Selasa, 26 Agustus 2014

Clan ancestor Lubis


Over the centuries and until now the public trust Mandailaing that Namora Pande Bosi are the ancestors of the people Mandailaing surnamed Lubis

According to legend, Namora Pande Bosi comes from the Bugis in South Sulawesi. In his wanderings he came to a place called Sigalangan in South Tapanuli. Then he married the daughter of the king in place and known as the noble blacksmith. Namora Pande Bosi and his wife who holds a Nan Tuan Layan Bolan had two sons, named Sutan Borayun and Sutan Bugis

At one point Namora Pande Bosi "meyumpit" (chopsticks) birds go into the woods and there he met a man "bunian" (spirits) princess and marry her. According to one story, the woman is the Lubu (the original). From that marriage, Namora Pande Bosi got two twin boys who were each given the name of Si Langkitang and Si Baitang. When the second child is still in the womb, Namora Pande Bosi left his wife and returned to Hatongga. Si Langkitang and Si Baitang adulthood go looking for their father and found him in Hatongga. Then they lived with their father's family in the place. 

Not much later, there was a dispute between the children Namora Pande Bosi it with her ​​children along Sigalangan princess. Namora Pande Bosi then sent his son Si Langkitang and Si Baitang leave Hatongga. Sent them out to the area Mandailaing and if they find a place where there are two rivers that flow from the two right direction contrary (in Mandailaing called muara patontang) that's where they opened a new settlement. 

After a long wandering finally Si Langkitang and Si Baitang find muara patontang in the Kota Nopan (upper Mandailing), then they open up a new settlement at that place. Not long after her son left Si Langkitang and Si Baitang, Namora Pande Bosi died and was buried in HatonggaNan Tuan Layan Bolon his wife, who died later buried in a place called Hombang Bide, approximately 2 kilometers from Hatongga. His grave was still there until now. 

All descendants of Si Langkitang and Si Baitang spread throughout the Mandailaing land and other places recognized as Mandailaing people surnamed Lubis. In Tarombo Lubis clan composed by Raja Junjungan Lubis in 1897, there was also recorded yhat wife name Namora Pande Bosi, besides Nan Tuan Layan Bolan  and "puteri bunian", is Naparila Boru Dalimunte, meaning Dalimnte shy daughter. 

Tomb Namora Pande Bosi according to the instructions of the king's seed Sigalangan, where Namora Pande Bosi tomb was found in 1963 in Hatongga. Tomb of legendary figures who are well known it is located in the middle of rice fields locals. The tomb is located approximately 2 miles away from the Sumatra Highway Traffic through Sigalangan village, about 14 miles away from the city of Padang Sidimpuan (capital of South Tapanuli). Top business Mandailaing number of people with the surname Lubis, approximately 1.6 kilometers in length from the street towards the Sigalangan village. Namora Pande Bosi tombs were constructed so that it can be reached by motor vehicles (trains). But the road to the tomb, whose length is approximately 232 meters still to be built that can be traversed on foot or by vehicle. If the path length is approximately 232 meters has been constructed, it is always a lot of pilgrims come to visit Namora Pande Bosi, including from Malaysia, will easily come to the tomb glorified it. According to the plan 232 meter-long road would be built with a width of 3 meters.


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