Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014



Since 1995, I never find Barigit in Mandailing Natal anymore. Before this year, many people in Mandailing used barigit as the place of water. Barigit made from Bamboo. People cut from bambo tree. People made at the bottom being close, it is for basis, and on the top will open. It will become a way to pour the water inside barigit.

In 1995 and before, we find many kind of bamboos in Mandailing. People chose the big one to make barigit. Usually as big as our thight. Or had 15 Cm diametre. The long of barigit around 1 metre. So it could keep much water. Maybe until 5 or 6 litre. It is one of the traditional tool in Mandailing. In one house usually has 4 or 5 barigits. Whenever a woman or a mother of the family goes to bathing place (Pancur Paridian), they would bring barigit as the place of water. Usually Mandailing people take a bath in river long time ago. Even in the village, the tradition to take a bath in river still do by many people until now. In barigit, every family keep water for inggredient, such us for drink, for washing face, washing hand and the other. But when the chinese seller has bring pail to Mandailing, people have been not use barigit anymore. People choose a pail as the place of water nowadays. 

When I was a child, I still looked this tradition in many villages, but I don't find nowadays anymore. Mandailingnese has been very modern now. Maybe the same modern with else people in this world. It is one of story in Mandaling long time a go.


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