlements in Mandailing Julu, either to trade (sell merchandise) as well as to purchase various necessities of life during the week (so-called 'marpoken'). 

One of the foods that we liked when they were 'Ari Poken' in Pasar Kotanopan on Saturday, is the 'Es Botik' sold outside the school fence (in Sawahan Road near the 'Bioskop Tapanuli') by traders from Panyabungan (Mandailing Godang). The meal consisted of a mixture of ripe papaya fruit, ice, sugar, dyes (usually red), and milk are served in a special bowl. In addition, of course, there are many delicious foods that are sold on that day as 'pocal', 'lomang', 'lopek', 'cendor', 'onde-onde', 'kue talam', 'kue mangkuk', 'karipik sambal', and so on, which we bought at school break time. Often I and my friends quarreled with respect to foods that are tasty. A childhood event which is always wonderful to be remembered. All right, that's how it is

That's life (together) our childhood in the countryside, far away in the interior of the west coast of the Sumatra Island, so far from 'big cities' such as Medan and Padang. While in school, we usually always make a plan for where later agreed about to play after school. Whether 'margambur' (bath in a long time) in Batang Gadis river while 'mandehe' or 'mandurung' (locate and catch fish) there, or 'mancekcek bolut' ('eel fishing') in the middle of rice fields, looking for fresh fruits in the forest for booster stomach, or 'marporang-porang' ('playing war') with 'guns' are made ​​from a piece of bamboo in which the bullet is 'mutik ni jambu' (pistil of guava fruit). But there is one activity that most I love to and also some of my friends, namely 'mangkatapel' ('bird hunting') in the forest that have a small mountain, which is not far from our house that Tor Siojo. There are many birds that can be hunted like 'ambaroba', 'pande barigit', 'pune', 'balom jambi', 'amburkom', and so on. All that we burn bush (in the forest) to be eaten together, delicious is not it?

When there was no activity, we also often seduced daughters the same age as visiting places their usual play, for example when they are playing rope on the side or the home page. Sometimes, one of us threw a 'hairy caterpillar that itch' towards the hordes of girls who are playing, so that makes them instantly shocked and there usual screaming because it was so amused and so his contempt notice 'hairy caterpillar itch' it. Happy and pleasant atmosphere can be created when girls and boys were playing together. Personally, it can also happen to 'pair' (boys and girls) who have mutual love of each other and a love affair secretly ('puppy love'). For couples who so often become a 'hotbed' for other children to embarrass the couple a way to tease him constantly, so it could have a daughter who was seduced away crying because it does not hold continuously teased, or boy became angry. The result can be a fight among boys in their place to play it. The days of my childhood peers together filled with wonderful memories!


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