Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

Historical Trajectory Mandailing



The word "marga" in Mandailing or Mandahiling could mean clan derived from Sanskrit, Varga is resident or color, plus affixes ma or mar, be "mavarga" or "marvarga", meaning "berwarga"  (have residents) and shortened to "marga". The clan itself meaningful groups or families of people who come from a common ancestor or a huta (village). 

Highways can also be derived from the abbreviation "family name". However, not everyone Mandailing clan included in its name, as it is considered sufficient as an identity between the Mandailing/Mandahiling own. In addition, among the Mandailing some are not wearing a patrilineal system or clan system, but wear or matrilineal system termed the tribal system in the Minang language, such as for example the Lubu ethnic which is native Mandahiling. In addition, the clan can also be interpreted as a hamlet, as well as the meaning of the genus in South Sumatra.


Ethnic Mandahiling is "tribes" that inhabit the three provinces in Sumatra Island, namely the Mandailing Natal, Padang Lawas, North Padang Lawas, South Tapanuli, Labuhanbatu, North Labuhanbatu, South Labuhanbatu, Asahan and Batubara districts in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia and in Pasaman and West Pasaman, in the province of West Sumatra, and Rokan Hulu in Riau Province. In the Dutch colonial period, all of which fall into Afdeeling Mandahiling under Sumatra 's West Kust Gouvernement (governorate of the West Coast of Sumatra). In Minangkabau society, Mandailing or Mandahiliang be one called "tribal" or the surname of the mother (matrilineal) that exist in Minangkabau society.

As well as the Arabic and Chinese, Mandahiling or Mandailing people have knowledge of genealogy, which in Mandailing referred to as Tarombo or Tambo. Lineage Mandailing people can reach several offspring at once a history of their ancestors. At first pedigree anything clan, hereditary narrated orally (legend or Tree), then lowered in writing. According Abdoellah Loebis who wrote about the origin of the Mandailing in Mandailing magazine published in the field in the early period of the 20th: "... The legend still holds down - derivatives , namely clan Lubis and Nasution , as has been authored by the late King Mulya former Kuriahoofd (area) Aek (River) Nangali ... ". It does not mean clans Mandailing others do not maintain their pedigree.

Lubis clan genealogy research Singengu (Silangkitang descent) in Kotanopan and Lubis Singasoro (Sibaitang descent) in Pakantan, along Harahap (Sutan Bugis descent) and Hutasuhut (Sutan Borayun descent) in Angkola, which is a descendant of Namora Pande Bosisuggests that the clan first settled in Mandailing Julu and Mandailing Jae (Angkola) during the period of 16th century AD, the descendants of Raden Patah Bugis Wind degree of Majapahit, who along Bugis forces from Palembang, who lost to the Kingdom of buffalo race in Padang Sibusuk Pagaruyung. Lubis-Lubis while others, such as Parinduri, Batubara, Daulae, Raorao, Tanjung, and others, who are not descendants of Namora Pande Bosi, generally until now has not been widely publicized.

While in general Sibaroar Nasution clan residing in Mandailing Godang. The Baroar title is a descendant of Sutan (Sultan) Di Aru, and other clans Nasution, among others Nasution Panyabungan, Tanbangan, Borotan, Lancat, Jior, Tonga, Dolok, Maga, Pidoli, and others, based on their respective village name, which was originally put on the matrilineal system.

Generally clans in Mandailing, the story does not indicate its origin comes from Toba, such opinions are sown. Among other things, the Batubara, Daulae and Matondang clans derived from a common ancestor. Leaders of the clan ancestors according to the third story of two brothers, namely Datu Bitcu Rayo and Parmato Sopiak. Around the year 1560 AD, both the entourage departed from Batubara, Tanjung Balai towards Barumun region. There, they established a village called Binabo, and that's where ParmatoSopiak eventually died (In 1981, several prominent Daulae, Matondang and Batubara clans of Mandailing Parmato Sopiak been restored tomb located near the village Binabo Barumun region). Later on, two sons named Parmato Sopiak Si Laedan and Si Tondang with their followers moved to Mandailing Godang, and established a village called Pintu Padang. That's where they are grown and surnamed descendants Daulae and Matondang clans. Datu Bitcu Rayo then move, and established village Pagaran Tonga. In that place, the offspring develop into Batubara clan.

People surnamed Mandailing Rangkuti and fractions Parinduri clan, also supports the idea, saying they came from Toba. " ... until now nobody Rangkuti clan who considers himself Batak, not marmora (have relatives -in-law relationship) and not maranak Boru ( bermenantu kin ties ) to Batak Land." Because, according to the narrative compiled from old people in Mandailing and also adapted to the Rangkuti clan, that Ompu Parsadaan Rangkuti (ancestors of the people surnamed Rangkuti) Runding, named Mangaraja Sutan Pane, which is at approximately the XI century came from the Huta Ulu Panai open Runding and establish a kingdom there. The Kingdom of dealing with Harajaon (royal) Pulungan in Hutabargot at the foot of the Tor (mountain) Dolok Sigantang across the Batang Gadis river approximately 16 miles from Panyabungan. "... Another version is also said that the ancestors of the surname Mandailing Rangkuti originally came from Aceh south ( from Rondeng Tread Master ) along the sea shore up to Christmas. " from there they then fell into Mandailing Godang and establish their colony called Runding, according to the name of their place of origin. Versions, Rangkuti clan descended from Ra Kuti, who is a figure in the uprising Wedheng the Majapahit period, which ran into Mandailing in the past, namely the Sultanate Aru which had its capital in Padang Lawas.


Mandailing Clans

Ethnic Mandailing only know about a dozen genera, among others Lubis, Nasution, Pulungan, Batubara, Parinduri, Lintang, Harahap, Hasibuan (Nasibuan), Rambe, Dalimunthe, Rangkuti (Ra Kuti) , Tanjung, Mardia, Daulae, Matondang, and HutasuhutAccording Abdoellah Loebis, clans in Mandailing Julu and Pakantan are as follows: Lubis (which divided to Huta Nopan Lubis and Muara Soro Lubis), Nasution, Parinduri, Batubara, Matondang, Daulae, Monte Nai, Hasibuan, and Pulungan. Clans in Mandailing Godang is divided to Nasution Panyabungan, Tambangan, Borotan, Lantat, Jior, Tonga, Dolok, Maga, Pidoli, and others; Lubis, Hasibuan, Harahap, Batubara, Matondang (Hasibuan descent), Rangkuti, Mardia, Parinduri, Batu na Bolon, Pulungan, Rambe, Mangintir, Monte Nai, Panggabean, Tangga Ambeng and Margara (Rangkuti, Mardia and Parinduri origin of the clan).

According Basyral Hamidy M. Harahap and Hotman Siahaan, in Angkola and there Sipirok clans Pulungan, Baumi, Harahap, Siregar, Dalimunte and Daulae. In Padang Lawas, there are clans Harahap, Siregar, Hasibuan, Daulae, Dalimunte, Pulungan, Nasution and LubisAccording Basyral Hamidy Harahap in a book called Horja, clans in Mandailing among others Babiat, Dabuar, Baumi, Dalimunthe, Dasopang, Daulae, Dongoran, Harahap, Hasibuan, Hutasuhut, Lubis, Nasution, Pane, Parinduri, Pasaribu, Umbrella, Pohan, Pulungan, Rambe, Rangkuti, Ritonga, Sagala, Simbolon, Siregar, and TanjungMandailing or Mandahiling by Surat Tumbaga Holing (Fiber Copper Kalinga) is derived from the word Mandala (the central federation) and Hiling or holing (Kalinga). The area is then entered into the kedatuan Hindu kingdom of Srivijaya after Kalinga successfully overthrown. After that, Mandailing to move power from one dynasty to another dynasty.


Kalinga future

This period is also called the "heyday" of the Mandailing or Mandahiling in the archipelago. Shima is the last queen queen and Sanna/Senna/Sinna king who has two children, namely Paduka SriMaharaja Indrawarman and Raja Sanjaya. The kingdom broke up in the 7th century after Indrawarman killed by Sri Maharaja palace dynasty in the Kerajaan Dharmasraya, while Raja Sanjaya is initially capitalized on the north coast of Central Java near Semarang as the capital calling eliminated by the Raja of Kalinga dynasty up into the interior, namely Mataram, until formed a kingdom known as Hindu Mataram. Sri Maharaja Indrawarman and Raja Sanjaya dynasty overthrown, for violating customary since converted to Islam, which was brought by a messenger Khalifah Utsman bin Affan. Kalinga kingdom replaced Sri Wijaya Empire established dynasty which had its capital in Palembang.

Srivijaya period

Sriwijaya (or also called Srivijaya; Thai : ศรี วิชัย or "Sri wichy") is one of the powerful maritime empire in Sumatra and a lot of influence on the culture of the archipelago. His dominion stretches from Cambodia, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, and Sulawesi. Mandailing in North Sumatra, is one of the subordinate (vassal) Srivijaya Empire. Setback Srivijaya influence on regional subordinates began to shrink due to several wars. Among the attacks of Raja Dharmawangsa in the year 990 , and attacks Rajendra Chola I of the Chola kingdom in 1025. Subsequently in 1183, the power of the kingdom of Srivijaya was under the control of Dharmasraya.

The period of the Chola kingdom

In the 10th century, Rajendra Chola of the Kingdom in the Coromandel, south of the Indian subcontinent, the central government moved to the area in Mandailing Hang Chola (Angkola) or Gangaikonda Cholapuram. Rajendra Chola I (Tamil language) was the son of Rajaraja Chola Chola I. He became king in 1014. During his rule, he expanded the empire to the banks of the Ganges in the north, Burma, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Maldives, conquered the Srivijaya (Sumatra, Java and the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia), and Pegu islands. He conquered the Mahipala, Pala king of Bengal and Bihar, and to commemorate his victory he built a new capital called Gangaikonda Cholapuram. Rajendra is the first Indian king to bring its armed forces abroad. He also built a temple for Shiva in Gangaikonda Cholapuram.

The Sultanate of Aru

There is debate about the location of the center of the kingdom of Aru. Winstedt put it in the Deli area that stood then, but some are of the opinion centered Aru Panai River estuary. Groeneveldt confirms the location of the kingdom of Aru is located approximately at the mouth of the Barumun river (Padang Lawas) , and Gilles states near Belawan. While there are also stating the location of the Kingdom of Aru is in the mouth of the Wampu river (Langkat). In addition there is also the opinion there is a difference between the Kingdom and the Sultanate of Deli Aru Aru in Muara Barumun

This is because of the Sultanate of Aru in Barumun founded by Sultan Malik al - Mansur, the first son of Sultan Samudera Pasai, Malik al - Saleh. The Sultanate was established from the year 1299 to 1512. Meanwhile, Sultanate of Aru in Deli Tua established congregation Win Like the title of Sultan Al - Rashid, who married Princess brother of the Sultan of Aceh Green first, Mughayat Ali Shah. Empire in the year 1512 - 1523, manipulated the Portuguese to attack Aceh. Came to power in the Sultanate of Aceh Aru from 1523 - 1802, as the last king of the Sultanate Aru captured and beheaded lord Admiral Ibrahim Shah. Year 1802 - 1816 , Aru Sultanate ruled Pagaruyung kingdom and put the Raja Sripaduha (Soripada), as governor of Padang Lawas, with nine head stamp of The lordship of Raja Naro.

In Majapahit Sovereignty

Mpu Prapanca, a poet wrote a book MajapahitKingdom entitled Negarakertagama circa 1365. Scriptures are written in the form of poetry that contains information about the history of the kingdom of Majapahit. According to Prof. Slamet Mulyana (1979: 9), the Book Negarakertagama is a blend of history and literary work of the highest quality from the Majapahit era. Centuries after the collapse of the Majapahit Empire, the existence of this book is unknown. After 1894, the Book of Negarakertagama found in Puri Cakranegara on the island of Lombok. Then in July 1979 was found again in the Book of Negarakertagama Amlapura, Lombok. In Canto XIII Book Negarakertagama, Mandailing name with the name of the country in Sumatra many written by the Mpu Prapanca as a vassal state of Majapahit Kingdom.

In Sovereignty Pagaruyung

Mandailing, like other areas in Sumatra, and then handed over to the Majapahit kingdom Pagaruyung, under Adityawarman and offspring. Carved from the manuscript back by Adityawarman on the back of the statue Amoghapasa, mentioned in 1347, Adityawarman proclaimed himself king in Malayapura. Adityawarman was the son of Dara Adwayawarman and Orange, as it is called in Pararaton. He previously co-Mahapatih Gajah Mada, has been fighting to conquer Bali and Palembang.

Independence Pagaruyung of Majapahit, buffalo fights reported in the story, which prompted the Minangkabau name (Win Buffalo), ie the period of the 16th century. At that time, UB V ordered his son Raden Patah living in Palembang, to pull back the kingdom of Majapahit Kingdom Pagaruyung to the region. But with ingenuity Bundo Kanduang, Majapahit troops from the Bugis in Palembang, was defeated by the buffalo race game.

Claiming England North Sumatra

Sultan Bagindo Martio Lelo with Jhon Abraham Moschel (Resident Nias) as the holder of the power and act on behalf of the East Indian Trade Unions, perform the agreement. Sentence agreement dated March 7, 1760 it states, Sutan Martia Lelo swear by the Quran to surrender the fort Moschel Christmas.

Year 1785 - 1824, Britain established a trading center in Tapian Nauli (Sibolga). Year 1821 - 1833, Padri lord commander Lelo be candidates Angkola by the sultan in the UK. In 1823, the Governor-General Thomas Stamford Raffles made ​​a policy to establish a Christian tribe, which was among the Sultanate of Aceh and Minangkabau Muslim kingdom, which is in the interior of Barus who was then the subordinate Sultanate of Aceh. In Dutch, the policy reads,"Een wig te drijen tusschen het mohamedaansche Atjeh en het eveneens mohammadansche Sumatra 's West Kust. Een wigs in de vorm van de Bataklanden (Aceh Islam and Minangkabau (West Coast of Sumatra ) is Islam , separated by Batak blocks (Barus Land Christian)."

This command is a command mimics the British Governor General in Calcutta, which form the Christian Karen block, between Burma and Siam Buddhist. Implementation, three British Baptist preacher Mission, namely Burton, Ward, and Evans came to town Tapian Nauli, Raffles place its capital at the time.

In 1824, British claims to the northern part of Sumatra is a British territory. In 1834 through the Treaty of London, northern Sumatra exchanged by the Dutch North Borneo (Sarawak and Sabah). Raffles policy on tribal Christians (Batak) is then forwarded by the Dutch East Indies government under the leadership of Cornelis Elout.

Darul Islam period Minangkabau

In the early 19th century, Mandailing enter into Darul Islam Minangkabau. Islamic state was established since the entry of the Wahabi teachings brought by the Minangkabau scholars of Saudi Arabia, namely Haji Miskin, Haji Sumanik, and Haji Piobang. With the help of TuankuNan Renceh, the third pilgrimage establish Darul Islam Minangkabau, where Tuanku Nan Renceh appointed as head of state. After he was arrested, the leadership of the country to switch to Tuanku Imam Bonjol.

In Mandailing, interrupting the flow of the presence of Wahabi Islam that developed at that time, the flow of the Shia and the Sunni Hanafi school. This event used by the Dutch for pitting fellow followers of Islam, until there was a civil war. Over five years, war raged in Mandailing to expire in 1838.

In 1818 - 1820, Darul Islam seized Mandailing Minangkabau. And the head of the federation Mandailing Natal, King Gadumbang, enter the Padri movement and was named lord Mandailing. Then Padri forces continue to attack until the master Dnipro in North Tapanuli under the Sultanate of Aceh. In 1820, there were negotiations between the Sultanate of Aceh and Minangkabau Darul Islam, which is represented by the lord admiral and lord Djudjang Pemasiangan, to work together to attack the Dutch.

The period of the Dutch East Indies

Darul Islam Minangkabau destruction began in 1832, with the success of the Dutch charming head of state of the Darul Islam Minangkabau Pemasiangan dead lord hanged in Fort Dog's bottom Bushel . In 1832, the fort was successfully destroyed Bonjol Netherlands. Colonel Elout spreading rumors, has purchased the entire universe Minangkabau to the Dutch government of King Nature Pagaruyung who reportedly was in Padang.

In 1833, the Dutch and the nobles entered into a traditional Minangkabau plaque length, which do not interfere in the affairs of the Netherlands expressed in Minangkabau "adat" (custom). In this event, the Raja Gadumbang also made ​an agreement with the Netherlands, to expel the Padri movement of Mandailing Natal region. He was later named as Regen Mandailing Vour Her Leven (adat Mandailing lifetime). This year , the Dutch only recognizes some of King Mandailing, which Breached Sea in Angkola, king in Maga, Sutan Parukunan in Singengu, Sutan Naparas in Tamiang, Sutan Mangkutur in Uta Pungkut, Sutan Naparas and Sutan Guru in Pakantan, Patuan Gorga Tonga Ari Ulu (The Patuan in Lubuk Sikaping). But this agreement betrayed the Netherlands itself. Consequently Sutan Mangkutur, brother of Raja Gadombang and Sutan Naparas of Tamiang rebelled against the Dutch government.

In 1834 , two officers Padri , namely JaMandatar Lubis and Kali Rancak Lubis, baptized by a Christian Reformed pastor Verhouven . American Baptist Mission sent three ministers, namely Lyman , Munson , and to be placed in Pakantan Ellys , to help pastors Verhouven . In 1834 , Colonel Elout Angkola seized without resistance from the UK. In 1838, Holland formed Resident Gouvernemen Air Bangis in Sumatra 's Westkust.

In 1840, became the capital Panyabungan Mandailing Natal Resident Assistant in Sumatra 's Gubernemen Westkust. In 1857, the region Mandailing, Angkola, and Rao united in residency Air Bangis.

In 1861, the German pastors pastors replace Dutch in Sipirok, namely pastor Van Asselt and Klammer  In 1863, LudwigIngwer Nommensen accompanied Lubis and Ja Mandatar smart time Lubis , moved from Sipirok to Silindung.

In 1869, the American Baptist Mission and Mission British Baptist pastor does not want to finance Pakantan, because it is difficult to be developed. Then the year 1869 - 1918, pastors Mennoniet from Ukraine came to Pakantan. They stopped doing missions after Romanov Dynasty collapsed.

1873, Silindung incorporated into residency Air Bangis, after successful conquered the Netherlands. Silindung expelled the Muslims and mosques in Tarutung dismantled. In 1881, the region was conquered Holland Toba Batak, and continued with the Christianization community. This makes the governor Dnipro, Sisingamangaraja XII under the Sultanate of Aceh, fierce resistance from the year 1882 to 1884.

In 1885 , the Residency Mandailing Natal formed and capitalized in Padangsidempuan. In 1906, the seat of government was moved from Christmas Mandailing Resident Padangsidempuan to Sibolga, and turned into a residency Tapanuli, which includes afdeeling Sibolga and Bataklanden.

Period of Independence

In 1945 , the area Angkola - Sipirok formed into a district headed by a regent who is domiciled in Padangsidempuan. Used as an area of Padang Lawas regency headed by a regent who is based in Old Mt. Lubis is the first Regent Parlindungan and then Sutan Katimbung. Mandailing Natal area used as a district based in Panyabungan. Lopez is the first Regent Saren and then Fachruddin Nasution.

After the Dutch troops entered Padangsidimpuan and Gunung Tua, local government administration remains as usual, only guerrilla regent's office moved to a safe area that has not been entered by the Dutch.

After receiving the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia at the end of 1949, the division of administrative regions changed back. Since early 195, forming the South Tapanuli, and all existing employees in the office of regent Angkola - Sipirok, Padang Lawas , and Mandailing Natal , was appointed regent 's office employee South Tapanuli based in Padangsidempuan.

On 23 November 1998, South Tapanuli divided into two districts, namely District Mandailing Natal (capital Panyabungan) and South Tapanuli (capital Padangsidempuan). Now, the area has been divided into ethnic Mandailing one city (Padangsidempuan) and three districts (Mandailing Natal, Padang Lawas North, and Padang Lawas).

On 23 November 1998, South Tapanuli divided into two districts , namely District Mandailing Natal (capital Panyabungan) and South Tapanuli (capital Padangsidempuan). Now, the area has been divided into ethnic Mandailing one city (Padangsidempuan) and three districts (Mandailing Natal, Padang Lawas North, and Padang Lawas).


Mandailing language

Mandailing language is the language contained in the southern part of the province of North Sumatra, West Sumatra and Riau northern part, which is a variant of the Sanskrit language is heavily influenced Arabic.

Language Mandailing Julu and Mandailing Godang with a softer pronunciation of the language Angkola again, even from the Toba Batak language. The majority of its use in Mandailing Natal regency, but not including Christmas language (Minangkabau language), even though language users related Christmas (collateral) with the Mandailing Natal district in general. Meanwhile, Padang Lawas Mandailing language (Alternating Padang) is used in the district of Padang Lawas and North Padang Lawas.

In Pasaman, West Sumatra and Kampar, Riau, Mandailing language has its own variations. In the area of   ​​shavings, coal , and Labuan Batu, Mandailing people generally wear Malay East Coast .
Angkola Mandailing language, especially in Angkola Dolok (Sipirok) is the language most similar to the Toba Batak language, because geographically adjacent, but a little softer Angkola language intonation than Toba language. Language Angkola covers an area Padangsidempuan, Batang Toru, Sipirok, all parts of the district of South TapanuliIn general, people will use Malay Mandailing when met, if there are words that do not understand the local dialect respectively.


Ethnic Mandahiling that sering pula didialekkan Mandailing, is "tribes" (the Mandailing call Bangso Mandailing) inhabiting three provinces in Sumatra Island, namely North Sumatra, West Sumatra and Riau Province in Indonesia. Mandailing people in the province of North Sumatra located in the District of Mandailing Natal, Padang Lawas, North Padang Lawas, South Tapanuli, Labuhanbatu District, North Labuhanbatu District, South Labuhanbatu District, Tanjung  and Batubara district County in the province of West Sumatra, while being on Pasaman and West Pasaman , and in [Riau Province} } are in Rokan Hulu. At the beginning of the Dutch colonial period, all areas originally included in the residency Mandailingoor residentee Mandahiling under Sumatra 's West Kust Gouvernement or governorate of the West Coast of Sumatra, Padang together residency Sea  (Padang Lauik) and residency Army Padang (Padang Darek).

But when the Sultanate Barus successfully mastered Dutch (After London Tracktaat Londonsche agreement between the Kingdom of England and Kingdom of the Netherlands, who exchanged bolsters northern Sumatra region which initially claimed the UK and northern Borneo region that initially has mastered the Netherlands), including Afdeeling Land of Batak (Toba and State Silindung country), that if it was under the Sultanate of Aceh, Mandailingdihapuskan residency. Most areas in the region Mandailing combined residency -based Tapian Nauli (Tapanuli) at Barus, but still in West Sumatra 's Kust Gouvernement. Meanwhile Lubuksikaping region (Pasaman and West Pasaman) into the residency of Padang Sumatra 's Army dalamWest Kust Gouvernement, and Tambusai region (Rokan Hulu) Gouvernement Riaw in the territory. On the other hand some areas Mandailing entered in Oost Kust Gouvernement or governorate Sumatra 's East Coast of Sumatra, the region Labuhanbatu, Tanjung and Batubara. The area included in the residency Mandailing Tapanuli is Mandailing Natal, Mandailing Angkola, Mandailing-Padangsidempuan, and Padanglawas.

Since it started residency Tapanuli, Mandailing in the capital city moved Padangsidempuan are alternated between the City and the City Padangsidempuan Tapanuli. When I was a residency Mandailing, the first time in his capital Water Bangis thus known as the residency of Air Bangis, then moved to Kotanopan, then to City Panyabungan and the last is Padangsidempuan City. Mandailing residency region is called as the Sultanate Mandailing the last sultan was King Gadumbang (Lubis, Nasution, etc.). After that , government Mandailing divided in several Curia established by the Dutch in order to divide et impera, up to 50 Curia . Curia itself comes from the Arabic, namely "Qurya" meaning "country", which is often the term used in the administration of Darul Islam Minangkabau during the Padri war to replace the term "huta" (village)  or "country".

Mandailing Kingdom area known as the North Pagaruyung Sultanate, which formerly divided because down the throne of King Pagaruyung Daulat The lordship of Raja Naro in the early 19th century, which was replaced Daulat The lordship Muningsyah II by Nan Baso Ampek Hall (4 king is the king 's throne supervisor Pagaruyung - king is falling down by custom), which continues with the Padri War. But this split is aligned Anwar Nasution, who represents the North Pagaruyung Sultanate based in Aek Na Ngali (Aia Madingin) at Trunk Christmas, several years-ago, invited the family of the Sultanate Pagaruyung (South ) at Batusanggkar to re- unite , after 200 years partnership was split by civil war. In Minangkabau society, Mandailing name or Mandahiliang be one called "tribal" or "family name of the mother" (matrilineal system) which is in Minangkabau society.


Origin of name

Mandailing or Mandahiling thought to have originated from two Sanskrit words (Malay/ Javanese), namely Mandala and holing. Mandala means center of federation of several kingdoms, while holing/Hiling/Kalinga is derived from the name of the kingdom of Kalinga. Kalinga kingdom is estimated to stand before being replaced kingdom of Srivijaya in the 7th century with the last king of Sri Paduka MaharajaIndrawarman son of Ratu Shima. Sri Maharaja Indrawarman also a sibling of Raja Sanjaya who form the Hindu Mataram in Java, after marrying the Ratu Galuh, who later referred to as the Kingdom Medang (which alternates between her kings and Sanjaya descent Syailendra tied the marital relationship between the descendants of both, to end the war between the two dynastic descent Wijaya, namely Wangsa Sanjaya and Sailendra dynasty).

In Minangkabau language, Mandailing can also be interpreted as intending mande gone "missing mom" . Therefore there is also a presumption based on pedigree, which says that the coming of the Kingdom Mandailing community Pagaruyung in Minangkabau.


Mandailing Not Batak

In order to divide et impera, many foreign historians who influenced thinking Indies Governor General TimurThomas Stamford Raffles in the context of Christianity, making Mandailing be sub- ethnic of Batak. Administratively, inclusion in the sub- ethnic Batak Mandailing began in the reign of the Dutch in the early 20th century and, even if the people are represented Mandailing kings Curia refuses to sub etniskan in the ethnic Batak. The result appears tale event known as the Waqf Land Mandailing in Soengai Mati Medan, Medan in 1925, to proceed to trial.

Finally, based on the decision of the Court of the Netherlands Indies government in Batavia , Mandahiling recognized as a separate ethnic of Batak, because by de facto, ethnic Batak was actually younger than ethnic Mandailing. Based on pedigree recognized ethnic Batak alone in Tree Si Raja BatakSi Raja Batak is the ancestor of the Batak, his mother called Boru Deak Parujar in ethnic Mandailing. So before the Batak ethnic, ethnic Mandailing there. Mandailing own ethnicity, according to Minangkabau ethnic lineage.

Gandoang, Juny 3, 2014.

Edi Nasution

3 komentar:

  1. Informasi yang cukup luas untuk mengenal orang Mandailing dan negerinya, ini awal yang baik untuk mngenal lebih dekat lagi dan mencintai Nusantara.

  2. Informasi yang cukup luas untuk mengenal orang Mandailing dan negerinya, ini awal yang baik untuk mngenal lebih dekat lagi dan mencintai Nusantara.

  3. Raja gadumbang bersekutu dgn belanda untuk mengusir/berperang dgn kaum padri yg menginvasi kerajaannya, merusak adat istiadat dan membantai keluarga raja sbg pemangku adat. Beliau meninggal ditembak kaum paderi dan anak dan keturunannya exodus kemana-mana. Salam kenal.. saya keturunan dari beliau (raja gadumbang)


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