Selasa, 24 Juni 2014


Where our ancestors come from?


Beliefs about ancestral origins of a tribal (ethnic groups) that are rooted far from the island of Sumatra was not only dominated by Minangkabau society. There are at least 6 other tribes claiming to come from areas far beyond the island of Sumatra, the Riau Inderagiri community in Kuantan, Kerinci community, Karo ethnic (especially Marga Sembiring), Barus community on the west coast of North Sumatra, Pakpak and Mandailing  ethnics in North Sumatra.


In prehistoric times, is a profess belief in animism that they believe that the spirits of people who have died around the corpse is still there, and they still need like during his lifetime, so it is understandable if the body remains intact, because the bodies were placed in stone houses in order not to be disturbed by wild animals. In this animistic belief system, large trees, wide river, mountains and hills, is considered have the guardian (subtle beings) that can stigmatize a person if he is not doing well. Dempo peak in South Sumatra, for example given by the grain-grain oarng certain individuals, as a legacy of the pre-history who believe. That still exist outside the human spirits that can be mastered. Belief in the spirit world seen from the direction of the placement of the corpse's head is directed to the place of origin or abode of ancestral spirits. The place is usually believed to be the spirits of ancestors is the direction of the sunrise or sunset and the high places, for example, mountains and hills. Evidence regarding it can be seen from the results of the excavation of ancient tombs in some places, such as in Bali, indicates the direction of the head of the corpse was always to the east or the west or toward the tops of the mountains and hills.

Practices animism seen in the organization of the ceremony ceremonies associated with death. Solemnization of death based on the belief that it was basically a death did not bring a change in position, state, and one's nature. With that foundation, the burial of the bodies is always accompanied with the stock-stock grave and container bodies adjusted his position, so that the dead person's position in the spirits of the same nature as when he was alive. The core belief is the worship and perhormatan to the spirit of people who have died, especially the respect and worship of ancestral spirits (the ancestors). Inside the caves discovered a human skeleton that had been buried. Such a finding is very important to examine the custom to bury the bodies with their religious beliefs. Historians conclude that at that time people already have certain beliefs about death.

Erect buildings-building tradition megalithicum always associated with the belief that there is a relationship between the living with the dead (mega means big, lithos means stone). Especially the belief in the existence of a strong influence of the dead on social welfare and plant fertility. Large stone buildings incorporated into the medium homage.

At the plant, the trust still animism, dynamism, and totemism. However, it is much higher than the previous period. At this time performed the ceremonies of respect for ancestral spirits. The ceremony was most striking in the funeral ceremony for them that are deemed especially prominent by the community. People who die usually equipped with an assortment of items used everyday such as crockery, jewelery, and so on are buried together. The point is that the spirit of the deceased will not get lost on the way to where the ancestors or their origin. If a place is considered as the spirits too far or difficult to obtain, then the people who died quite buried somewhere by putting his focus to a spot referred to, namely the 'spirit of place'.

At the plant, the deceased received a special honor. This is evidenced by the discovery of many objects in the form of a large stone structure in various forms and is usually called megalithicum building. Megalithic buildings spread almost all over the Indonesian archipelago. The shape of the building is an assortment that has the primary purpose of which is the cult of the ancestors. The oldest building may serve as a grave. The forms may be burial place: dolmen, stone coffin, stone chamber, sarcophagus, kalamba or stone vessels, waruga, stone cage and retrieval bracelet. In places such graves are sometimes found other large stone buildings as a complement to the cult of ancestor spirits such as 'menhir', 'patung nenek moyang', 'batu saji', 'batu lesung' atau 'lumpang', 'batu dakon', 'punden berundak', 'pelinggih  batu' atau 'batu jalanan'.

In Pasemah, South Sumatra and also found a statue menhir ancestors. Several types of graves had been developed in the form of functions, for example dolmen experiencing various forms, which made for a spirit shrine or place offerings. Dolmen shrine that developed into among the people who have advanced megalithic used as a seat by chieftains or kings were still alive.

All human beings who live on this earth, have a desire to know all the ins and outs that exist in the natural surroundings, including our ancestors in ancient times that has not been influenced by the modern sciences. The more advanced the mind human, the deeper he plumbed the secrets of the natural surroundings and the wider the view the limit anyway. In contrast to humans who were alive at the thought of a simple nature, it is definitely the limit may be more narrow view of it.

What is described above that the gods, spirits and magic, not all worshiped and honored with affection, precisely there that intimidated them, thus encouraging human or our ancestors to pay their respects, for example, give offerings, victims, and others. With such actions, be they expected protected and not get hazard. Maybe once the deeds of our ancestors towards dunuia outside pancainderanya it, is the beginning of the development of their kepercayaandi. Apparently, the conception of 'magic' is more rooted in the old ethnic society in Indonesia.

Developments of religion on the island of Sumatra is the role of 'traditional way' which over the centuries since our ancestors know Hindu and Islamic culture. Traffic across the world that our homeland from all directions, a culture (cultuurroute) in the development of Indonesian culture. Even situated areas close to the pulse of the traffic, got in contact with a foreign culture, which almost always involves acculturation in Indonesia. Civilization is only a 'thin 'layer' on top of the original Indonesian civilization Austris pattern and a source of copyright in the role of Indonesian history over the centuries. The penetration of foreign culture has influenced Indonesia's role with the commercial world is following the path of Hindu civilization.

Through traditional commercial street via the Malacca and Sunda, so is the case with Islam entered into our country via Arab, India and Persia (Iran) merchants, howsoever caused not have to import it into the country, which then affects people's lives Indonesian nation and state in general, and especially in contact with coastal regions traversed ataun port or the trade route.

Sriwijaya empire collapse at the end of the XIV century and dilancarkanya expedition under Zheng Ming in the early 15th century in Southeast Asian waters arrival of the Portuguese who brought 'disease' crusade. 'Demak keratin' revolution that occurred in the 16th century, accelerating the process of Islamization in this area. Palembang as the first home of the founder of the kingdom of Raden Patah of Demak, Demak and recognizes the power of developing into a new expansion to the Islamic center as a powerful driving motors. The process of Islamization in the hinterland ('Uluan') is somewhat different than in the center of the kingdom, such as in the area of ​​Palembang, where the role of the preacher, priest, religious teachers, and pilgrimage-Hajj, is very important. In addition, the role of the Musi river with her children (Batang Sembilan) not less important, because the river is a means of communication at the time. With a river boat ride menghudik native preachers spreading the religion with persistent up to the hinterlands.

Sriwijaya navigation capabilities in the news Arabian history, narrated that Sriwijaya also entered trade relations by sea to the east coast of Africa in 1154 AD It is not surprising, because the trade overwater taken from Maluku alone is Sriwijaya eighth circle of the earth. The development of religion in this era embraced pendidikanya Hindu-Buddhist, Islamic, and Christian. How the development of these religions in the nineteenth century, can not know for sure, because of the difficulty getting transportation sources of the religion.

As we know, that the Hindu-Buddhist kingdom of Srivijaya in the days to 'state religion', so until now there is still a believer in small amounts in some areas, including in the city of Palembang itself. It shows a sign that in the nineteenth century, and the religion was still growing, up until now there are still adherents. Similarly, when entering Islam in Sumatra are able to influence the minds and trust of the population., Has been spread by the chaplain. It has shown us that in the nineteenth century Islam had lived and grown, and it has been embraced by the majority of the population on the island of Sumatra. Subsequently, in the mid nineteenth century the Christian religion flourished. But Christianity is generally supported by the entrants and smaller amounts of the Islamic faith.

After the run what is called 'Political Ethics' in 1900, the influence of western education (secularism) increased evenly among the superiors, and so are the rapid advances made by zending and mission in education, which is silent- silent get subsidies from the colonial Dutch, a great challenge for Islamic institutions in general nationalism, individualism and so are the particular characteristics of the western nations, which at the time was starting to get in the way of thinking among the educated natives who received education from the West.

Kuantan Community - Lubuk Jambi

Kuantan community and Kerinci society even inherit the same or similar myth to the people of Minangkabau, derived respectively in Lubuk Tambo and Tambo Natural Kerinci in Jambi. The second legend linking origin community with an oversized name Iskandar Zulkarnain, the same as listed in the Natural Tambo Minangkabau. What is different is the culture of the chapter who is the founder and creator of custom rules for each community.

Kuantan community believes that the Maharaja is the son of Alexander the Kings when he got on the island of Sumatra (Gold island), landing on the Hill Grill in upstream Batang Kuantan-Inderagiri  is on the edge, and then establish the Kingdom Kandis the palace named the Palace Dhamna. According to the Lubuk Kuantan, namely the legendary figure Minangkabau people, Datuk Perpatih Nan Sabatang and Katumanggungan just Patih and Prince Hero Member of the Royal Koto Alang, was a splinter empire upstream of Batang Kuantan is being attacked by Kandis larger kingdom. This Patih and Tumenggung fled to Mount Marapi, while the king fled to Jambi is to Muara Batang.

In the version of the Minangkabau people, the Maharaja of Kings landed directly on top of Mount Marapi after the seas long enough. Maharaja then set up the oldest villages in Minangkabau villages namely Pariangan on the south slope of Gunung Marapi.

Kerinci community

The same money, the people Kerinci also admitted linked to the Maharaja of Kings, except that they agreed with the story about "down from the top of the Mountain Marapi". Kerinci community just make branches own story by stating that his ancestors are Indarbayang, sailing directly from Mount Marapi to Mount Kerinci, but due to the rugged terrain that brought the ship finally docked at Mount Nettles. A stick figure Datuk Nan Perpatih  is also known in the Tambo Alam Kerinci. For the record, this actually Kerinci region already has a very old civilization that was developed by the Proto-Malay communities with megalithicum culture. Kerinci is one of four regions in Sumatra who had known characters. Growing in Kerinci script called incung script. Three other areas that have characters in Sumatra is Mandailing, Rejang and Lampung.

Immigrants from India

A hypothesis found that Minangkabau cultural affinity with Hellenism culture that developed in India after the conquest of the Indus River valley region by Alexander the Great. One trail that corroborate this hypothesis is the finding of similarity of nearly 90% from one carving patterns Minangkabau with one carving patterns that developed in Gandhara region. Shaped coil motif is the grape leaf motif that has existed since ancient Greece. Besides the names of the ancestors of the Minangkabau in Tambo is also identical to the typical Indian names. An example is the Maharaja and Indra Jelita.

Karo ethnic - Marga Sembiring

The roots of Indian culture is also found in the Karo, Pakpak and Mandailing ethnics. Karo ethnic especially Marga Sembiring is believed to come from Cheti and Tamil, India. In the book of constitution Pardosi dynasty, rulers of Barus, stated that the source of all sources of law in the kingdom comes from the indigenous Bugis, Cheti, Islam and others. In Barus alone we can easily find traces of Tamil culture, for example in the form of vocabulary such as marapulai, marble, mate, mahligai and so on (remember tomb mahligai in Barus). Sembiring clan itself has sub-clans with names such typical Tamil namely Brahmana, Pelawi, Depari, Maha, Pandia, Meliala and Cholia. Sembiring itself in the Karo original language means the 'black' (the 'mbiring') which refers to the physical characteristics of South Indian Tamil origin.

Pakpak ethnic 

In the northwest region of North Sumatra Province, dwells too ethnic Pakpak. Told in Pakpak history that their origin is from South India, from Indika Tondal to Tapus Estuari near Barus and growing in Pakpak land and into land parts. Basically since they already have a clan from the country of origin, but later formed a new clan that is not much different from the original clan.

Told that the early Pakpak ancestor is Kada and Lona who had left their villages in India and stranded on beach Barus and continue to enter to the Dairi land, have a child of their marriage, named Hyang. Hyang is a sacred name in Pakpak ethnic.

Role Barus City

Both ethnicity above that Karo ethnic - Marga Sembiring and Pakpak strongly associated with the role of Barus City on the west coast of North Sumatra near Sibolga now. Barus is an international trading city in the world which are well known in the east along the trade routes of China, Champa, India, Persia, Arabia to continue to 'Asia Kecil' (Turkey), Egypt and Rome. Barus city immediately brings us to the memory 'kampar' (camphor) in the Dutch language, perhaps of the spoken word lime kofur by the Arabs). Similarly, frankincense (beruoe in Dutch) probably from the Arabic word (lu) tire-ox or incense Sumatra.

Camphor and incense that was long ago exported from Barus addition to other outcomes such as gold, ivory and culabadak. But the most important camphor, because the commodity is what makes Barus City so famous in the world at that time. Barus camphor from the city is the most widely sought after because of the best quality, best-selling and the price is approximately 8 times more expensive than lime-camphor origin elsewhere. (Marco Polo never mentioned, the price of gold camphor as the same weight!). Imagine how advances in an area that holds the monopoly of a commodity (camphor and incense) are highly sought after "developed world" past both in Asia and northern Africa and probably in Greece.

A Dutch once wrote that the incense of Barus, has been used as one of the preserve (embalming) the bodies of the kings of Egypt before Christ. Because of the importance of this Barus City, since ancient times has been known in the world of trade names baros, balus, Pansur, Fansur, pansuri (from Pansur little village in the north of Barus), Kalasaputra (from the word Kalasan, camphor-producing areas between the Barus City  and Chenendang River), karpura-dwipa, barusai (by Ptolemy of Alexandria about the beginning of the solar year), hibiscus-Preferred and others.

Mandailing ethnic 

We switched to Mandailing ethnic inhabiting the southern part of the province of North Sumatra. Mandailing narrated Munda is derived from a region in Central India. They have moved on to a 6-century, as the nation was hit by an attack from Iraq Arayan expand their influence. After crossing the Himalayas they settled briefly in Mandalay, the Burmese ancient mother country. It is probable Mandalay name itself comes from Burma the word that follows the Mandailing accent.

Once again. move because they forced the tribal upheaval in Burma are often fought. At that time they crossed the Strait of Malacca, which at the time was not a big ocean, so it's understandable that at times certain areas of Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula Land only separated by a small strait.

The Munda has triumphed across the small sea and established a kingdom in Batang Pane, Portibi, the incident allegedly occurred at the end of the century-6. Kingdom of  Munda Holing up in Portibi has become the renowned and extend his conquests to large partially coast of Sumatra and Malaya. This situation raises ire to the Maharaja and he attacked the  Rajenderacola royal Munda Holing and coastal stateother in 9th century. Munda Holing the royal army led by Raja Odap-Odap been killed by Rajenderacola and power throughout the Batang Pane region. His fiancee has crossed Dolok Malea (blessing Himalayan climb ancestors) Borudeakparujar by holding a lump of soil in Portibi to forge a new kingdom ('Manompa Banua').

Kingdom of Majapahit Assault to Mandala Holing 

The second kingdom in Sumatra founded in Pidoli Dolok recognized as royal Mandala means Holing people Rivet region. At that time they still worship the Hindu god Siva. In the 13th century, the Majapahit Empire has invaded into Lamuri and Mandailing. Once again this has been Mandala Holing kingdom on earth scorched and destroyed. Population in captivity can not have a run-forestry and mixed with native slang. Then formed Marga Pulungan means that 'cited-quote'. In the 14th century and the 15th, Marga Pulungan has established three Bagas Godang above three peaks Hill but the kingdom is no longer a huge empire, only the royal village.

Relations with the Pagaruyung Kingdom 

In the mid-14th century, there is a legend three children of Paga Ruyung lordship named Betara SinombaBatara Gorga Pinanyungan and the youngest daughter Langgoni who founded two kingdoms have been driven by new. The Batara Sinomba lordship of Paga Ruyung by mistake originated with his brother Princess Langgoni. Both the sisters had migrated along with his followers and established a kingdom in the city of Penang. Which in Pertuan Pinang City is what kings down to Kota Raja, ampung Raja and Jambi. Her sister Betara Gorga Pinanyungan justly found guilty by a cousin of his mother is Princess Rumandang next month. Because no longer the heir to the throne so princess betrothed to Raja Gayo.


That's the history of the people who inhabit the island of Sumatra. Starting with people who came from Proto-Malays of 'Rear Indies' during the period 4000 BC and prefers to stay in the mountains. Continued by his successors, namely Deutro Malay community who migrated from 500 BC to the early centuries AD, followed sporadically by immigrants from various parts of India like Gandhara, Chetiya, Munda, Indika Tondal and last Tamil. Even the people of Aceh is a society most of Tamil descent (outside Champa and Arabic). Proto-Malay communities leaving traces of high civilization to the size of the stone age as dozens of existing Menhir, Mahat, 'Limapuluh Koto', West Sumatra and the inscriptions are scattered in the Sick, Kerinci, and Jambi villages.

Now immigrants are not contemporaries that have been mixed and produced cross-culture that ultimately formed dozens of diverse cultures on the island of Sumatra. (EN)

Gandoang. June 23, 2014
(from various sources)


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