Jumat, 20 Juni 2014

short story (4)

SI-Bele Bele

When harvesting rice in Huta Namale ('hungry village'), after completion of 'mardege' and 'mamiari eme', was visible 'menggandalvillagers 'karung eme'. After bringing home all 'karung eme', towards noon they lapar. Let stomach, eating 'bubur cacak' in advance, so that there is power to transport rice to the house. After completion of all work in the field, before returning home village they all eat together. Eat more delicious when there is 'balanak' (salted fish) are burned and vegetable named 'sumangge' boiled alone. Still, after all the rice brought return and collected all relevant in 'opuk eme', no more should forget memebeli 'sere' (gold) so that there will be taken if you want to woo girls during the show 'patibal sere', if you want to be 'babere 'of the bus owners 'Batang Pane'.

If 'sere' (gold) nothing you takin 'bere', go 'manggore'. But, who is actually your friend tomorrow 'manggore'? In Batang Gadis many 'sere' (gold). When you want to go "manggore' do not be friends with 'sipandehe', because the stomach is getting hungry later when partisipate with him 'mandehe-dehe'. Consequently get sick, so the 'sere' (gold) is no longer obtainable. So you know 'bere', that 'sipendehe' it feels so good to eat 'pote'. Why, apparently descendant of 'Dja Manggete', farmers who settled in 'Tor Sihite'.

Short story 'bere', if you're not taking 'sere' (gold) later in the 'patibal serecustoms, you're not going to be 'babere'!


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