Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

The type of meaning

As we know that "language" is one of the elements of culture which is based on conventional social agreement or for use as a means of communication. "Language" made ​​up "language spoken" and "written language", where "language spoken" is the "primary language", while "writing language" is "secondary language". Indeed, society is doing a social agreement on the language to be used. In other words, language can not be separated from society. In this case, language is a system of arbitrary symbol of the sound produced by the human vocal organs and are used by people for communication, cooperation and self-identification. 

In this connection, which is not arbitrary relationship between sound symbol of the object. Understanding of the correct use of language in writing and orally based on the rules of written language in linguistic books and agreed upon as a standard rule language. However, in practice the use of language have different meanings taken by any person. This meaning is studied in the field of semantics. More narrowly meanings are discussed in this article is one of the "local language" and is also the native language of the ethnic Mandailaing people living in North Sumatra, especially in South Tapanuli, Mandailaing Natal, Angkola, Padang Lawas, Sibuhuan, and several other areas. As will be discussed is "semantic Mandailaing language" is the same discussion with semantics in the "Indonesian". In This article discusses the definition and tested examples of what the meaning is often used by tribes Mandailaing community in conversation and everyday life associated with sematic (type meaning). 

It is known that up to now there is no decomposition and identification of the "type of meaning" (semantic) Mandailaing language. Therefore, this article raises the issue so that the reader knows what the GCC are "type of meaning" in Mandailaing. The theory used in this article is that general meaning types: common objects, common properties, and similarity pristiwa or activity. And this article aims to find words, phrases, and sentences are classified as "type of meaning" in Mandailaing, and other forms of "type of meaning" in identifying the language contained in Mandailaing. 

Type Meaning (Semantics). This "type of meaning" is a branch of science that are also talking about the semantic meaning. Type Mandailaing meaning in language generally widely available in the literature elements owned by communities Mandailaing such as proverbs, rhymes and poems. There was also a language that is often used by people in conversation and everyday life that the meaning of the type of material to include common objects, common traits or characteristics, and similarity pristiwa or activity. 

Type the meaning (semantics) is the study of meaning based on its type. In this case, "type" is the grouping of things based on common objects, common traits or characteristics possessed objects, things, pristiwa or other activity. (Djajasudarma: 17). These types of meaning proposed by Leech (1974), which divides the "type of meaning" as follows: 

1) Conceptual meaning (sometimes called denotative or cognitive) in a broad sense is considered a central factor in the communication language and it can be shown as something solid for essential functions on a language, not like the types of different meanings. 

2) Associative Meaning. Associative meaning a combination of connotative meaning, stylistic, affective, reflection and kolokatif which has an open character, without limit and allows for analysis according to the scale or distance rather than an analysis that dragged, which should be this or that. 

3) Connotative meaning. Connotative meaning is the communicative value of an expression according to what is referred to, exceed the above contents are purely conceptual. Connotative meanings include "the nature of the putative 'of its benchmark, due to the view accepted by an individual or a group, or all members of society. 

  4) Meaning and Affective stylistic stylistic meaning is the meaning of a word that shows the social environment of use. Stylistic meaning of a text can didekoding through the introduction of various dimensions and levels of use within the scope of a language. While the affective meaning of the term used for a type of meaning, often explicitly manifested by conceptual or connotative content and the words used. 

5) Meaning Reflection. Reflection is the meaning of meaning that arise in the case of multiple conceptual meaning, when one sense of the word forms part of our response to another sense. 

6) Meaning Kolokatif. Kolokatif meaning consists of the associations a word derived, which is caused by the meaning of words that tend to appear in the environment. 

7) Thematic Meaning. Thematic meaning or meanings are communicated according to the order, the focus and emphasis. But in this paper will discuss the types of meaning in language generally Mandailaing. 

There are also types of meaning in language Mandailaing in general include: 
a. Object similarity. This type occurs as a result of the common goal of an object or an object with another object. Examples of the language Mandailaing: 
~ Angin Sipurpuron interpreted as breath. 
~ Gondang means drum, instrument music, repertoire, ensemble, and so on. 
~ Bombat that voice that tells gondang danger. 
~ Bombat peninggungi is gondang the voice that tells that the king was seriously ill. 
~ The word "wind" in the mean wind Mandailaing language (Indonesian). In use, there are several types of wind namely: pata-pata aris (wind storm), angin markalincuncung (wind whirlwind), angin satua gada (hurricane). Pasek turiang nagari means king, have in common with puang loan which means king in Mandailaing language. 
~ Partungkup king meaning village or villages. 

b. The similarity of characteristics or properties of similarity of characteristics and nature are two things that have the same characteristics or properties but different objects. Objects that are diperumpamakan animal or plant while a reference is man. In Mandailaing language, this kind of language found in many proverb Mandailaing. example: 
~ Sohon buhu manyosoi (proverb) meaning as wood suffocating. That is, wood that has usually had vertebra vertebra boundary. If the timber has a segment boundary, the timber segment will be strong. Proverb is intended for those who want always to the middle, each self-effacing. 
~ Songon joraton pusuk ni seno. (proverb) meaning like bondage shoots pumpkins. That is, people are considerate and not much acting. 
~ Songon Sarumpaet na lobat bunga, (proverbs) means a person who is in a beautiful state, or is in its beauty. 
~ Songon sirumondop manguasoi langit (proverbs). That is, the humble and the poor help the rich or helping people. 
~ In the poem, which depicts a young man's anger to a virgin or girl: tak si uning-uning tak si palu-palu tak utengku o’le bujing na sora di au. Meaning: no flute-jaundice jaundice of the plant not the hammers do not, O virgin who did not want me. 
c. The similarity of events or other activities. Something that is considered to have close ties causing considered the same thing about the events, circumstances, and activities. example: 

i. The word 'Narobi' which means the period or era. In the formation of new words such as: - Na itom na robi meaning the Hindus to Angkola/Mandailaing. - na bontar means that the Europeans get to Angkola/Mandailaing. - na rinca means the Tuanku Nan Doit up to Angkola/Mandailaing. 

ii. The word 'dead' in Indonesian, has a variety of language in language Mandailaing literary language (hata andung) verbal abuse (hata teas), hata datu (hata sibaso), if the language was in the forest (hata parkapur), a common language (hata somal) and are: mate, jumolo, malongas, marobur, arkar tapu-tapu. All these words have meaning 'dead'. 

So some examples and discussion of the types of meaning in Mandailaing language. It is recognized that there are still many lack the artkel arranged so that the need for advice and input from various parties in order to create a better writing for the next. Type meaning not only studied and identified in Indonesian only, but the local language is also a concern. Therefore, further research needs to be holding to produce writing that is more detailed and complete at a later date. 


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