Minggu, 31 Agustus 2014

contiguity of traditional Minang and Mandailing


Dona Erviantina (1)

Anthropology Sociology Program Educational Studies 
Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences 
State University of Padang 
email: donaerviantina@ymaaill.com 


This paper discusses the existing Mandailaing in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung. Based on research that describes and explains the Mandailaing use some of the elements of Minangkabau culture. The approach used in this research is a qualitativeapproach to the type of ethnographic. Informant selection snowball sampling techniques. Data were collected through interviews, observation and documentation, and Analyzed by interactive analysis techniques using measures of Miles and Huberman analysistechniques of research items, namely: reducing the the data, displaying the data, and drawingconclusions. The results revealed that Mandailing people in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung uses some elements of Minangkabau culture such as wedding ceremonies, death, and language arts. Minangkabau culture dominance occurred is because of the long lived, "bainduak", the same religion, and the amalgamation occurred. 

KeywordsMandailaing People, the dominant culture, ethnic boundaries, the use of elements of Minangkabau culture

A. Preliminary

Border area is a place that has two or more cultures interact. Pasaman is one of the districts in the province of West Sumatra, which is administratively Natal border with Mandailing North Sumatra province, so there Minangkabau ethnic population and a resident population Mandailaing tribes of the nation Mandailing Natal Propince of North Sumatra, residents not only from the Minangkabau ethnic, but also ethnic Mandailaing.(2) 

According to legend Minangkabau, District Rao is an overseas region of Luhak Tanah Datar, there is vacant land in the district resulted Rao, Mandailaing People move and open residential land, so until now there are many people in the district Rao, Mandailaing people compared the Minangkabau who are locals. 

Mandailaing people in the border areas as newcomers adapt to the environment in which they are located, owned cultural pattern is the result of adaptation to the social environment, among others, a different culture. Adaptation to the natural environment manifested in various types of livelihood they have, in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung, Mandailaing people learn trading techniques which are skills possessed by the Minangkabau people, as well as transportation services. Then people started Mandailaing have the same expertise with Minang people in trade and transport services. Though at first only rely on expertise to cultivate agricultural land to make ends meet.(3) 

Adaptation to the social environment manifested in cultural patterns as a result of interaction with different ethnic cultural background. From the result of adaptations made, do not close that in society there Jorong Pasar Rao dominant culture, then there are also cultures that still serves as a frame of reference and preserved within each social group interacting. 

Mandailaing people as newcomers to follow most of the elements in the life of Minangkabau culture. Though the nation Mandailaing is "sub-tribes Batak" from Province of North Sumatra. This is the interested researchers in researching Mandailaing people in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung. This study focused on people who use part Mandailaing elements of Minangkabau culture in Jorong Pasar Rao

Assumed Minangkabau culture is the dominant culture in Jorong Pasar Rao, the alleged conduct of some traditional ceremonies Mandailaing people use most of the elements of culture Minangkabau, therefore researchers want to know why Mandailaing people using elements of Minangkabau Culture in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung District of Pasaman District? 

This study aims to describe and explain cultural elements that Mandailing people use in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari  Tarung Nagari-Tarung District of Pasaman-Rao who follow some elements of Minangkabau culture. 

Looking at the phenomenon that occurs, will be appropriate if the dominant culture is explained by the theory by Professor Edward M. Burner(4) declare substantive model of inter-ethnic relations reflect reality in a context of local power structures. Relationships between ethnic groups is determined by the nature of the relationship between local ethnic groups as well as with the existing power structure. 

Further stating Frederik Barth(5) is ascriptive ethnic identity, because the identity of the person classified on the identity of the most common and fundamental is based on the place or origin, then that ethnic boundaries are still there, even though there is a process of mutual penetration of cultures between the two ethnic different. Cultural differences always remain despite inter-ethnic contact and interdependence among ethnic groups that happen. 

B. Research Methods 

The researcher used a qualitative approach because this approach is able to describe and explain the Mandailaing people in Nagari Tarung-Tarung District of Pasaman Rao who uses elements of Minangkabau culture and consider in order to understand more deeply about aspects Mandailaing encourage people to use the elements of Minangkabau culture. The study was conducted with ethnographic research, aims to find the essence of a culture and its unique complexity for a description of the group, interaction.(6) Furthermore, culture refers to browse the attitudes, knowledge, values ​​and beliefs that influence the behavior of a particular group. In this study examines the Mandailing people in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung Tarung using the elements Minangkabau culture. 

C. Discussion 

Humans are politikon zoon, namely social creatures who love living have a group or find a friend to "living togather".(7) Leads to interaction, both with the same group or different, so that the people in Jorong Rao Mandailaing Tarung Nagari-fighting occurs as follows: 

1. Use Element of Culture Minangkabau by People Mandailaing. 

As a newcomer, whose land is dominated by Minangkabau culture affects Mandailaing people, as seen in some of the Minangkabau culture elements used by the Mandailaing people as follows: 

a) Marriage Ceremony. 

Each ethnic differences in performing marriage ceremonies, marriage ceremonies in the actual customs Mandailaing known as marriage honesty, the men pay money to buy women's aiming honesty, after the women living in the husband's relatives. In Mandailaing custom, wedding ceremony would take place when the boys meet money honesty, if it is unable to meet the agreement, then the men took women to elope known as "marlojong", or full name "mangalojongkon boru". 

According to some informants in Mandailaing custom called "marlojong" with "manjujur" ​​no longer found in the Jorong Pasar Rao, in this area there is a rule, so it can not be owned custom implemented at will, just like the sky where there trampled arth upheld. Based on the observation that researchers do "manjujur" ​​and "marlojong" in Mandailaing custom not found when the Mandailaing carry out marriage ceremonies in Jorong Pasar Rao, marriage rites were performed the same as the Minang. 

Mandailaing people stated that the Mandailaing customs, when they carry out marriage ceremonies cook together, but they are simple dishes, dishes that should be there that is mashed cassava leaf stew, scrambled eggs, chili, crackers and fried fish, is the menu that is served to guests, but now a lot of menus that served as "rendang", jackfruit curry, "lemang", spicy sour fish curry. Used clothes bride Mandailaing when people wear the marriage ceremony the bride and bridegroom Minangkabau and biting at the wedding, no one is providing custom clothing Mandailaing bride for the marriage ceremony. 

b) Death Ceremony 

Mandailaing customs if a marriage is at the time held the traditional ceremony, then at the time of death must also be done with the traditional ceremony of death. When people die from the world is an obligation for those organized bodies, usually gathered at the funeral home until the bodies are buried, no one should go home. The mother brought the rice when going mourn, let alone if the death of a father in a family must be buried by custom, would otherwise be payable to the family and when the children will perform tomorrow, the next day the marriage is not allowed by custom as well, until the family to pay the debt. 

Mandailaing people died when implementing marpege-pege to entertain people who come to mourn, then no one home to complete burial. Based on field observations, researchers found that traditional ceremonies again be lakasanakan people Mandailaing, when the death of one member of the family, local communities implement cook together to entertain people came for. Furthermore, carrying out lectures for one week until the hundredth day. 

c) Language 

Mandailaing tribe has its own language and script, development of civilization in the past Mandailaing language has grown into a unique language. Language Mandailaing there are actually five different forms of language with the use of words. 

First in custom Mandailaing said "Hata Somal" (colloquialism) used in day-to-day. "Hata Andung" (the words of lamentation) used at the time bemoaning the bride's body and used to lament the time to leave her family because her husband brought home. "Hata teas dohot jampolak" (dirty word) used for invective. "Hata Parkapur" (sayings ask permission) is used by people who are in the woods, Hata sibaso (spell words) typically used in traditional medicine. 

Based obesrvasi, language is a tool of communication in everyday life, with language interaction will occur with others. Language is the language used in the interaction Mandailaing and Minang language (dialect Rao). Based on the results of research in the field of language Rao Minangkabau dialect different from the Minang language, and is used to interact in the environment, then Mandailaing language used when communicating between people. 

d) Arts 

When attending the marriage ceremony Mandailaing, not found Mandailaing the traditional art form of dance "Tortor" and "Gordang Sambilan". "Tortor" dance is a dance that aims to entertain the guests as wedding ceremonies and ceremonies Mandailaing. 

Arts barganzi and randai used to entertain the guests, and the organ is one entertainment tool of choice when the marriage ceremony. Not seen dance tor-tor in Jorong Pasar Rao when traditional ceremonies, because no one can dance. Though the Mandailaing custom a traditional dance, but are not preserved by the Mandailaing in Jorong Pasar Rao Naga Tarung-Tarung

Dominant culture proposed by Professor Edward M. Burner(8), stated that there are three distinct elements but are related as follows: First the existence of social demographic and population ratios include heterogeneity in the level of mixing patterns in the relationships that exist between ethnic groups in a similar context. Both the existence of stability and dominance of the local tribes performed the usual way by ethnic immigrants in touch with the local nationalities, using elements of their respective cultures. All three of the existence of social forces and the distribution was between ethnic groups living in the context of existing background.

Stability of cultural domination by the Minangkabau as locals Mandailaing affect people who live in Jorong Pasar Rao, Minangkabau dominate the different ethnic communities living together in a local environment. Dominance by the Minangkabau culture, resulting in the Mandailaing use most elements include Minangkabau culture in the marriage ceremony, the arts are displayed when the marriage ceremony was not found tor-tor dance used to welcome guests who came, but people Mandailaing invite Minangkabau traditional arts as a means of entertainment for the marriage ceremony. 

Then also seen during ceremonies Jorong Rao Market, as well as the language used when interacting, compared to the amount of inter-ethnic look that is a group of people Mandailaing majority, compared to the Minangkabau only as a minority group. In Rao interacting language is not the language used Mandailaing. 

Limits proposed by inter-ethnic by Frederik Barth, in relation to border areas, Jorong Rao Market Tarung Nagari-fighting is an area border. inter-ethnic boundaries remain. Limitation of visible ethnic kinship systems owned Mandailaing people who are patrilineal and the matrilineal Minangkabau people, as well as the area of ​​origin is also an inter-ethnic ethnic boundaries. 

2 Dominance Minangkabau culture in society Mandailaing. 

Minangkabau culture dominance in society Mandailaing occur because: 

a) Long-Residential 

Place of residence affects the interaction between the different ethnic groups living in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung. If people of different ethnic groups living in relatively long time, causing pencampuaran culture and produce a new culture, to establish the balance and social stability which inhibits conflict. 

Based on the observation that the authors saw the Mandailaing activity in interacting with people around the residence in everyday life, in general they have been long settled, the interaction with the Minang people like having family ties, Mandailaing  and Minang people children play without any restriction from each parent. 

Found no entry of their family origin with certainty, because there is no source of information that must be found, because in general the elderly informants had died. 

b) "Bainduak

"Bainduak" means finding the next of kin according to the traditional Minangkabau, in the hypothesis of the dominant culture, the two elements which determine the case associated style tribes, states the existence of stability or the dominance of the local ethnic culture, People Mandailaing in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung follow all the rules imposed Minang people as locals and was in the area of Minangkabau culture, rules that are satisfied by the Mandailaing in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung  is one one form of domination culture of the Minang. 

Newcomers in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung if you want to settle should bainduk to "mamak" in Minang people through the village headman, must be good at taking care "mamak" in Minang people to be accepted. When they fulfill conditions that prompted "mamak", the officials who attended the traditional Minangkabau as: "ninik-mamak", scholars, intellectuals, traditional leaders and Bundo "Kandung". When asked to "bainduak" readiness, the Mandailaing says ready, then asked to choose a tribe, tribal elections should not be not indigenous tribe in the village, and held the inaugural race, then announced to the attending that has officially become one here and have a tribe. 

Based on observation, Mandailaing people who live in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagai Tarung-Tarung this, indeed bainduak the Minangkabau people, because it is customary for the provision of the Minangkabau people who want to make a home in the vicinity, in order to gain recognition in the community, then the Mandailaing follow this rule. 

c) Religion 

Religion is an important institution or institutions that regulate human spiritual life. Confidence brings people to seek nearness to God by means slavishly. Mandailaing people in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagai Tarung-Tarung not Batak admit they are based on the state of the field that generally ethnic religious Mandailaing have different ethnic Batak. 

People Minang custom his philosophy basandi personality, "adat basandi syara’, syara’ basandi kitabullah, adaik jo agamo". It happens to Mandailaing people, was formerly the first Mandailaing not embraced Islam, but since the entry of Islam into the village from the Mandailaing, then they equate with religious custom, much has changed in the lives of indigenous Mandailaing after converted to Islam. 

Based on observation, the Mandailaing embraced Islam, the researchers did not find the non-Muslims living in these areas, people who live in Jorong Mandailaing is not to say the Batak, because they assume the Batak are non-Muslims, the Minangkabau culture Mandailaing following elements as common belief held. 

d) Amalgamation 

Mating between different ethnic groups (amalgamation) which is a result of the existence of social relations that occur in society consisting of diverse nationalities, can not be separated from the interaction between one tribe to another tribe. Such occurrences in social interaction adakala implies a positive, but there are also negative in the stated identity ethnicity (ethnic) of each individual who has made the bond of marriage. 

Through the amalgamation resulted in a change in the cultural elements that exist in each of the different ethnic, existence of marriage between people of two different races or ethnic intermarriage among the Minangkabau and Mandailaing ethnics, then touch with Mandailaing annd Minangkabau culture in the form of marriage among men Minangkabau tribe with tribe women Mandailaing also a process of cultural influences on tribes united by matrimony. 

To avoid conflicts in each culture resulted in a need to control the implementation of the marriage, then the marriage customs union sumando provide drought, marital implementation based owned two customs, so that both parties do not feel the difference. 

Based on interviews and observations, it can be seen mixed marriages will affect and change the cultural elements Mandailaing people in everyday life, in mixed marriages no sanctions of any customary, because this is not a mixed marriage is a marriage or a marriage of brotherhood that tribal citizens. 

Dominant culture proposed by Professor Edward M. Burner(9) is a true picture of inter-ethnic relations that exist in the Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung, the Minangkabau as the locals able to maintain cultural elements owned, the number of ethnic Minangkabau were little, did not result in fading elements of Minangkabau culture. 

The use of cultural elements by the Minangkabau in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung  Mandailing people is the condition of local social relationships intangible social forces that can be dominant, can affect the shape of the pattern of social relations between different ethnic identities are in the same area. 

Maintain the strength of the Minang culture elements, resulting in the Mandailaing must follow elements of Minangkabau culture. 

Cultural differences always remain despite inter-ethnic contact and interdependence among ethnic groups. The occurrence of several elements of culture change in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari Tarung-Tarung elements of Minangkabau culture based research in the field caused by the length settled in the same area, "bainduak" to be recognized as citizens and all the activities involved in the community, faith and marriage equality mixture. 

In general, the limits of inter-ethnic states is ascriptive ethnic identity, the identity of the person is classified on the identity of the most common and fundamental is based on the place or origin, people Mandailaing states derived from Mandailing Natal province of North Sumatra, they follow the elements of Minangkabau culture is due to two elements different cultures are in the border areas of mutual influence, Mandailing people as newcomers to follow the culture of the Minang people. 

D. Conclusion 

Based on the discussion that has been done can be concluded that the person who is sub-tribe Mandailaing nation does not recognize part of Batak or ethnic Batak. Mandailaing people are migrants from Mandailing Natal province of North Sumatra, as a newcomer in the Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari-Tarung-Tarung dominated by Minangkabau culture, affecting Mandailaing people so follow some of the elements such as the Minangkabau culture in the ceremony of marriage, death ceremonies, the use of language and art. 

Mandailaing people use most of the elements of Minangkabau culture, because it has long been settled in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari-Tarung-Tarung Found no entry of their family origin with certainty, because there is no definitive source of information, but they have admitted bainduak. This is social force which is owned by "mamak" in Minang people  determining the market position of immigrants in Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari-Tarung-Tarung  the Mandailaing undergo the applicable rules in order to be accepted by society and various ethnic groups living in the same context. 

Some aspects of culture Mandailaing people who follow some elements of Minangkabau culture as follows: religious influence on Jorong Pasar Rao Nagari-Tarung-TarungTarung follow some elements of Minang culture in their daily lives. Amalgamation influence and change people Mandailaing cultural elements in everyday life. [*]


Foot notes

[1]   This article is written from the author of the thesis with the title of Rao Market Jorong Mandailaing in Nagari Tarung-fighting District of Rao Pasaman writer for graduation period in March 2013, with the supervisor I Adri Febrianto, S. Sos., M.Si and Erda Fitriany supervisor II, S .Sos., M.Si..
[2]    Bapeda Pasaman. Pasaman in angka.2010 p.6
[3]    Rois Leonard Arios. Ethnic identity Border Community, Center for the study of History and Traditional Values ​​Padang. In 2003.
[4]    Parsudi Suparlan. Inter-Ethnic Relations. Jakarta. Police Science Development Foundation Studies Indonesia.1999 p.115.
[5]    Barth, Frederik. Kelompok Etnik dan Batasannya. Jakarta: UI Press . 1988: p.11 
[6]    Prof.Dr.Emzir, M.Pd. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Analisis Data. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada. 2010 p.18.
[7]    Hasan Shadlly. Sosiologi untuk mengenal masyarakat Indonesia. Jakarta: Bina Aksara, 1989 p.56.
[8]    Parsudi Suparlan. Hubungan Antar-Suku bangsa. Jakarta. Yayasan Pengembangan Kajian Ilmu Kepolisian Indonesia.1999 p.115.
[9]    Parsudi Suparlan. Hubungan Antar-Suku bangsa. Jakarta. Yayasan Pengembangan Kajian Ilmu Kepolisian Indonesia.1999 p.115.

List of References 

Arios,Rois Leonard. 2003. Identitas Etnik Masyarakat Perbatasan. Padang: Balai kajian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional.
Bapeda Kabupaten Pasaman. 2010. Pasaman dalam angka.
Lubis, Pengaduan dalam Mandailing Dalam Lintasan Sejarah.10/09/2005
Prof.Dr.Emzir, M.Pd. 2010. Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif Analisis Data. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada.
Shadlly, Hasan. 1989. Sosiologi untuk mengenal masyarakat Indonesia. Jakarta: Bina Aksara.
Suparlan, Parsudi. 1999. Hubungan Antar-Suku bangsa. Jakarta: Yayasan Pengembangan Kajian Ilmu Kepolisian Indonesia.
T.O. Ihromi. 2000. Pokok-pokok Antropologi Budaya. Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia.

Brief Biodata Author 

The name Dona Erviantina born in snag dated February 14, 1990 was educated at SDN 11 Tanjung Alai District of Lubuk Sikaping Pasaman, SMPN1 Lubuk Sikaping Pasaman, SMAN 1 Lubuk Sikaping Pasaman S1 and graduated at the Department of Sociology Faculty Social Sciences, State University of Padang which diwisudakan in the period 96 March 2013.


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