Kamis, 13 Februari 2014

A Dutch Ship named 'Kota Nopan' ?


About a year ago (January 2013), Halak Kotanopan (https://www.facebook.com/halak. kotanopan?fref=ts) and Tagor Lubis (https://www.facebook.com/loebis.tagor?fref=ts), never post a brief word in 'Facebook' (social media) about the existence of a merchant ship named 'Kota Nopan', is owned by the Dutch in the 1930s. Due to the information provided about the existence of a ship (Kota Nopan) is very limited, so that motivates us to look for more information in order to 'riddle' the existence of merchant ships/passenger (Kota Nopan) can be expressed, especially with regard to some of the important things that are considered essential, among others:

First, why the 'merchant ship' Dutch flag was named 'Kota Nopan'? While the Kota Nopan is the 'name' of one of the tribal settlements in the interior Mandailing the west coast of northern Sumatra (Province of North Sumatra), precisely in the area of ​​the district government administrative Mandailing-Natal (MADINA) now.

Secondly, whether the presence of the Dutch-flagged ship was closely associated with periods of colonial Dutch colonial occupation in Kotanopan (Mandailing) in the past?

Third, it was reported that the ship was also carrying trade commodities such as rubber, coffee, and others. However, whether it's commodities trading of plantation crops is a resident of the Kota Nopan (Mandailing Julu)? It is not known with certainty. When commodities trade was indeed derived from Kota Nopan, then in port loaded into the vessel which, whether at Natal or Sibolga as the port closest to the Kota Nopan? In this case, according to various sources that the Dutch colonial power is never applied cultivation ('cultuurstelsel') in Mandailing, one of which is the cultivation of 'coffee' in Pakantan (Mandailing Julu) which are exported to Europe, and when it is one of the commodities trade which is quite well known by the nickname 'Mandheling Coffee'.

Fourth, one of the characters advance education in Mandailing named Willem Iskander (1840-1876) known to have been twice to the Netherlands to study science education (teacher). When it was reported that he had been to Natal to go to Holland. The question: whether Si Sati - is forename Willem Iskander - off to the Netherlands aboard the Kota Nopan ?

And many more other questions relevant to the existence of a ship named the Kota Nopan. The following there are tree (3) pieces of internet sources that are associated with the Kota Nopan ship as 'additional information', namely :

(1). "...... Kota Nopan is a passenger ship/cargo weighing 7323 tons, built in 1931 for Rotterdamsche Lloyd in the Netherlands. Kota Nopan be a typical small passenger ship where his career smoothly until the Second World War. Kota Nopan last trip boat under the Dutch flag which took him from Batavia to New York via the Panama Canal with a cargo of raw materials for the war effort, but he never arrived in the Canal Zone and reported sunk by the German raider. The report was issued on 12 September 1941. The report was half- right, Kota Nopan will not appear, but he did not drown.

On August 17, he departed from the Galapagos Islands when it comes within range of an unidentified ship with a sign Japan. Hatenboer captain ordered the ship to swing and make all speed away from the ship, ship unknown after him, raised the banner of Kriegsmarine and opened fire. The shooter in the City Nopan reply, but the raider was out of reach, the next few shots of looters, nothing is able to hit ships, but it is certainly not able to outrun. Then Hatenboer ordered his ship (Kota Nopan) to stop and surrender.

Books ship code Kota Nopan and other important papers discarded by dropping it into the side of the ship in the box. He soon learned the ship was Hilfskreuzer Nopan City Comets (chiff 16). Comet Commander, Kapitan zur See Robert Eyssen find the ship had stopped quite valuable to the Reich because he brought tin, rubber and manganese ores , in fact the cargo insured $ 1 million in the United States . Germany requires materials (commodities) contained in this boat , but when he (Kota Nopan) was bound for New York, he does not carry enough fuel to return to France, so Eyssen contacted his superiors. He was sent to archipeligo Tuamote to meet with Atlantis and Münsterland supply ship.

Comets and Kota Nopan, now a prison ship carrying a crew of 51 people and 42 crew from Australand (captured and sunk August 14) and 144 crew from Devon (captured and sunk August 19) arrived at the prearranged position on September 24. After the stock split and refuel ships, they set off and headed Bordeaux. Kota Nopan arrived at the port on 17 November 1941. The crew were taken to POW camps and the ship was renamed Karin, the next roll is a blockade runner for the Reich.

Then, Kota Nopan (Carin) makes a round trip to Japan and was there with the help of Ultra. The U.S. Navy was looking for blockade runners and robbers when on March 10, 1943 a plane from the USS Santee CVE - 29 is a single ship between Racife, Brazil and Ascension Island, the pilot radioed position and two destroyers, the USS Savannah CL - 42 and USS Eberle DD - 430 broke away from the group and make their task a top speed toward the target. Under the command of Admiral Oliver M. Read, USN , Savannah and Eberle closed at 31 knots and is within range of a warning shot. With two ships , one of which being well armed cruiser, the captain and crew Karin did not have a chance and they know it.

The crew immediately set fee, the boat caught fire and was abandoned . Fourteen of Karin Eberle sent ships to recover what ever they could on paper , while they were on a boat that has exploded resulting in the deaths of nine men, even after that some material was recovered before Carin down, all seventy- two of the men men were taken as prisoners of Karin and placed on the Savannah ship.

Career stopped, the passenger service to the Netherlands, cargo transportation services to help the Allied war effort, the prison ship and cargo transport for the German war effort, which has been captured after nearly snatch back a second time eventually blown up by her crew . ...... ".

(© 2010 Michael W. Pocock, Maritime Quest.com, Source: http://www.maritimequest.com/daily_event_archive /2010/03_mar10_ kota_nopan.htm ) .

(2). "..... Further indications:

- The buildings on the right in the background is of the same style as the building in Flushing . Sources for photos from that period: "Kon Mij De Schelde, Vlissingen 125 jaar Scheepsbouw ... ".

- People on deck HNLMS O13 looks more like Dockers of naval personnel .

So my best guess: Flushing in 1931 (no later than 18 April 1931) with the SS City of Nopan in the background. Ships Cities Nopan itself is also quite famous in World War II, when it was attacked and taken as a prize by the German raider Komet in 1941. Was the name SS SS Passau and then to Carin. Eventually the ship was sunk by a German crew when a U.S. task force intercepted a ship while the attack to break through the Allied blockade.

In May 2005 Willem Cool wrote: ".... This picture was taken 13 O 8 November 1930. This was taken after the launch of this ship with the location in Vlissingen (Flushing) where I found the picture and discription in the book, Ik nader ongezien, de onderzeeboten van de Koninklijke Marine 1906 - 1996 ...".

Container shipping from Brisbane to Kota Nopan Indonesia. With the aim Kota Nopan Indonesia (container ship from Brisbane, Australia to Kotanopan Indonesia).

Container ship from Brisbane to Kotanopan-Indonesia.If you want to ship a 20 foot container of 40ft by sea from Brisbane (AUS) to Kota Nopan-Indonesia, you can request a quote for this item on this site. If you are interested in sending part of the container (LCL) from Brisbane to Kotanopan Indonesia , you can also find providers in the logistics of this website.
For delivery by container from Brisbane, you can ask for a fee, using a form which you can find on the website, to request a quote. Determine the details of shipping containers by sea to Kota Nopan-Indonesia.

Container shipping from Brisbane to Kotanopan Indonesia. With the aim Kota Kopan-Indonesia. Questions a customer.

Q : Can I request a quote, if you want to ship from Kotanopan Indonesia to Brisbane by sea?

A : Yes, if you are sending from Kota Nopan-Indonesia to Brisbane-Australia, you may also request quotes for ocean freight. For most of the deliveries we can get in contact with the transport company in Kota Nopan-Indonesia from Brisbane.

(© Copyright 2014 Sea freight Brisbane, Source: http://www.Seafreigh-tbrisbane. com102/ship-a-container-from-brisbane-to-kotanopan-indonesia/) .

(3). ss KOTA NOPAN

(source: http://www.arendnet.com/krl40-45-014.htm)

Jakarta , February 12, 2014
Edi Nasution

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