Senin, 16 Juni 2014

Mandailing not Batak

Existence of Mandailing Ethnic Groups

By Edi Nasution

~ Relics Age Pre-History in Mandailing ~

In certain places in the Tano Rura (Mandailing) there are a variety of pre-historic relic. It is known though without going through archaeological research. For example, in the middle of the forest not far from the village Runding in any river Batang Gadis, there heritage pre-history in the form of 'mortar-stone mortar' large. Mortar-stone mortars came from megalithicum period (period of great rock culture in the era of pre-history).

Indeed, we do not know for sure what the mortar-large stone mortars were used in the old days. But with these relics obtained evidence that in pre-history in place around the village Runding already a resident. Moreover, in a cave that is located not far from the village Pastap, Muara Mais, had also found 'handheld ax' made of stone (Lith Sumatra), where the situation is still very rough. This suggests that the 'ax handheld' is derived from the old stone age (Palaeolithicum) which is also the pre-historic era. In other places that Padang near Hutasiantar Mardia, Panyabungan, there is also a 'monument' called Menhir where Menhir is also a relic of the pre-history of the megalithicum era.

The existence of a variety of pre-historic relic that proves that in the region there have been  Mandailing Godang population since prehistoric times. They had lived in the days of Megalithicum. While in Mandailing Julu is around the cave near Pastap also have the population of the historic period is the old stone age (Palaeolithicum). Never did anyone tell me that once in several places in Mandailing Julu like Hutapungkut village has found some 'jewelry' which is made of tin and bronze at the time of digging graves.

All the evidence outlined above indicates that the population has been found in the area and Mandailing Mandailng Godang Julu since pre-historic times (old stone age) until the time of the metal. Premises other words, since thousands of years ago there were already resident in the territory Mandailing. Are they that are ancestors Mandailing or not, can not be ascertained. Which can be determined based on the evidence that there was thousands of years ago that the area was named Mandailing soil is fertile and contains a lot of gold.

~ Surat Tulak-Tulak ~

In general, each ethnic group has its own akasara are an ethnic group that has had a high civilization, as Mandailing ethnic group has its own ethnic script called 'Suratf Tulak-Tulak' (not the Batak alphabet). In this case, the 'historical epoch' is usually characterized by the use of characters, where the days prior to the use of the historical era called 'pre-history'. Likewise, we do not know for sure since when using a script Mandailing ethnic groups 'letter-Tulak Tulak' in their social and cultural lives.

Therefore, we naturally also do not know since when Mandailing ethnic group in the age of its history. What we know, though Mandailing ethnic groups have traditional characters (letters tulak-tulak) this, but it may be said to be 'ethnic script' is not used in the past to record or write the history, but is used for writing 'tarombo' (ancestral history). In addition, the 'Surat Tulak-Tulak' is also used to record the traditional medicine and the science of forecasting.

Matters relating to past Mandailing arguably just recorded as "oral history" of the stories Mandailing the past sometimes spoken by the people who still remember it and not written down at all, even though people have Mandailing ethnic script itself.

~ Tano Omas Sigumorsing (Tano Sere) ~

We know that the Hindus call the island of Sumatra was Swarna Dwipa (Golden Island) which is the goal of Hindu nation India at the time they were trying to find gold. On the island of Sumatra, Mandailing region (which at the time included areas previously Pasaman) is rich with gold. Mandailing in antiquity called Tano Omas Sigumorsing (Tano Sere). The amount of gold in the Mandailing can be proven that the Dutch era in Mandailing Julu gold mine belonging to the Netherlands are called Tombang Ubi. The gold mine is a gold mine to the two Dutch in Indonesia. The first gold mine in the Netherlands was Pasaman named Manggani mine. With such evidence is, quite logical and reasonable to say the Hindus in the early centuries AD began to come to Mandailing searching for gold.

In this connection, the oldest Hindu relics on the island of Sumatra in the village there is a Simangambat temple near Panyabungan named Candi Ciwa. According to the German archaeologists, Schnitger, that the temple is from the 8th century. Moreover, in Pidoli Lombang, Panyabungan there is a region called Saba Biara, in that place there are many former temple. And in Padang Mardia, Panyabungan there is Linga and Yoni a symbol of fertility for the Hindus.

Actually in Mandailing are still many Hindu and Buddhist relics that had been neglected. There are allegations, the Hindus who came to Mandailing many originating from the kingdom of Kalinga in India eastern. That is why they are called the holing. Originally centered in Mandailing before they spread to other places in Sumatra. In Sanskrit materials that serve as the central region of something, such as a residential center called Mandala. So the Hindus or the center of Sumatra called Mandala holing  the long run name (Mandala holing) is change be Mandailing. Such an hypothesis about the origin of the name Mandailing.

~ Mandailing recorded in Negarakertagama old books 

If Mandailing in terms of the history of its origin is an Negarakertagama old book written by Mpu Prapanca, the Mandailing not Batak. Keep in mind, that this record (Negarakertagama) is the oldest book that ever existed in Indonesia and the truth recognized by UNICEF and the scientific world. In the book Mpu Prapanca record about Majapahit many things, including the conquered count Mandailing, Pane (Panai), Toba, Barus and others. When the Toba, Mandailing and Barus categorized Malay. No Batak at that time. Not encountered the term 'Batak' in the vocabulary of ancient (Sanskrit) or a language known and understood among nations at that time. Reference the most acceptable and reasonable to mention that the term 'Batak' is to call 'one of the' newly emerging later by 'coastal people' who feel more civilized to 'upland' ". Precisely Batak is the term for the tribe of 'hinterland'.

Around the year 1365 AD, the civilization in the interior of Sumatra is still very primitive, and cannibalism is still very possible to happen (most recent cannibalism is recorded in the history of cannibalism in the missionary, the incidence between Sibolga and Tarutung. Eating human flesh by humans termed cannibalism. Cannibalism much going on several human civilization.

In the past in the Pacific islands such as Fiji, cannibalism often do locals. According to the literary novel, China has experienced severe famine after a prolonged war in Mao Tze Tung and time when it was almost nothing to eat other than human flesh. The father willed: if one day he dies first, then the child should ditingal wife who ate the meat. Cannibalism also experienced Africa, occurs due to lack of food. In the civil war in the Moluccas, sadism behavior also occurs enemy eat meat. Sumanto even eat human flesh to add to his power. In view of this, cannibalism was indeed historical in human culture.

Unlike the Batak in the past, eating human flesh carried out in the local ritual beliefs. Not everyone should be a "gulai" to eat. Are often used as food is the enemy, prisoners of war, those who commit adultery, criminals, and parents who are powerless ('Kismet can not make a living'). Takes a certain body part of the opponent's magic when it is considered that will add magic people who eat them. A powerful datu datu another defeat would be more powerful if he takes such important body parts: hands, heart, and brain. There are three things that are very important in the past Batak belief, namely tondi, sahala, and begu. Everybody has tondi and begu, but only those who have sahala magic. Eating meat is considered powerful enemy adds sahala of datu who eat it.

Ritual cannibalism has been well documented among the Batak, which aims to strengthen the tondi eaters. In particular, blood, heart, palms, and soles of the feet are considered as rich tondi. In the memoirs of Marco Polo who live on the east coast of Sumatra from April to September 1292, he mentions never met 'hill people' which he described as a 'man-eating'. From secondary sources, Marco Polo recorded stories of ritual cannibalism among the 'Battas' people. Although Marco Polo is only live in coastal areas, and never go directly into the interior to verify the story, but he could tell the ritual.

Niccolò de 'Conti (1395-1469), a Venetian who spent most of 1421 in Sumatra, in its passage to trade missions in Southeast Asia (1414-1439), noted people's lives. He wrote a brief description of the Batak population: "In parts of the island, called cannibals living Batech constantly fighting their neighbors".

Thomas Stamford Raffles in 1820 studied the Batak and their rituals, and laws regarding the consumption of human flesh, writing in detail about the infringement is justified. Raffles stated that: "A common thing where people eat their parents when too old to work, and for certain crimes criminals will be eaten alive" .. "flesh eaten raw or roasted, with lime, salt and a bit of rice ".

The German physician and geographer Franz Wilhelm Junghuhn, visited the Batak land in 1840-1841. Junghuhn say about ritual cannibalism among the Batak (whom he called "Battaer"). Junghuhn told how dangerous and hungry after the flight, he arrived at a village friendly. The food offered by his hosts was the flesh of the two prisoners who had been slaughtered the day before. However, it is sometimes to scare prospective occupiers and occasionally to get a job as a 'mercenary' for coastal tribes plagued by pirates.

Oscar von Kessel visited Silindung in the 1840s, and in 1844 probably the first European to observe the ritual cannibalism Batak, where a convicted adulteress and eaten alive. Interestingly, there is a parallel description of Marsden for some important things, von Kessel states that cannibalism was considered by the Batak as a legal act and its application is restricted to a very narrow breach of the theft, adultery, spying or treason. Salt, cayenne, and lemon should be given by the victim's family as a sign that they accept the decision of the people and not thinking about revenge.

Ida Laura Pfeiffer visited the Batak in August 1852, and although he did not observe any cannibalism, she was told that: "Prisoners of war tied to a tree and beheaded at once, but the blood is carefully preserved for drinks, and sometimes made into a sort of Pudding with rice. bodies then distributed; ear, nose, and soles of the feet are the exclusive property of the king, in addition to a claim for some others. palms of the hands, soles of the feet, head meat, heart, and liver, made into dishes. baked meat in general and eaten with salt. The women were not allowed to take part in a large public dinner ".

In 1890, the Dutch colonial government prohibits cannibalism in their area of ​​control. Rumors of Batak cannibalism survived until the early 20th century, and it seems likely that the custom has been rarely performed since 1816. This is due to the influence of Islam in Batak society.

Samuel Munson and Henry Lyman who was martyred in Sisangkak (now entering the District Adiankoting) on ​​July 28, 1834. Envoy two missionaries killed Raja Panggalamei Church of America. Their bodies at his watch in a week in Lobupining, not far from Sisangkak, as a sign of victory. That said, the bodies of the two martyrs were eaten down to the skeleton.

Past Mandailing almost the same as the interior Toba. Although there is no record of cannibalism in Mandailing not mean cannibalism never happened in Mandailing. May have occurred, may not, perhaps, who knows never happened, lest ever happened. Not sure! We regard Mandailing in the past is not the actor cannibals until the facts prove otherwise.

What is certain is, before Islam entered Trunk Mandailing through Christmas, the west coast of Sumatra, Mandailing ancestors eating almost anything that can be swallowed. Five generations from now, people are still eating monkey Mandailing, at least according to the narrative of older people. Well if the first Mandailing also man-eating, we do not need to be ashamed of our past degan who come too 'butter up' man.

~ Determination history ~ 

In the determination of the community to grow, evolve and change. Human civilization centered in the northern part of Sumatra in Barumun riverbanks and Batang Pane river. Imagine, when we know that the city is still a field named sea and swamp, uninhabited humans. Toba and Mandailing is an area of ​​Padang Lawas 'golden triangle' of the day and the center of civilization and the spread of religion in Padang Lawas. That logic only why there are many similarities of language and culture.

And there was a time when that was not too big Mandailing centered in the Kingdom Pulungan, or previously existing population concentrations in a place called Mandala holing on the banks of the Batang Gadis river, or anywhere steppa extensive, land suitable for agriculture due to the fertile soil that brought Batang Gadis, Barumun and Batang Pane. That's why all the temple that is in Mandailing Godang built in the open field and not far from the main rivers. Candi Portibi, Candi Bahal, the temple that is in Siabu and in Pidoli be in a decent place for the public.

Batak name of unknown origin, as clear historical origin of Toba, Mandailing, Pane and Barus. Mandailing area spacious enough to mention that inhabit the banks of the Batang Gadis river but too small when compared to the Majapahit kingdom in the 13th century AD That is because almost all of the island of Sumatra at that time was still covered in jungle that is inversely proportional to the northern part of Java island is flat, fertile and fit for human habitation and agriculture, the past Mandailing people still like moving. Arab traders who settled in Barus happen in the next period and dispersed after being attacked Srivijaya kingdom.

Pane kingdom directly related to international trade and pastors, and religious broadcasting center is in the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom that many are learning Pane to Champa and India. Some languages ​​are still inherited or acculturated Hindu influence up to now, among others: Mangaraja, ompung (Opung), Debata, Alphabet (Surat Tulak Tumbaga) is imported comes from the Hindu-Buddhist influences.

Mandailing future and concentrate on Penyabungan and Pidoli (PiuDelhi) because Patih Gajah Mada the kingdom of Majapahit destroying Pane contained in Barumun Alternating-Champaign. Many residents, soldiers and alliances Pane-migration inland in Penyabungan. Those who inhabit this Huta Siantar and Siladang. Indeed, the Siladang population is  Srivijaya army troops neutered Gajah Mada of Padang Lawas. This can be evidenced by the many similarities of language and customs Siladang (AekBangir) with Palembang residents tend to lock in the interior like the colonies from the outside community. This is also the explanation why Siladang language different from the language of Mandailing in general. Pane is allied kingdom of Sriwijaya. The settlers and soldiers from Pane is then melteSrivijayao into the Mandailing and adopt a local Sibaroar clan.  this period, the ancestral adult Nasution. Sibaroar can dominate influence Pulungan as allied with the settlers. Lately many people Siladang (AekBangir) into Nasution, so maybe people were displaced Pane.

~ Epiloque ~

Historical origins Mandailing eventually be recognized that what is meant Mandailing, now only refers to the region alone. If a person feels he has pedigree rooted to the ground Toba but stay in Mandailing, then he may claim to be the Mandailing. Mandailing not only filled by 'the Mandailing course, but it should be remembered also that the Hindu priests who were black and lived in Mandailing breed until now. The delegation of Aceh (Tapak Tuan) into Rangkuti and some Chinese merchants into Lubis, or Pulungan clans, depending on the place and circumstances in which to settle. According to one source, Lubis clan originally from Bugis. This proves that Mandailing more heterogeneous and more dynamic than Toba. So do not wonder why tarombo Toba of tarombo Mandailing neater.

Is Mandailing it Batak now depends on where you see it. But that certainly Mandailing is does not come from Batak a fact that must be recognized. Being a Batak or Mandailing are two options for the people from the Mandailing land. To know the history of the origins of Mandailing, then we have to the past. The origin Mandailing and history Mandailing should be written based on empirical data.

Spoken folklore for generations needed empirical data complement earlier, but the writing frame Mandailing historical origins remain to be realistic, logical and systematic. Mandailing history should be freed from the subjective touches, such as the belief fanaticism and fatalism pedigree Raja Batak. If we had concluded one thing, that "the Mandailing origin is from Toba". then we have ceased to think and explore the question: Where are the Mandailing origins of Mandailing? With the verdict, "Mandailing origin is from Toba", we have 'killed' Mandailing historical origins. Who knows for sure "Mandailing origins is from Tobaexcept Mandailing ancestors itself. And unfortunately those who have gone not leave 'will' and 'notes' that can be clearly understood and where they come from. So someone who lives in this age obviously does not have the right sentence 'Mandailing origin is from Toba or not. The term Mandailing: "Dont Punish if you dont know".

Only in this way, the origin of Mandailing be revealed, so do not deserve just because someone comes from Toba and had a pedigree record (tarombo) generalize "origin Mandailing is from Toba", on the contrary, someone who felt he had no blood ties said, "origin- Mandailing proposal is from Vietnam ". So let's think logically that Mandailing origin is the fact that apart from any conclusions.

One may argue, of course, based on a clear logic, about the origin of Mandailing. Very good making discourse, anti-thesis and synthesis thesis. Galley data and facts and logic, of course, will enrich the vocabulary of the Mandailing orogin. With an awareness, that Mandailing not belong to anyone, otherwise Mandailing has the Mandailing. This article is just a stub for this generation because there are many facts which are still buried in the ground, waiting to be discovered!

Gandoang. June, 16, 2014.

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Edi Nasution

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