Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Mandheling Coffee

Sumatra Mandheling Coffee Review

We have provided overview of Sumatra coffee in our latest article. Now let usreview Mandheling coffee or in local language, it is written as Mandailing.
Although Mandheling is least favorite among the Sumatra coffee, it has some afficionados that loves the taste and aroma.

The coffee plantation in Mandheling was started by Dutch in 1700′s and planted in Pakantan highland in the Mandailing Natal region. During the Dutch administration, the Mandheling coffee was considered as one of the famous coffee produced from Dutch East Indie (the name of Indonesia at that time) beside Java coffee.
However, after the Dutch administration no longer managed the coffee plantation, there was a major decline of the coffee production from Mandeling area. Meanwhile the other area from Sumatra has been more famous than Mandheling coffee, they are Lintong and Sidikalang. Later in the beginning of 21st century, Gayo is also known for its good Arabica coffee.
We have discussed the wet-hull processing method which uniquely Indonesian, and no other coffee producers uses the method. The wet-hull or “giling basah” in Indonesian tongue is reducing the acidity and resulting a rich flavor and aroma in the fnal product, however there is a drawback in wet-hull processing which will reduce the quality of coffee.
The wet-hull, if not done carefully will lead to a huge defect in a coffee.
Some will taste mossy and even mushroomy taste that damage the coffee quality. If done consistently, the wet-hull will enhance the flavor of coffee and making it rich in taste and aroma, whether a spicy or earthy taste. However, the Mandheling coffee has not been consistentli producing the same quality coffee for years. Resulting Mandheling coffee as the least desirable coffee among the Sumatra coffee.

It is unfortunate, that a good soil in Pakantan highland in Mandailing Natal that is able to produce a ood quality coffee has missed the chance to consistently producing a good quality coffee just because of inconsistent processing.
source: http://coffeetov.com/coffee-varieties/sumatra-mandheling-coffee-review

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