Jumat, 27 Juni 2014

Baitang & Langkitang

Brief History Lubis clan in Mandailing Julu (2)

By  Edi Nasution 

In the region there Mandailing Julu folklore about the history of the Lubis clan is descended from a character named Namora Pande Bosi, was a famous blacksmith leading expertise and had two twin boys named Baitang and Langkitang. After his Baitang and Langkitang adult, independent and well-established. Then Namora Pande Bosi corresponding ancestral customs of yore, told Baitang and Langkitang (family with his entourage) to open a new huta to a place, where there is a meeting (Partomuan) two rivers that flow from the two conflicting right direction (in the language of Mandailing called Muara Patontang), then that's where they opened a new settlement a good place. 

After a long wandering finally Baitang and Langkitang (family with his entourage) find Muara Patontang. And they then opened a new settlement at that place in two opposing river estuary, in Aek Batang Gadis ie: Aek Singangir and Aek Singengu and they named Huta Nopan to in memory of their mother's place of origin (Baitang & Langkitang folklore). 

Baitang continued on up to the upper accordance with the mandate of Namora Pande Bosi meeting two rivers namely: the Batang Gadis and Batang Pungkut then founded a new settlement called Muara Partomuan (Lubis), where Baitang founded the first settlement which is now called Muara Pungkut. Baitang have the toughness or extraordinary dexterity, as it was named the "Lubis Singasoro or 'Lion Pounce' (because there are events where a group of people who were panning for gold gang Baitang to harm her, but Baitang can conquer everything and makes his slave). 

Lubis descendants inhabit Singasoro ranging from: Muara Partomuan till kingdom Manambin Lubis, Ulu Pungkut until Huta Nagodang, Lumban Balian, or Tamiang, Tor Panjomburan and Tadangka Dolok, Tobang until Silugun, Pakantan Dolok and Pakantan Lombang

Lubis village in Mandailing have distinctive characteristics, which are always built near the mountain such as: (1) Traditional Tamiang kingdom located at the foot of Mount Tor Sijanggut and Batang Gadis river; and (2) Kingdom of Pakantan Dolok Dolok and Pakantan Lombang the villages into the area located at the foot of Gunung Kulabu and close to the Batang Gadis watershed. 

Not long after her son left Baitang and Langkitang, Namora Pande Bosi died and was buried in Hatongga. All descendants Baitang and Langkitang that spread across the land and Mandailing Julu especially in other places recognized as Mandailing people surnamed Lubis

Based on the research literature civilization Buddhist/Hindu ancient times, mentioning among other things: 

First, according to ancient scriptures of Buddhism and Hinduism, a temple established in nearby relaxing place the gods. Tops and hill slopes, areas of volcanic activity, plateau, river banks and lakes, dan "pertomuan" (meeting) of two rivers is considered to be a good location for the erection of a temple. 

Second, in South Tapanuli and Mandailing, particularly in the area of ​​Padang Lawas, the site of dozens of Indonesian classical era heritage monument, said biaro better known by the public as a substitute for the word temple. Biaro word itself comes from the Sanskrit word, which originally meant monastery where monks gathered porch or take a walk. Later in the Indonesian word be convent or monastery which means where the monks or priests. In the Hindu tradition known construction of the presence of several provisions, among others: the placement of sacred buildings near the water (tirtha), both in the river water (especially around meeting/battle two streams), lakes or the sea. In conditions where no geographical objects containing water, it must be made holy pond in the courtyard of the building. He also explained that another good place for the erection of a building on top of the mountain is sacred, the slope, mountain, forest, or in the valley. We know that most temples in Java erected near the river flow. That Borobudur occupy land at the confluence of the River Progo Opaque, and also Biaro Sipamutung in Padang Lawas South Tapanuli-Barumun established at the confluence with the Batang Pane

Third, in the opinion of the author Namora Pande Bosi message to his son Baitang and Langkitang to open the kingdom and the new settlement between the two rivers that flow from the two conflicting right direction (the battle), it turns out that the principle of civilization concept derived from existing Buddhism in Padang Lawas, namely: where Biaro Sipamutung in Padang Lawas-South Tapanuli established between the confluence Barumun with the Batang Pane rivers. 

Fourth, so the history of the descendants of Namora Pande Bosi (Lubis) with Hindu civilization also uses the name as the title of raja with the title Radja Alogo Partomoean and the name of the king as Partomuan Lubis, Patuan Dolok title. 

Fifth, according to ancient scriptures of Buddhism and Hinduism meeting between the two rivers symbol of fertility Agriculture. Water also symbolizes fertility, or a symbol of life itself. The water continued to flow as life continues, and life goes on like water flow. There is no life on Earth without water strut, because the water becomes very important maintained continuity, sustainability, fertility and purity. 

Notes on the use of water resources currently Mandailing region, among others: there are several terms that are given to the water source in the Mandailing region, where the river is called the stem; tributary called aek, or twigs rivers called rura and springs called mual. The names of many river or estuary even be used as a reference the name of the settlement Mandailing. In Mandailing community, the existence of the river and creeks that surround their settlements multifunctional role, as bathing, washing and drinking water and latrines, irrigate agricultural land, support the social function of culture (eg ceremonial patuaekkon boru), religious (supporting the implementation of worship) , and also the economy (search for gold (manggore), fish, building materials such as sand, gravel and stone). In other words, for the water Mandailing a "fountain of life" which also was entangled with social institutions, cultural, economic and ecological. 

Life in those days, people are Buddhist and animist (megalithic) coexist where there is an exchange of culture, customs, ancestral values ​​and outlook on life before Islam entered the Land Mandailing and South Tapanuli. Suryadinata argued that "ethnic" or ethnic group originating from a common ancestor (real or imagined) and usually has the same roots as well, although not always the case. The formation of a nation is the sense of belonging to a common heritage and a desire to live together. 

Raja Panusunan in Mandailing all derived from a single lineage, namely: (1) the descendants surnamed Lubis in Mandailing Julu one offspring Namora Pande Bosi; and (2) the descendants surnamed Nasution in Mandailing Godang one Sutan Diaru descent. Met Raja Panusunan in "peradatan" (meetingin customary) as "Mardomu Daro" ('blood meet').

Mandailing Julu has six (6) Raja Panusunan, which consists of: (1) Lubis Si Baitang; lowering Lubis who became Raja Panusunan of Tamiang, Manambin and Pakantan regions; and (2) Lubis Si Langkitang; lowering Lubis who became Raja Panusunan of Singengu, Vegetable Maincat and Tambangan regions. 

Mandailing Julu region (upstream) means Mandailing area located in the upstream portion of the Batang Gadis river that crosses the Mandailing region upstream to downstream.  Posts about Namora Pande Bosi by Mohammad Said in books Soetan Koemala Boelan (Flora) is: "In 1887 the Dutch authorities that are known by Old Mountain King (Padang Lawas) save a heritage of copper statue, known as the statue of Lord Lokanatha (one in a thousand name of Lord Shiva). statue was taken Netherlands and is now housed in the Museum Center, Jakarta. Sarnaja Brandes who immediately examined the statue, successfully translate the text in letter Kawi as follows: 

The Brandes permulaaan inscription translated sentence above to the Dutch language as follows: 

"Heil" Çaka-jaren verloopen 946, in maand Caitra op de dag van den derden Lichte helft and de maand of vrijdag, toen heeft Surya, de Meester did styl van den SMID). Heere Lokanatha vervaardigd ... "

Translation into English is: "Long live the 946 Year Çaka Caitra month, day 3 coincided Juma'at adults that Surya, panda iron, finish carve (sculpture) Lokanatha god this ..." 

Shown in the original text of Surya figures, called 'jurupandai' (experts). In the Dutch language copy reinforced with SMID Meester term, which means that no other blacksmith. It immediately reminds us of the name Pande Bosi, he explained Namora Pande Bosi. From carving it can be understood that the Solar has managed to make a statue of a god or Lord of the course to be personified idol of the adult populace. An expert and without worrying about falling ketulahan to be coached copper idol, rather than a haphazard. He is of course in addition to the expert who is also a prominent and highly respected has deegre. Somewhat unusual with that name also makes us direct question, whether the character was not known to the ancient character of the people named Namora Pande Bosi. Surely not just a coincidence that there is a statue maker jurupandaide Meester SMID Lokanatha Lord Copper, while there are also clever Bosi known by the people over the centuries. From other sources may be added, that before Namora Pande Bosi living in Hutalobu Hatongga Sigalangan there's more named Namora Pande Bosi, the grandfather (grandfather) of grandparents Namora Pande Bosi is in Huta Lobu aforesaid. The Namora Pande Bosi I lived in Padang Bolak Ruar Tonga (Sahit ni Huta). 

There are three (3) days of predictability regarding the generation of Namora Pande Bosi and his descendants were. 

First, the generation of the solar age 946 years or about the year 1024 AD, as Surya is a noble interpreter blacksmith skills and leading; 

Second, generation Çaka year 1287 (1365 AD) empire in Mandailing which must be led by a leading figure, named Namora Pande Bosi; and 

Third, the generation of a younger age is only about the 16th century AD According to legend (stamboom) is done or kept by the descendants of Raja Panusunan Soetan Koemala Boelan of Tamiang Kingdom in Mandailing.  

Medan, late October 1998.
(from the sharing of resources)


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