Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014


Sheikh Abdul Qadir bin Al Mandili Tholib, North Sumatra 
Biography Ulama Nusantara 

Mandaliling an issue where many great scholars and reliable, between the cleric is Sheikh Abdul Qadir binTolib famous great scholars in Makkah and in the Malay peninsula, There are among us who are not aware of the cleric named Abdul Qadir Mandailing, but the there are two well-known scholars, a more famous in Makkah and Indonesia, while another more famous in Malaysia. Which is very famous in Makkah Sheikh Abdul Qadir master teacher Sobir bin al-Mandili who has taught at Mecca Masjid haram, he is the teacher of all the great scholars of the archipelago, among his disciples Mustafa Sheikh Hussein al-Mandili (founder Musthafawiyah 1912 AD), Sheikh Abdul Halim bin Ahmad al-Mandili Khathib, Abdurrahim Silver Sheikh, Sheikh al-Habib Abdullah Syafi`iyyah Mufti of Perak Ipoh, Kuala Kangsar Sheikh Muhammad Ali, Shaikh Zainuddin When, Sheikh Zainuddin al-Palembani, Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Wahab Ja`far, Sheikh Hasan infallible Medan Deli, Sheikh Daud bin Mahmud al-Jawi, Sheikh Abdul-Latif Mantu, Sheikh Uthman Tegal, Sheikh Mohammad Hussein al-Palembani al-Makki, Sheikh al-Muhsin al-Palimbani Musawa al-Makki, Sheikh Mohammed bin Sleh Idris al-Kelantani al-Makki and others. 

While Sheikh Abdul Qadir very famous in Malaysia is the son of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Mandili Tolib. Origin of his birth and I Buya Sheikh Ibrahim al Mandaili Zannun said: "Sheikh Abdul Qadir bin Tolib born in the village in affluent Penyabungan Sigalapang Christmas Mandailing North Sumatra Indonesia, while Sheikh Abdu al-Qadir bin Sobir Mandili was born in Huta Siantar Penyabungan Mandailaing North Sumatra. Sheikh Abdul Qadir bin Tolib was born in the year 1329 Hijri, childhood spent in his hometown, when he was just like the children Mandailaing busy with recitation of al-Qur`an and studied Islamic religion, Islam Mandailaing a strong base and abiding by the religion that affect psychiatric Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Mandili". 

The tradition migrated to Malaysia not only abundant in this day and age, even since ancient times many people of Sumatra who migrated and emigrated to the land of Malaysia, one of the reasons among many people of Sumatra who emigrated to Malaysia is because the population of the island of Sumatra inhabited Malay, from the royal Langkat until the kingdom of Palembang is Malay and Malay kingdoms, ancient Sumatra Malay people are very strong and close relationship with the Malay Malaysian displacement and emigrated because that happens a lot, even the marital relationship was a lot going on. 

Among the many inhabitants of the island of Sumatra which also berhijarah to the country of Malaysia is the Mandailaing, sebahagian meraka anyone wants to make a living, sebahagiannya longer want to seek religious knowledge, courage Mandailaing residents who fled their homes to seek knowledge to fruition is quite encouraging, so Mandaling spawned many great scholars and intellectuals reliable. 

When Sheikh Abdul Qadir age became an adult he emigrated to Malaysia, in Malaysia, he studied religion of the great scholars of Kedah state, he was so zealous search for knowledge, as well as diligence in worship. Emigrated to Mecca in 1355 hijriyah Sheikh Abdul Qadir left for Makkah al-Mukarramah to perform the rituals of Hajj, Hajj Fardhu after he intends to settle in Makkah al-Mukarramah in order to learn the great scholars who were in Mecca, during the first Makkah is the center of clerics recitation of the archipelago, so many of the youths in the archipelago who wants to spend his youth in Makkah to study, in study of religion is so developed at that time, halaqah-halaqah recitation filled by students. 

Sheikh Abdul Qadir do not want to miss to study well in Mecca, the more determined he attended the lectures of various kinds, from Tawheed, Tasauf, Fiqh, Hadith and others, but his attention to the science tasauf very big, so he tried to to learn and apply it in their everyday lives. Among his teachers was in Makkah Sheikh Mohammad Ali al-Maliki, Omar Sheikh Hamdan Mahrusi, Sheikh Hasan bin Muhammad Masyat, Sheikh Ismail al-Fathoni and Sheikh Mohammad Yasin al-Fadani. After his recitation in Makkah Makkah scholars and scholarly look at the ability of Sheikh Abdul Qadir, then he was given permission to teach in Mecca mosque haram, he berusa to provide easy-to-par understanding of his students, he almost disiflin science teaching in mosque al-Haram, from Nahu halted, Sorof, Hadith, Musthalah Hadith, Tafseer, Fiqh and other Syafi`i. His disciples were never silent, Halaqah he always fulfilled, never less than two hundred students, he was able to attract the attention of students with scientific ahliannya danke, the students are very pleased with the way he teaches, so it is easy to understand it, he one of the archipelago scholars who are not born in Makkah but teaching in Mecca Masjid al-Haram. 

Death of Sheikh Abdul Qadir on December 20 Rabi`ul Awwal 1385 Sheikh Abdul Qadir bin hijriyah Tholib breathed their last meeting with Allah, after suffering a disease which he suffered, the people of Mecca very kewafatan grieve with him, so lose the clerical students role models their sobs kewafatan envelops pious scholar, many mourners and pensolat show how great their love of Sheikh Abdul Qadir a-Manidili, he was buried in the cemetery at Makkah Mukarramah Ma`la. [*]


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