Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

Village in Mandailing

Jurusan Teknik Arsitektur Institut Teknologi Medan

People Settlement in Mandailing consist of some villages that distribute on Mandailing Julu and Mandailing Godang district. In the beginning, those villages has been tradition huta expand to be a village in the future. Living to reside have been exist in Mandailing since those residence people came first in this region. With living to reside, so they have been created kampong-kampong as called huta.
The Villages in Kotanopan, Mandailing has effected the planning as well as the development of the region. This phenomenon has been strengthening by the fact that mostly on the village areas in Mandailing have been dominated by the existence of alaman bolak selangseutang (wide yard in front of King House as symbolize that the village has been done the tradition proses).

The discussion has tried to explain and describe that according to setting statue the villages in Kotanopan has been traditional village and according to people job the villages has been categoried in farm and lake villages. According to social value, the villages has been two caracter namely cultural oriented villages and religion oriented villages. The form of villages which has been delivered by 3 groups, namely (1) Houses Orientation : are villages form which have consentris house setting, (20 Fisiografis Aspect : are valley villages/mountain villages and (3) Non-Fisiografis Aspect : are village along the main street. The pattern of Mandailing Villages has been linier and radial caracter.
Keywords: Settlement area, Huta, Concentric, Linear, Radial

The history of the origin of the name has been much debated Mandailaing until now with a variety of different versions. According Meuraxa (1974) as quoted Lubis (1999: III, 13), the name is derived from the word mande hilang (Minangkabau language) which means 'missing mom' and the word means Mundahilang a also displaced. Mulyana (1964) as quoted Lubis (1999: III, 13) says that the Munda occupied Northern India. Due to the arrival of Aryan tribes and the pressure around the year 1500 BC, and the people fled to the south Munda. After the occupation of the valley of the Ganges, the nation came out of Munda moved towards Assam region of India and Southeast Asia. At this moment there are some nations Munda alleged that goes to Sumatra through the port of Barus on the west coast of Sumatra and continued his journey up into an area that was later called by the name Mandailaing.
Sedentary lifestyle that has long existed in Mandailaing since their ancestors were the first in this area. At first, Mandailing community life and living in mountain areas move from one place to another. When they did not yet have a specific religion and believe in the existence of supernatural beings and Sipelebegu spirits ancestors. In the development Hereinafter, the population began to descend the mountain open new settlements and sedentary life. Villages of origin in mountainous areas is usually only used as abandoned fields and still be used when they settled in new villages (source: interviews with key informants, 2002).

In traditional settlement Mandailaing there a benchmark or guide lines require written similarity of thought in building and organizing orientation. In general, the growing orientation of the building is facing the street, be it the primary, secondary and tertiary. In addition it is also mentioned that there are several buildings that have orientation facing the joint space that constitute the cluster.
Circulation patterns created are generally caused by the needs and activities, such as the circulation path circulation path towards the river and head for the hills or paddy cultivation areas. It also created a link between the circulatory system of the building which is located in between the two buildings are often identified with a 'street rat' or better known by the term 'gang' (al-Fitr, et al., 2000: III, 45).

There are four angles used in the definition of the village. From the point of view of Government Administration, the Village is a legal entity that is based on the original composition, a body corporate and a legal government district or the surrounding region.
While from the point of view of Intercourse Life, Village is one of the ancient forms of life with a few thousand people who all know each other virtually. Most of them live off of agriculture, fisheries and so on. Their efforts will be affected by the laws of nature. In the residence there was a lot of bonding kinship tight, strict adherence to the traditions and social norms.
Geography Perspective, The Village is a geographical manifestation caused by Physiographic elements, socio-economic, political and cultural use within are in relation to other areas.
Another Viewpoint: (a) The village has a social life that know each other between a few thousand inhabitants (2000-5000 people). There are tribal ties, customs and so on; (b) The village is a local entity, living inside a society that can govern itself; (c) Generally, the rural economy is agriculture, which is largely populated farming and make efforts that are closely related to agriculture; (d) The village is the smallest native communion that has its own customs, its own territorial area and wealth / income alone.

From some points of view, it can be concluded that the village is a place where people know each other so, have circulation patterns created are generally caused by the needs and activities, such as the circulation path circulation path towards the river and head for the hills or paddy cultivation areas. It also created a link between the circulatory system of the building which is located in between the two buildings are often identified with a 'street rat' or better known by the term 'gang' (al-Fitr, et al., 2000: III, 45).

The villages can be classified into several kinds, which is based on the status of the location, livelihood and social values​​. Based on the location status: (a) Rural Urban, the village is the smallest administrative unit, but pertumbuhanataupun other things are in the city area, be it municipal, metropolitan and megapolitan; (b) Edge or village in Around Town, A village whose territory borders the administrative area of ​​a city; (c) rural village, the village is located in a rural area of ​​pure (rural) is not located in the border area of ​​the city or urban areas; (d) Isolated village, the village that is located far inland, away from the city and highway, located in areas of the hill or mountain top. Based Livelihood: (a) Village Agriculture, Most of the population live off farming, so that the rural area is a vast agricultural area covers the whole of the countryside; (b) Industrial Village, Most of the population lives from industry, small scale industries and cottage industries (home industry); (c) Fishing Village, a large part of the population living from fishing in the sea; (d) Mining Village, A village is formed due to mining and most of the villagers work life of mine; (e) The village ponds, village is almost equal to the fishing village, it's just in the village pond inhabitants of obtaining fish ponds own livestock population, not derived from the sea as in the fishing village. The village has a wide area of ​​ponds; (f) Village Tourism, Village who initially had lokasilokasi tourism, thus inviting people to come. After coming they will be living around these sites and also use it as a source of livelihood.
Based on the existing Social Value village shrine, resort village, village-oriented cultural and religious village. Village Sacred Place, is a village that is formed due to one or a few places that are considered sacred or hallowed by the group of men. These places can be shaped tombs, temples, caves, where meditation and so on. This led to a lot of people coming to visit and even some who settled around the sacred places to establish settlements oriented to the sacred places.
Village Resorts is a village which is basically just used as mere resting place. Only at certain times of the villagers amounted to much. Oriented Cultural Village, the village of this type can usually terihat clearly from the physical aspects of the arrangement and behavior of its inhabitants. In the midst of culturally-oriented village, for example, there is a square and the square in the banyan tree planting and so on. Religion or Belief oriented village is village life aspects and aspects village a concrete manifestation of religious beliefs held and its inhabitants.

The forms villages in Indonesia can be known through a few things, namely the orientation of the house, Physiographic aspects, aspects nonfisiografis. To determine the shape of the village, the orientation of the house can be considered in two categories, namely (a) The form of the village with the houses that form a group or centralized (concentrated). The houses are assembled in one location which is also the center of the environment; (b) The form of the village with the houses scattered outposts. The houses have scattered locations, so the layout of the house with other houses are relatively far apart.
Physiographic aspects in question will form the villages as follows: (a) the coastal village / beach, its shape is determined by the shape of the coast. If coastal elongated, the elongated shape of the village will spread along the edge of the coast; (b) the village of River Edge / Edge canals, rural development is determined by the shape of the river or canal canal; (c) village of the island, formed due to being on a small island. When the big island, form the village or villages in the island can not be called a village of the island, because the village does not cover the whole island; (d) Rural Valley / Mountains, its shape is influenced by the shape of the valley or the mountains around him so, villages will establish themselves in accordance with the valley or the mountains; (e) Lakeside Village, is almost equal to the riverside village forms. If you follow the riverside village elongated groove, the lakeside village does not extend to follow the edge of the lake.

The villages were affected by not Physiographic aspects are: (a) Along the Highway Village, affected by a highway lane. The growth of the village will be developed in accordance with the direction of the straight road; (b) Scattered Village, consists of a group of settlements are scattered everywhere and form a dispersed village; (c) Mining and Plantation Village, growth is influenced by the state of the mines or plantations thrive; (d) Planned Village, grow on the basis of a particular need, such as transmigration, special settlements or villages tides.

There are some patterns of villages, namely linear village, village radial, concentric and villages scattered villages. Linear village is a thriving village on the pattern lines, like the villages along the highway, villages along rivers and villages along the coast. Radial village or ribbon (ribbon), usually located at the intersection of the highway, or the intersection of two rivers and developed following the direction of the streets or rivers. Concentric village, developed around an open field or alunalun the surrounding buildings are important as village offices, mosques, post offices and the like. Around these important buildings are houses. Scattered villages, almost equal to the scattered villages. When a scattered village settlements affected by the state or perkampungannya, the scattered villages influenced by the prevailing agricultural system in the village. This pattern is the pattern of the village as the village with agricultural livelihood systems with large agricultural areas.

Characteristics and Village Type
Judging from the location status, villages Kotanopan, Mandailaing Christmas categorized into groups Rural Village. Categorized by currency pecaharian in village groups of Agriculture and Village Pond. If in terms of social value, in the villages included in the group Kotanopan villages culturally oriented, as in the concept of setting each filler element is always based on the conception Banua village. Huta zoning and placement elements in accordance with the concept of banua cosmology.
Jae, Julu and Tonga is part of the zone Partonga, Dolok is part of Partoru and is part of a wave of Parginjang.
Form of village
The form of the village in terms of the orientation of existing homes, including in the category with the village form of the houses which form a group or centralized (concentrated). The houses are assembled in one location which is also the center of the environment. Shape in terms of aspects Physiographic village, the villages in Kotanopan categorized into groups of villages of the valley / mountain. Judging from the aspect of non-Physiographic, villages categorized in the Village Along Highway lanes are affected by a highway. The growth of the village will be developed in accordance with the direction of straight highway.

Patterns Village
Pattern Kotanopan villages can be classified into two groups, namely linear pattern and a radial pattern. Linear pattern, because physically the villages developed based on the pattern of lines, follow the linear path. Linear villages consisting of 6 cases, the case-1, case 3, case-5, case-7, Case 8 and Case-9.

Radial pattern indicated by the location of the houses are located along the way form a band. In this category there are 3 cases, namely case-2, cases and case-4-6.

The pattern of villages there always follows the general pattern of settlement Mandailaing, but in some cases have differences or discrepancies. Basically the North-South orientation for Bagas Godang and East-west for Bagas Ordinary according Mandailaing community is not something that is raw, but also very dependent on the local village geographical conditions. However in recent times the observation of several village / kampung (village with the same status as 'Huta') note that villages that do not follow these rules usually do not develop (into Huta) and ultimately affect the status of the village. This status will also affect the next title for the king and the identity of the village as a whole in the eyes of the people who were there. In this case, Alaman Alternating Solasihutang have an important role in the formation of village because of its position as the center of the village is marked by the presence of Bagasse Godang and is an area that determine the identity of the village.

The villages in Kotanopan, Mandailaing Natal based on the status of the location is rural village. Based on the livelihood of the population, the village is a village of Agriculture, because most of the population live off agriculture.
If in terms of social value, in the villages included in the group Kotanopan villages culturally oriented, as in the concept of setting each filler element is always based on the conception Banua village.
Shape villages can Kotanopan classified in three groups, the first based on the orientation of the houses belonging to the group of concentric village, both based on the aspect of a village Physiographic valley / mountain, and the third is based on a non-Physiographic aspects, including the villages along the highway. The pattern can be classified village in Kotanopan into two groups, namely linear pattern and a radial pattern.

The villages in Kotanopan, Mandailaing Christmas along with other elements that are around is a wealth of local communities and will continue to evolve in line with the development of knowledge and technology ilimu and lifestyle demands of society. So the existence of these villages will continue its role might even be more complex. Villages in Kotanopan not just as a traditional settlement common but also as an important feature of the place (the power of place).
Some other interesting topics that need to be studied more deeply through research in the area Mandailaing are: (1) Diversity and Uniformity Villages (Huta); (2) Pattern Building Diversity in the villages (Huta).

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