Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

indigenous families

"Maranak Bisuk2 Marboru Pohom2"

By Edi Nasution

In the past, "Maranak Sampulu Pitu, Marboru Sampulu Onom" (17 Men, 16 Women) is a Mandailing cultural value that is considered quite important. However in recent times, has been changing with the 'age' or 'era', then 'old cultural values​​' had to be changed to "Maranak Bisuk2 Marboru Pohom2" in line with the development/progress of science and technology, economics, culture and so on. Old value (traditional) that for the first Mandailing is an expectation, because the number of children believed to be the bearer of sustenance ("a lot of kids a lot of sustenance"). Maybe, when it is not a lot of people who work in the fields are so wide, no one is looking for wood in the forest and no one is planted in garden. But now the situation has changed. Rice field is getting narrower, because the switch functions as a residence. If this term remains a hope, then there was a "population explosion", the population is not controlled, so that within a very precise, Indonesia is the third largest country population. This of course is very troublesome. 

In Indonesi Republic Act No. 52 of 2009 on Population, explained that the "BKKBN" asked to take care of three important state tasks, namely Population, Family Planning and Family Development. Therefore, since 2002 (autonomous regions) to the present, the population growth rate of 2.6 per cent range, while the first only about 1.9 percent. If uncontrolled population growth, estimated in 2029 to know the Indonesian population over 300 million people. Currently the number of Indonesia's population range from 235-240 million. In fact, in 1999 was approximately 205 million people.

Because the government has ttugas Population targeted at controlling the population of each region to the lowest tolerance limits can be achieved every area. Thus, local governments do not have to wait for orders from the center, because the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 52 of 2009 is already set. All matters have been delegated to the local population because it is autonomous. That is, people who have and have a responsibility to ensure that the course of development towards the achievement of peace, in the hands of the Regional Head. Therefore, each Regional Head needs to regulate the development of the population as low as possible. 

In addition to carrying out the task of Population, government task (BKBN) the other is running the family planning program. We do realize that all of human nature will be married. But we should also realize that in the course of our lives, almost nothing is taught about how to build a family. The absence of perncanaan in building a family, then the family life we are weak. As a result, many cases of divorce and maternal mortality. In Indonesia, only 18 mothers of 100 mothers who breastfeed their babies until the age of 2 years. In fact, studies by the experts, those who are not breastfed, then the current will grow up unruly, stubborn, likes to brawl until 'casualties'. 

The third task of the government is the Family Development. In this case, the whole family wants BKKBN quality in Indonesia, which has a norm as a family. That is, he understands the people of Indonesia, he aspired to be a smart person so as not to become a burden to the nation. By doing so, the population of Indonesia is getting stronger and berkualitas.Karena it, the government (BKKBN) expects the role of the media as a partner. It is hoped that the 'challenges ahead' is equally we see as the 'common enemy' and the need for great care in controlling the population, so as not to threaten existing pertumbuhandan success. Therefore, whatever we can, but if the number of terms of the greater population growth, then all that will be obtained will not be left. 

We are confident that with the same mindset in order to create quality family will dapatterwujud Regional Head-willed when it wants to build a quality family. To realize the resilience of families, each family was to be affluent and not ketergantungan.Selain mindset Local Government, institutions also need to set up the National Population and Family Planning Area (BKKBD). Because iitu is stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 52 Year 2009 on Article 57. Yet current of 511 districts/cities in Indonesia, only 80 districts/cities are purely institutional styled with BKKBD nomenclature. But it is not only necessary mindset and BKKBD to realize berkulaitas family. There also was required Untu Field Extension personnel KB (field officers). 

Meanwhile, in order to succeed the family planning program, the BKKBN also must continue to cooperate with various parties such as the Indonesian Employers Association (APINDO), although it should be noted that there are also companies that have not cooperated with the government kualita weeks to raise the family life. In this case, keep in mind that family planning is also related to the welfare of the employees of the company. Of course this is a positive impact for perusahaan.Misalnya, working women often give birth or if you have five children, would be more likely to leave than other women, the workers who had two sons. This is a positive impact for the company in the performance of its employees. For companies that already provide family planning services, if you want to perform more services such as vasectomy and tubal ligation, the BKKBN ready to send medical teams to companies that need it. In essence, pemkerintah (BKKBN) continues to form a quality family through various types of programs. (*) 

Gandoang. June 17, 2014. 


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